Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
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13452 lines
332 KiB

"igGetFrameHeight": [
"funcname": "GetFrameHeight",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFrameHeight"
"igCreateContext": [
"funcname": "CreateContext",
"args": "(ImFontAtlas* shared_font_atlas)",
"ret": "ImGuiContext*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(shared_font_atlas)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImFontAtlas* shared_font_atlas=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImFontAtlas*",
"name": "shared_font_atlas"
"defaults": { "shared_font_atlas": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImFontAtlas*)",
"cimguiname": "igCreateContext"
"igTextUnformatted": [
"funcname": "TextUnformatted",
"args": "(const char* text,const char* text_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(text,text_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"defaults": { "text_end": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igTextUnformatted"
"igPopFont": [
"funcname": "PopFont",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopFont"
"igCombo": [
"funcname": "Combo",
"args": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* const items[],int items_count,int popup_max_height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,current_item,items,items_count,popup_max_height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* const items[],int items_count,int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "current_item"
"type": "const char* const[]",
"name": "items"
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "popup_max_height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igCombo",
"defaults": { "popup_max_height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,const char* const[],int,int)",
"cimguiname": "igCombo"
"funcname": "Combo",
"args": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* items_separated_by_zeros,int popup_max_height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,current_item,items_separated_by_zeros,popup_max_height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* items_separated_by_zeros,int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "current_item"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "items_separated_by_zeros"
"type": "int",
"name": "popup_max_height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igComboStr",
"defaults": { "popup_max_height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,const char*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igCombo"
"funcname": "Combo",
"args": "(const char* label,int* current_item,bool(*items_getter)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text),void* data,int items_count,int popup_max_height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,current_item,items_getter,data,items_count,popup_max_height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* current_item,bool(*items_getter)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text),void* data,int items_count,int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "current_item"
"type": "bool(*)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text)",
"signature": "(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text)",
"name": "items_getter",
"ret": "bool"
"type": "void*",
"name": "data"
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "popup_max_height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igComboFnPtr",
"defaults": { "popup_max_height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,bool(*)(void*,int,const char**),void*,int,int)",
"cimguiname": "igCombo"
"igCaptureKeyboardFromApp": [
"funcname": "CaptureKeyboardFromApp",
"args": "(bool capture)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(capture)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool capture=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "capture"
"defaults": { "capture": "true" },
"signature": "(bool)",
"cimguiname": "igCaptureKeyboardFromApp"
"igIsWindowFocused": [
"funcname": "IsWindowFocused",
"args": "(ImGuiFocusedFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiFocusedFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiFocusedFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiFocusedFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igIsWindowFocused"
"igRender": [
"funcname": "Render",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igRender"
"ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent": [
"funcname": "ChannelsSetCurrent",
"args": "(int channel_index)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(channel_index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int channel_index)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "channel_index"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent"
"igDragFloat4": [
"funcname": "DragFloat4",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[4],float v_speed,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[4],float v_speed=1.0f,float v_min=0.0f,float v_max=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[4]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0.0f",
"power": "1.0f",
"v_max": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[4],float,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragFloat4"
"ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit": [
"funcname": "ChannelsSplit",
"args": "(int channels_count)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(channels_count)",
"argsoriginal": "(int channels_count)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "channels_count"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit"
"igIsMousePosValid": [
"funcname": "IsMousePosValid",
"args": "(const ImVec2* mouse_pos)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(mouse_pos)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2* mouse_pos=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2*",
"name": "mouse_pos"
"defaults": { "mouse_pos": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2*)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMousePosValid"
"igGetCursorScreenPos": [
"funcname": "GetCursorScreenPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorScreenPos"
"funcname": "GetCursorScreenPos",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorScreenPos",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorScreenPos_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorScreenPos",
"funcname": "GetCursorScreenPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorScreenPos_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout": [
"funcname": "DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout",
"args": "(const char* version_str,size_t sz_io,size_t sz_style,size_t sz_vec2,size_t sz_vec4,size_t sz_drawvert)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(version_str,sz_io,sz_style,sz_vec2,sz_vec4,sz_drawvert)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* version_str,size_t sz_io,size_t sz_style,size_t sz_vec2,size_t sz_vec4,size_t sz_drawvert)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "version_str"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "sz_io"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "sz_style"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "sz_vec2"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "sz_vec4"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "sz_drawvert"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,size_t,size_t,size_t,size_t,size_t)",
"cimguiname": "igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout"
"igSetScrollHere": [
"funcname": "SetScrollHere",
"args": "(float center_y_ratio)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(center_y_ratio)",
"argsoriginal": "(float center_y_ratio=0.5f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "center_y_ratio"
"defaults": { "center_y_ratio": "0.5f" },
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetScrollHere"
"igSetScrollY": [
"funcname": "SetScrollY",
"args": "(float scroll_y)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(scroll_y)",
"argsoriginal": "(float scroll_y)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "scroll_y"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetScrollY"
"igSetColorEditOptions": [
"funcname": "SetColorEditOptions",
"args": "(ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiColorEditFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igSetColorEditOptions"
"igSetScrollFromPosY": [
"funcname": "SetScrollFromPosY",
"args": "(float pos_y,float center_y_ratio)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos_y,center_y_ratio)",
"argsoriginal": "(float pos_y,float center_y_ratio=0.5f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "pos_y"
"type": "float",
"name": "center_y_ratio"
"defaults": { "center_y_ratio": "0.5f" },
"signature": "(float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetScrollFromPosY"
"igGetStyleColorVec4": [
"funcname": "GetStyleColorVec4",
"args": "(ImGuiCol idx)",
"ret": "const ImVec4*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiCol idx)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiCol",
"name": "idx"
"retref": "&",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiCol)",
"cimguiname": "igGetStyleColorVec4"
"igIsMouseHoveringRect": [
"funcname": "IsMouseHoveringRect",
"args": "(const ImVec2 r_min,const ImVec2 r_max,bool clip)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(r_min,r_max,clip)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& r_min,const ImVec2& r_max,bool clip=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "r_min"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "r_max"
"type": "bool",
"name": "clip"
"defaults": { "clip": "true" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMouseHoveringRect"
"ImVec4_ImVec4": [
"funcname": "ImVec4",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImVec4",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImVec4_ImVec4",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImVec4_ImVec4"
"funcname": "ImVec4",
"args": "(float _x,float _y,float _z,float _w)",
"call_args": "(_x,_y,_z,_w)",
"argsoriginal": "(float _x,float _y,float _z,float _w)",
"stname": "ImVec4",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "_x"
"type": "float",
"name": "_y"
"type": "float",
"name": "_z"
"type": "float",
"name": "_w"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImVec4_ImVec4Float",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImVec4_ImVec4"
"ImColor_SetHSV": [
"funcname": "SetHSV",
"args": "(float h,float s,float v,float a)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(h,s,v,a)",
"argsoriginal": "(float h,float s,float v,float a=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImColor",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "h"
"type": "float",
"name": "s"
"type": "float",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "a"
"defaults": { "a": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImColor_SetHSV"
"igDragFloat3": [
"funcname": "DragFloat3",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[3],float v_speed,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[3],float v_speed=1.0f,float v_min=0.0f,float v_max=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0.0f",
"power": "1.0f",
"v_max": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[3],float,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragFloat3"
"ImDrawList_AddPolyline": [
"funcname": "AddPolyline",
"args": "(const ImVec2* points,const int num_points,ImU32 col,bool closed,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(points,num_points,col,closed,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2* points,const int num_points,ImU32 col,bool closed,float thickness)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2*",
"name": "points"
"type": "const int",
"name": "num_points"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "bool",
"name": "closed"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2*,const int,ImU32,bool,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddPolyline"
"igValue": [
"funcname": "Value",
"args": "(const char* prefix,bool b)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(prefix,b)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* prefix,bool b)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "prefix"
"type": "bool",
"name": "b"
"ov_cimguiname": "igValueBool",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igValue"
"funcname": "Value",
"args": "(const char* prefix,int v)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(prefix,v)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* prefix,int v)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "prefix"
"type": "int",
"name": "v"
"ov_cimguiname": "igValueInt",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igValue"
"funcname": "Value",
"args": "(const char* prefix,unsigned int v)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(prefix,v)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* prefix,unsigned int v)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "prefix"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "v"
"ov_cimguiname": "igValueUint",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,unsigned int)",
"cimguiname": "igValue"
"funcname": "Value",
"args": "(const char* prefix,float v,const char* float_format)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(prefix,v,float_format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* prefix,float v,const char* float_format=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "prefix"
"type": "float",
"name": "v"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "float_format"
"ov_cimguiname": "igValueFloat",
"defaults": { "float_format": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,float,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igValue"
"ImGuiTextFilter_Build": [
"funcname": "Build",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_Build"
"igGetItemRectMax": [
"funcname": "GetItemRectMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMax"
"funcname": "GetItemRectMax",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMax",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMax_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMax",
"funcname": "GetItemRectMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMax_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igIsItemDeactivated": [
"funcname": "IsItemDeactivated",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemDeactivated"
"igPushStyleVar": [
"funcname": "PushStyleVar",
"args": "(ImGuiStyleVar idx,float val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyleVar idx,float val)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStyleVar",
"name": "idx"
"type": "float",
"name": "val"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushStyleVarFloat",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiStyleVar,float)",
"cimguiname": "igPushStyleVar"
"funcname": "PushStyleVar",
"args": "(ImGuiStyleVar idx,const ImVec2 val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyleVar idx,const ImVec2& val)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStyleVar",
"name": "idx"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "val"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushStyleVarVec2",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiStyleVar,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igPushStyleVar"
"igSaveIniSettingsToMemory": [
"funcname": "SaveIniSettingsToMemory",
"args": "(size_t* out_ini_size)",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(out_ini_size)",
"argsoriginal": "(size_t* out_ini_size=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "size_t*",
"name": "out_ini_size"
"defaults": { "out_ini_size": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(size_t*)",
"cimguiname": "igSaveIniSettingsToMemory"
"igDragIntRange2": [
"funcname": "DragIntRange2",
"args": "(const char* label,int* v_current_min,int* v_current_max,float v_speed,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format,const char* format_max)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v_current_min,v_current_max,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,format_max)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* v_current_min,int* v_current_max,float v_speed=1.0f,int v_min=0,int v_max=0,const char* format=\"%d\",const char* format_max=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v_current_min"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v_current_max"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format_max"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0",
"format_max": "((void*)0)",
"v_max": "0",
"format": "\"%d\""
"signature": "(const char*,int*,int*,float,int,int,const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igDragIntRange2"
"igUnindent": [
"funcname": "Unindent",
"args": "(float indent_w)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(indent_w)",
"argsoriginal": "(float indent_w=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "indent_w"
"defaults": { "indent_w": "0.0f" },
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igUnindent"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF": [
"funcname": "AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF",
"args": "(const char* compressed_font_data_base85,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg,const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(compressed_font_data_base85,size_pixels,font_cfg,glyph_ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* compressed_font_data_base85,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg=((void*)0),const ImWchar* glyph_ranges=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "compressed_font_data_base85"
"type": "float",
"name": "size_pixels"
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"type": "const ImWchar*",
"name": "glyph_ranges"
"defaults": {
"glyph_ranges": "((void*)0)",
"font_cfg": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,float,const ImFontConfig*,const ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF"
"igPopAllowKeyboardFocus": [
"funcname": "PopAllowKeyboardFocus",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopAllowKeyboardFocus"
"igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk": [
"funcname": "LoadIniSettingsFromDisk",
"args": "(const char* ini_filename)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ini_filename)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* ini_filename)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "ini_filename"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk"
"igGetCursorStartPos": [
"funcname": "GetCursorStartPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorStartPos"
"funcname": "GetCursorStartPos",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorStartPos",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorStartPos_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorStartPos",
"funcname": "GetCursorStartPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorStartPos_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igSetCursorScreenPos": [
"funcname": "SetCursorScreenPos",
"args": "(const ImVec2 screen_pos)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(screen_pos)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& screen_pos)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "screen_pos"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSetCursorScreenPos"
"igInputInt4": [
"funcname": "InputInt4",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[4],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[4],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[4]",
"name": "v"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": { "extra_flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[4],ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputInt4"
"ImFont_AddRemapChar": [
"funcname": "AddRemapChar",
"args": "(ImWchar dst,ImWchar src,bool overwrite_dst)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(dst,src,overwrite_dst)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar dst,ImWchar src,bool overwrite_dst=true)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "dst"
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "src"
"type": "bool",
"name": "overwrite_dst"
"defaults": { "overwrite_dst": "true" },
"signature": "(ImWchar,ImWchar,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_AddRemapChar"
"ImFont_AddGlyph": [
"funcname": "AddGlyph",
"args": "(ImWchar c,float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,float u0,float v0,float u1,float v1,float advance_x)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c,x0,y0,x1,y1,u0,v0,u1,v1,advance_x)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c,float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,float u0,float v0,float u1,float v1,float advance_x)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"type": "float",
"name": "x0"
"type": "float",
"name": "y0"
"type": "float",
"name": "x1"
"type": "float",
"name": "y1"
"type": "float",
"name": "u0"
"type": "float",
"name": "v0"
"type": "float",
"name": "u1"
"type": "float",
"name": "v1"
"type": "float",
"name": "advance_x"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_AddGlyph"
"igIsRectVisible": [
"funcname": "IsRectVisible",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igIsRectVisible",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igIsRectVisible"
"funcname": "IsRectVisible",
"args": "(const ImVec2 rect_min,const ImVec2 rect_max)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(rect_min,rect_max)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& rect_min,const ImVec2& rect_max)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "rect_min"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "rect_max"
"ov_cimguiname": "igIsRectVisibleVec2",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igIsRectVisible"
"ImFont_GrowIndex": [
"funcname": "GrowIndex",
"args": "(int new_size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(new_size)",
"argsoriginal": "(int new_size)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "new_size"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_GrowIndex"
"ImFontAtlas_Build": [
"funcname": "Build",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_Build"
"igLabelText": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "LabelText",
"args": "(const char* label,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igLabelText"
"ImFont_RenderText": [
"funcname": "RenderText",
"args": "(ImDrawList* draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,const ImVec4 clip_rect,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,float wrap_width,bool cpu_fine_clip)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(draw_list,size,pos,col,clip_rect,text_begin,text_end,wrap_width,cpu_fine_clip)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImDrawList* draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,const ImVec4& clip_rect,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,float wrap_width=0.0f,bool cpu_fine_clip=false)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImDrawList*",
"name": "draw_list"
"type": "float",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "clip_rect"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"type": "bool",
"name": "cpu_fine_clip"
"defaults": {
"wrap_width": "0.0f",
"cpu_fine_clip": "false"
"signature": "(ImDrawList*,float,ImVec2,ImU32,const ImVec4,const char*,const char*,float,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_RenderText"
"igLogFinish": [
"funcname": "LogFinish",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igLogFinish"
"igIsKeyPressed": [
"funcname": "IsKeyPressed",
"args": "(int user_key_index,bool repeat)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_key_index,repeat)",
"argsoriginal": "(int user_key_index,bool repeat=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "user_key_index"
"type": "bool",
"name": "repeat"
"defaults": { "repeat": "true" },
"signature": "(int,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igIsKeyPressed"
"igGetColumnOffset": [
"funcname": "GetColumnOffset",
"args": "(int column_index)",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(column_index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int column_index=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "column_index"
"defaults": { "column_index": "-1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igGetColumnOffset"
"ImDrawList_PopClipRect": [
"funcname": "PopClipRect",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PopClipRect"
"ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback": [
"funcname": "FindGlyphNoFallback",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "const ImFontGlyph*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback"
"igSetNextWindowCollapsed": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowCollapsed",
"args": "(bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(collapsed,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "collapsed"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(bool,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowCollapsed"
"igGetCurrentContext": [
"funcname": "GetCurrentContext",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImGuiContext*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCurrentContext"
"igSmallButton": [
"funcname": "SmallButton",
"args": "(const char* label)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSmallButton"
"igOpenPopupOnItemClick": [
"funcname": "OpenPopupOnItemClick",
"args": "(const char* str_id,int mouse_button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,mouse_button)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id=((void*)0),int mouse_button=1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "int",
"name": "mouse_button"
"defaults": {
"mouse_button": "1",
"str_id": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igOpenPopupOnItemClick"
"igIsAnyMouseDown": [
"funcname": "IsAnyMouseDown",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsAnyMouseDown"
"ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA": [
"funcname": "CalcWordWrapPositionA",
"args": "(float scale,const char* text,const char* text_end,float wrap_width)",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(scale,text,text_end,wrap_width)",
"argsoriginal": "(float scale,const char* text,const char* text_end,float wrap_width)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "scale"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float,const char*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA"
"ImFont_CalcTextSizeA": [
"funcname": "CalcTextSizeA",
"args": "(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,const char** remaining)",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size,max_width,wrap_width,text_begin,text_end,remaining)",
"argsoriginal": "(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end=((void*)0),const char** remaining=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "size"
"type": "float",
"name": "max_width"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "const char**",
"name": "remaining"
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"remaining": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(float,float,float,const char*,const char*,const char**)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcTextSizeA"
"funcname": "CalcTextSizeA",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut,float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,const char** remaining)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcTextSizeA",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "(size,max_width,wrap_width,text_begin,text_end,remaining)",
"argsoriginal": "(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end=((void*)0),const char** remaining=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFont",
"signature": "(float,float,float,const char*,const char*,const char**)",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcTextSizeA_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"remaining": "((void*)0)"
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"type": "float",
"name": "size"
"type": "float",
"name": "max_width"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "const char**",
"name": "remaining"
"cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcTextSizeA",
"funcname": "CalcTextSizeA",
"args": "(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,const char** remaining)",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "(float,float,float,const char*,const char*,const char**)",
"call_args": "(size,max_width,wrap_width,text_begin,text_end,remaining)",
"argsoriginal": "(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end=((void*)0),const char** remaining=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFont",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImFont_CalcTextSizeA_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"remaining": "((void*)0)"
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "size"
"type": "float",
"name": "max_width"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "const char**",
"name": "remaining"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_SetBit": [
"funcname": "SetBit",
"args": "(int n)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(n)",
"argsoriginal": "(int n)",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "n"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_SetBit"
"ImFont_IsLoaded": [
"funcname": "IsLoaded",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_IsLoaded"
"ImFont_GetCharAdvance": [
"funcname": "GetCharAdvance",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_GetCharAdvance"
"igImageButton": [
"funcname": "ImageButton",
"args": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 size,const ImVec2 uv0,const ImVec2 uv1,int frame_padding,const ImVec4 bg_col,const ImVec4 tint_col)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_texture_id,size,uv0,uv1,frame_padding,bg_col,tint_col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2& size,const ImVec2& uv0=ImVec2(0,0),const ImVec2& uv1=ImVec2(1,1),int frame_padding=-1,const ImVec4& bg_col=ImVec4(0,0,0,0),const ImVec4& tint_col=ImVec4(1,1,1,1))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "user_texture_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv0"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv1"
"type": "int",
"name": "frame_padding"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "bg_col"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "tint_col"
"defaults": {
"uv1": "ImVec2(1,1)",
"bg_col": "ImVec4(0,0,0,0)",
"uv0": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"frame_padding": "-1",
"tint_col": "ImVec4(1,1,1,1)"
"signature": "(ImTextureID,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,int,const ImVec4,const ImVec4)",
"cimguiname": "igImageButton"
"ImFont_SetFallbackChar": [
"funcname": "SetFallbackChar",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_SetFallbackChar"
"igEndFrame": [
"funcname": "EndFrame",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndFrame"
"igSliderFloat2": [
"funcname": "SliderFloat2",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[2],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[2],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[2],float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderFloat2"
"ImFont_RenderChar": [
"funcname": "RenderChar",
"args": "(ImDrawList* draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,unsigned short c)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(draw_list,size,pos,col,c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImDrawList* draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,unsigned short c)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImDrawList*",
"name": "draw_list"
"type": "float",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "unsigned short",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImDrawList*,float,ImVec2,ImU32,unsigned short)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_RenderChar"
"igRadioButton": [
"funcname": "RadioButton",
"args": "(const char* label,bool active)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,active)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool active)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "bool",
"name": "active"
"ov_cimguiname": "igRadioButtonBool",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igRadioButton"
"funcname": "RadioButton",
"args": "(const char* label,int* v,int v_button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_button)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* v,int v_button)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_button"
"ov_cimguiname": "igRadioButtonIntPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,int*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igRadioButton"
"ImDrawList_PushClipRect": [
"funcname": "PushClipRect",
"args": "(ImVec2 clip_rect_min,ImVec2 clip_rect_max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(clip_rect_min,clip_rect_max,intersect_with_current_clip_rect)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImVec2 clip_rect_min,ImVec2 clip_rect_max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect=false)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "clip_rect_min"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "clip_rect_max"
"type": "bool",
"name": "intersect_with_current_clip_rect"
"defaults": { "intersect_with_current_clip_rect": "false" },
"signature": "(ImVec2,ImVec2,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PushClipRect"
"ImFont_FindGlyph": [
"funcname": "FindGlyph",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "const ImFontGlyph*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_FindGlyph"
"igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit": [
"funcname": "IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit"
"igGetWindowDrawList": [
"funcname": "GetWindowDrawList",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImDrawList*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowDrawList"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFont": [
"funcname": "AddFont",
"args": "(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font_cfg)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg)",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImFontConfig*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFont"
"ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo": [
"funcname": "PathBezierCurveTo",
"args": "(const ImVec2 p1,const ImVec2 p2,const ImVec2 p3,int num_segments)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(p1,p2,p3,num_segments)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& p1,const ImVec2& p2,const ImVec2& p3,int num_segments=0)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "p1"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "p2"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "p3"
"type": "int",
"name": "num_segments"
"defaults": { "num_segments": "0" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo"
"ImGuiPayload_Clear": [
"funcname": "Clear",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiPayload",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiPayload_Clear"
"igNewLine": [
"funcname": "NewLine",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igNewLine"
"igIsItemFocused": [
"funcname": "IsItemFocused",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemFocused"
"igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory": [
"funcname": "LoadIniSettingsFromMemory",
"args": "(const char* ini_data,size_t ini_size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ini_data,ini_size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* ini_data,size_t ini_size=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "ini_data"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "ini_size"
"defaults": { "ini_size": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,size_t)",
"cimguiname": "igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory"
"igSliderInt2": [
"funcname": "SliderInt2",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[2],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[2],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": { "format": "\"%d\"" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[2],int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderInt2"
"ImFont_~ImFont": [
"funcname": "~ImFont",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_~ImFont"
"igSetWindowSize": [
"funcname": "SetWindowSize",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowSizeVec2",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowSize"
"funcname": "SetWindowSize",
"args": "(const char* name,const ImVec2 size,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(name,size,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* name,const ImVec2& size,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "name"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowSizeStr",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowSize"
"igInputFloat": [
"funcname": "InputFloat",
"args": "(const char* label,float* v,float step,float step_fast,const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,step,step_fast,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float* v,float step=0.0f,float step_fast=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "step"
"type": "float",
"name": "step_fast"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"step": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\"",
"step_fast": "0.0f",
"extra_flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,float*,float,float,const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputFloat"
"ImFont_ImFont": [
"funcname": "ImFont",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_ImFont"
"ImGuiStorage_SetFloat": [
"funcname": "SetFloat",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,float val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,float val)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "float",
"name": "val"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_SetFloat"
"igColorConvertRGBtoHSV": [
"funcname": "ColorConvertRGBtoHSV",
"args": "(float r,float g,float b,float out_h,float out_s,float out_v)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(r,g,b,out_h,out_s,out_v)",
"argsoriginal": "(float r,float g,float b,float& out_h,float& out_s,float& out_v)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "r"
"type": "float",
"name": "g"
"type": "float",
"name": "b"
"type": "float&",
"name": "out_h"
"type": "float&",
"name": "out_s"
"type": "float&",
"name": "out_v"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float,float,float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertRGBtoHSV"
"igBeginMenuBar": [
"funcname": "BeginMenuBar",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBeginMenuBar"
"igTextColoredV": [
"funcname": "TextColoredV",
"args": "(const ImVec4 col,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec4& col,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "col"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec4,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTextColoredV"
"igIsPopupOpen": [
"funcname": "IsPopupOpen",
"args": "(const char* str_id)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igIsPopupOpen"
"igIsItemVisible": [
"funcname": "IsItemVisible",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemVisible"
"ImFontAtlas_CalcCustomRectUV": [
"funcname": "CalcCustomRectUV",
"args": "(const CustomRect* rect,ImVec2* out_uv_min,ImVec2* out_uv_max)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(rect,out_uv_min,out_uv_max)",
"argsoriginal": "(const CustomRect* rect,ImVec2* out_uv_min,ImVec2* out_uv_max)",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const CustomRect*",
"name": "rect"
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "out_uv_min"
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "out_uv_max"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const CustomRect*,ImVec2*,ImVec2*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_CalcCustomRectUV"
"igTextWrappedV": [
"funcname": "TextWrappedV",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTextWrappedV"
"ImFontAtlas_GetCustomRectByIndex": [
"funcname": "GetCustomRectByIndex",
"args": "(int index)",
"ret": "const CustomRect*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int index)",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "index"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetCustomRectByIndex"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_AddText": [
"funcname": "AddText",
"args": "(const char* text,const char* text_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(text,text_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0))",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"defaults": { "text_end": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_AddText"
"ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID": [
"funcname": "UpdateTextureID",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID"
"igSetNextWindowSize": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowSize",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowSize"
"ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectRegular": [
"funcname": "AddCustomRectRegular",
"args": "(unsigned int id,int width,int height)",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(id,width,height)",
"argsoriginal": "(unsigned int id,int width,int height)",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "id"
"type": "int",
"name": "width"
"type": "int",
"name": "height"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(unsigned int,int,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectRegular"
"igSetWindowCollapsed": [
"funcname": "SetWindowCollapsed",
"args": "(bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(collapsed,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "collapsed"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowCollapsedBool",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(bool,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowCollapsed"
"funcname": "SetWindowCollapsed",
"args": "(const char* name,bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(name,collapsed,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* name,bool collapsed,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "name"
"type": "bool",
"name": "collapsed"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowCollapsedStr",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,bool,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowCollapsed"
"igGetMouseDragDelta": [
"funcname": "GetMouseDragDelta",
"args": "(int button,float lock_threshold)",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(button,lock_threshold)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button=0,float lock_threshold=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"type": "float",
"name": "lock_threshold"
"defaults": {
"lock_threshold": "-1.0f",
"button": "0"
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "igGetMouseDragDelta"
"funcname": "GetMouseDragDelta",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut,int button,float lock_threshold)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetMouseDragDelta",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "(button,lock_threshold)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button=0,float lock_threshold=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "(int,float)",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetMouseDragDelta_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"lock_threshold": "-1.0f",
"button": "0"
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"type": "float",
"name": "lock_threshold"
"cimguiname": "igGetMouseDragDelta",
"funcname": "GetMouseDragDelta",
"args": "(int button,float lock_threshold)",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "(int,float)",
"call_args": "(button,lock_threshold)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button=0,float lock_threshold=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetMouseDragDelta_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"lock_threshold": "-1.0f",
"button": "0"
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"type": "float",
"name": "lock_threshold"
"igAcceptDragDropPayload": [
"funcname": "AcceptDragDropPayload",
"args": "(const char* type,ImGuiDragDropFlags flags)",
"ret": "const ImGuiPayload*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(type,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* type,ImGuiDragDropFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "type"
"type": "ImGuiDragDropFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDragDropFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igAcceptDragDropPayload"
"igBeginDragDropSource": [
"funcname": "BeginDragDropSource",
"args": "(ImGuiDragDropFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiDragDropFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiDragDropFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiDragDropFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginDragDropSource"
"CustomRect_IsPacked": [
"funcname": "IsPacked",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "CustomRect",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "CustomRect_IsPacked"
"igPlotLines": [
"funcname": "PlotLines",
"args": "(const char* label,const float* values,int values_count,int values_offset,const char* overlay_text,float scale_min,float scale_max,ImVec2 graph_size,int stride)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,values,values_count,values_offset,overlay_text,scale_min,scale_max,graph_size,stride)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const float* values,int values_count,int values_offset=0,const char* overlay_text=((void*)0),float scale_min=3.40282347e+38F,float scale_max=3.40282347e+38F,ImVec2 graph_size=ImVec2(0,0),int stride=sizeof(float))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const float*",
"name": "values"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_offset"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "overlay_text"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_max"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "graph_size"
"type": "int",
"name": "stride"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPlotLines",
"defaults": {
"overlay_text": "((void*)0)",
"values_offset": "0",
"scale_max": "3.40282347e+38F",
"scale_min": "3.40282347e+38F",
"stride": "sizeof(float)",
"graph_size": "ImVec2(0,0)"
"signature": "(const char*,const float*,int,int,const char*,float,float,ImVec2,int)",
"cimguiname": "igPlotLines"
"funcname": "PlotLines",
"args": "(const char* label,float(*values_getter)(void* data,int idx),void* data,int values_count,int values_offset,const char* overlay_text,float scale_min,float scale_max,ImVec2 graph_size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,values_getter,data,values_count,values_offset,overlay_text,scale_min,scale_max,graph_size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float(*values_getter)(void* data,int idx),void* data,int values_count,int values_offset=0,const char* overlay_text=((void*)0),float scale_min=3.40282347e+38F,float scale_max=3.40282347e+38F,ImVec2 graph_size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float(*)(void* data,int idx)",
"signature": "(void* data,int idx)",
"name": "values_getter",
"ret": "float"
"type": "void*",
"name": "data"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_offset"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "overlay_text"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_max"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "graph_size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPlotLinesFnPtr",
"defaults": {
"overlay_text": "((void*)0)",
"values_offset": "0",
"scale_max": "3.40282347e+38F",
"scale_min": "3.40282347e+38F",
"graph_size": "ImVec2(0,0)"
"signature": "(const char*,float(*)(void*,int),void*,int,int,const char*,float,float,ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igPlotLines"
"ImFontAtlas_IsBuilt": [
"funcname": "IsBuilt",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_IsBuilt"
"ImVec2_ImVec2": [
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"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImVec2_ImVec2",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImVec2_ImVec2"
"funcname": "ImVec2",
"args": "(float _x,float _y)",
"call_args": "(_x,_y)",
"argsoriginal": "(float _x,float _y)",
"stname": "ImVec2",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "_x"
"type": "float",
"name": "_y"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImVec2_ImVec2Float",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImVec2_ImVec2"
"ImGuiPayload_ImGuiPayload": [
"funcname": "ImGuiPayload",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiPayload",
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"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiPayload_ImGuiPayload"
"ImDrawList_Clear": [
"funcname": "Clear",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_Clear"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_AddRanges": [
"funcname": "AddRanges",
"args": "(const ImWchar* ranges)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImWchar* ranges)",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImWchar*",
"name": "ranges"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_AddRanges"
"igGetFrameCount": [
"funcname": "GetFrameCount",
"args": "()",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFrameCount"
"ImFont_GetDebugName": [
"funcname": "GetDebugName",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_GetDebugName"
"igListBoxFooter": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igListBoxFooter"
"igPopClipRect": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopClipRect"
"ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve": [
"funcname": "AddBezierCurve",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos0,const ImVec2 cp0,const ImVec2 cp1,const ImVec2 pos1,ImU32 col,float thickness,int num_segments)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos0,cp0,cp1,pos1,col,thickness,num_segments)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos0,const ImVec2& cp0,const ImVec2& cp1,const ImVec2& pos1,ImU32 col,float thickness,int num_segments=0)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos0"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "cp0"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "cp1"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos1"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"type": "int",
"name": "num_segments"
"defaults": { "num_segments": "0" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_GlyphRangesBuilder": [
"funcname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_GlyphRangesBuilder"
"igGetWindowSize": [
"funcname": "GetWindowSize",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowSize"
"funcname": "GetWindowSize",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowSize",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowSize_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
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"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowSize",
"funcname": "GetWindowSize",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
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"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowSize_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesThai",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai"
"igCheckboxFlags": [
"funcname": "CheckboxFlags",
"args": "(const char* label,unsigned int* flags,unsigned int flags_value)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,flags,flags_value)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,unsigned int* flags,unsigned int flags_value)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "unsigned int*",
"name": "flags"
"type": "unsigned int",
"name": "flags_value"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,unsigned int*,unsigned int)",
"cimguiname": "igCheckboxFlags"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesCyrillic",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic"
"igIsWindowHovered": [
"funcname": "IsWindowHovered",
"args": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiHoveredFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igIsWindowHovered"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon"
"igPlotHistogram": [
"funcname": "PlotHistogram",
"args": "(const char* label,const float* values,int values_count,int values_offset,const char* overlay_text,float scale_min,float scale_max,ImVec2 graph_size,int stride)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,values,values_count,values_offset,overlay_text,scale_min,scale_max,graph_size,stride)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const float* values,int values_count,int values_offset=0,const char* overlay_text=((void*)0),float scale_min=3.40282347e+38F,float scale_max=3.40282347e+38F,ImVec2 graph_size=ImVec2(0,0),int stride=sizeof(float))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"name": "label"
"type": "const float*",
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"type": "int",
"name": "values_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_offset"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "overlay_text"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_max"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "graph_size"
"type": "int",
"name": "stride"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPlotHistogramFloatPtr",
"defaults": {
"overlay_text": "((void*)0)",
"values_offset": "0",
"scale_max": "3.40282347e+38F",
"scale_min": "3.40282347e+38F",
"stride": "sizeof(float)",
"graph_size": "ImVec2(0,0)"
"signature": "(const char*,const float*,int,int,const char*,float,float,ImVec2,int)",
"cimguiname": "igPlotHistogram"
"funcname": "PlotHistogram",
"args": "(const char* label,float(*values_getter)(void* data,int idx),void* data,int values_count,int values_offset,const char* overlay_text,float scale_min,float scale_max,ImVec2 graph_size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,values_getter,data,values_count,values_offset,overlay_text,scale_min,scale_max,graph_size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float(*values_getter)(void* data,int idx),void* data,int values_count,int values_offset=0,const char* overlay_text=((void*)0),float scale_min=3.40282347e+38F,float scale_max=3.40282347e+38F,ImVec2 graph_size=ImVec2(0,0))",
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"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float(*)(void* data,int idx)",
"signature": "(void* data,int idx)",
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"ret": "float"
"type": "void*",
"name": "data"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "values_offset"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "overlay_text"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "scale_max"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "graph_size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPlotHistogramFnPtr",
"defaults": {
"overlay_text": "((void*)0)",
"values_offset": "0",
"scale_max": "3.40282347e+38F",
"scale_min": "3.40282347e+38F",
"graph_size": "ImVec2(0,0)"
"signature": "(const char*,float(*)(void*,int),void*,int,int,const char*,float,float,ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igPlotHistogram"
"igBeginPopupContextVoid": [
"funcname": "BeginPopupContextVoid",
"args": "(const char* str_id,int mouse_button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,mouse_button)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id=((void*)0),int mouse_button=1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "int",
"name": "mouse_button"
"defaults": {
"mouse_button": "1",
"str_id": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginPopupContextVoid"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseFull": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesChineseFull",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseFull"
"igShowStyleEditor": [
"funcname": "ShowStyleEditor",
"args": "(ImGuiStyle* ref)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ref)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyle* ref=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStyle*",
"name": "ref"
"defaults": { "ref": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImGuiStyle*)",
"cimguiname": "igShowStyleEditor"
"igCheckbox": [
"funcname": "Checkbox",
"args": "(const char* label,bool* v)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool* v)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "bool*",
"name": "v"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,bool*)",
"cimguiname": "igCheckbox"
"igGetWindowPos": [
"funcname": "GetWindowPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowPos"
"funcname": "GetWindowPos",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowPos",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowPos_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowPos",
"funcname": "GetWindowPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowPos_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImFontAtlas_~ImFontAtlas": [
"funcname": "~ImFontAtlas",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_~ImFontAtlas"
"ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ImGuiInputTextCallbackData": [
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"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ImGuiInputTextCallbackData"
"igSetNextWindowContentSize": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowContentSize",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowContentSize"
"igTextColored": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TextColored",
"args": "(const ImVec4 col,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec4& col,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "col"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec4,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTextColored"
"igLogToFile": [
"funcname": "LogToFile",
"args": "(int max_depth,const char* filename)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(max_depth,filename)",
"argsoriginal": "(int max_depth=-1,const char* filename=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "max_depth"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "filename"
"defaults": {
"filename": "((void*)0)",
"max_depth": "-1"
"signature": "(int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igLogToFile"
"igButton": [
"funcname": "Button",
"args": "(const char* label,const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"defaults": { "size": "ImVec2(0,0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igButton"
"igIsItemEdited": [
"funcname": "IsItemEdited",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemEdited"
"igTreeNodeExV": [
"funcname": "TreeNodeExV",
"args": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,flags,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExVStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExV"
"funcname": "TreeNodeExV",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id,flags,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExVPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const void*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExV"
"ImDrawList_PushTextureID": [
"funcname": "PushTextureID",
"args": "(ImTextureID texture_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(texture_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID texture_id)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "texture_id"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImTextureID)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PushTextureID"
"igTreeAdvanceToLabelPos": [
"funcname": "TreeAdvanceToLabelPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igTreeAdvanceToLabelPos"
"ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars": [
"funcname": "DeleteChars",
"args": "(int pos,int bytes_count)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,bytes_count)",
"argsoriginal": "(int pos,int bytes_count)",
"stname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "pos"
"type": "int",
"name": "bytes_count"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars"
"igDragInt2": [
"funcname": "DragInt2",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[2],float v_speed,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[2],float v_speed=1.0f,int v_min=0,int v_max=0,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0",
"format": "\"%d\"",
"v_max": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,int[2],float,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igDragInt2"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesDefault",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault"
"igIsAnyItemActive": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsAnyItemActive"
"ImFontAtlas_SetTexID": [
"funcname": "SetTexID",
"args": "(ImTextureID id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(id)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID id)",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "id"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImTextureID)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_SetTexID"
"igMenuItem": [
"funcname": "MenuItem",
"args": "(const char* label,const char* shortcut,bool selected,bool enabled)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,shortcut,selected,enabled)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const char* shortcut=((void*)0),bool selected=false,bool enabled=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const char*",
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"type": "bool",
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"type": "bool",
"name": "enabled"
"ov_cimguiname": "igMenuItemBool",
"defaults": {
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"shortcut": "((void*)0)",
"selected": "false"
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,bool,bool)",
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"funcname": "MenuItem",
"args": "(const char* label,const char* shortcut,bool* p_selected,bool enabled)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,shortcut,p_selected,enabled)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const char* shortcut,bool* p_selected,bool enabled=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"type": "const char*",
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"type": "bool",
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"defaults": { "enabled": "true" },
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,bool*,bool)",
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"igSliderFloat4": [
"funcname": "SliderFloat4",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[4],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[4],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"name": "v"
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"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
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"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[4],float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderFloat4"
"igGetCursorPosX": [
"funcname": "GetCursorPosX",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorPosX"
"ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData": [
"funcname": "ClearTexData",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData"
"ImFontAtlas_ClearFonts": [
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"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_ClearFonts"
"igGetColumnsCount": [
"funcname": "GetColumnsCount",
"args": "()",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetColumnsCount"
"igPopButtonRepeat": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopButtonRepeat"
"igDragScalarN": [
"funcname": "DragScalarN",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,float v_speed,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,components,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,float v_speed,const void* v_min=((void*)0),const void* v_max=((void*)0),const char* format=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
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"type": "int",
"name": "components"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_max": "((void*)0)",
"v_min": "((void*)0)",
"format": "((void*)0)",
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"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,int,float,const void*,const void*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragScalarN"
"ImGuiPayload_IsPreview": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiPayload",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiPayload_IsPreview"
"igSpacing": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSpacing"
"ImFontAtlas_Clear": [
"funcname": "Clear",
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"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_Clear"
"igIsAnyItemFocused": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsAnyItemFocused"
"ImDrawList_AddRectFilled": [
"funcname": "AddRectFilled",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners_flags)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,col,rounding,rounding_corners_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,ImU32 col,float rounding=0.0f,int rounding_corners_flags=ImDrawCornerFlags_All)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "rounding"
"type": "int",
"name": "rounding_corners_flags"
"defaults": {
"rounding": "0.0f",
"rounding_corners_flags": "ImDrawCornerFlags_All"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddRectFilled"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF": [
"funcname": "AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF",
"args": "(const void* compressed_font_data,int compressed_font_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg,const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(compressed_font_data,compressed_font_size,size_pixels,font_cfg,glyph_ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* compressed_font_data,int compressed_font_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg=((void*)0),const ImWchar* glyph_ranges=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "compressed_font_data"
"type": "int",
"name": "compressed_font_size"
"type": "float",
"name": "size_pixels"
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"type": "const ImWchar*",
"name": "glyph_ranges"
"defaults": {
"glyph_ranges": "((void*)0)",
"font_cfg": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const void*,int,float,const ImFontConfig*,const ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF"
"igMemFree": [
"funcname": "MemFree",
"args": "(void* ptr)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr)",
"argsoriginal": "(void* ptr)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "void*",
"name": "ptr"
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"signature": "(void*)",
"cimguiname": "igMemFree"
"igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel"
"funcname": "GetFontTexUvWhitePixel",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
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"cimguiname": "igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel",
"funcname": "GetFontTexUvWhitePixel",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd": [
"funcname": "AddDrawCmd",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd"
"igIsItemClicked": [
"funcname": "IsItemClicked",
"args": "(int mouse_button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(mouse_button)",
"argsoriginal": "(int mouse_button=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "mouse_button"
"defaults": { "mouse_button": "0" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemClicked"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF": [
"funcname": "AddFontFromMemoryTTF",
"args": "(void* font_data,int font_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg,const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font_data,font_size,size_pixels,font_cfg,glyph_ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(void* font_data,int font_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg=((void*)0),const ImWchar* glyph_ranges=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "void*",
"name": "font_data"
"type": "int",
"name": "font_size"
"type": "float",
"name": "size_pixels"
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"type": "const ImWchar*",
"name": "glyph_ranges"
"defaults": {
"glyph_ranges": "((void*)0)",
"font_cfg": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(void*,int,float,const ImFontConfig*,const ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF": [
"funcname": "AddFontFromFileTTF",
"args": "(const char* filename,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg,const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(filename,size_pixels,font_cfg,glyph_ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* filename,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig* font_cfg=((void*)0),const ImWchar* glyph_ranges=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "filename"
"type": "float",
"name": "size_pixels"
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"type": "const ImWchar*",
"name": "glyph_ranges"
"defaults": {
"glyph_ranges": "((void*)0)",
"font_cfg": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,float,const ImFontConfig*,const ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF"
"igProgressBar": [
"funcname": "ProgressBar",
"args": "(float fraction,const ImVec2 size_arg,const char* overlay)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fraction,size_arg,overlay)",
"argsoriginal": "(float fraction,const ImVec2& size_arg=ImVec2(-1,0),const char* overlay=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "fraction"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size_arg"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "overlay"
"defaults": {
"size_arg": "ImVec2(-1,0)",
"overlay": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(float,const ImVec2,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igProgressBar"
"ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault": [
"funcname": "AddFontDefault",
"args": "(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg)",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font_cfg)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImFontConfig*",
"name": "font_cfg"
"defaults": { "font_cfg": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const ImFontConfig*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault"
"igSetNextWindowBgAlpha": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowBgAlpha",
"args": "(float alpha)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(alpha)",
"argsoriginal": "(float alpha)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "alpha"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowBgAlpha"
"igBeginPopup": [
"funcname": "BeginPopup",
"args": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginPopup"
"ImFont_BuildLookupTable": [
"funcname": "BuildLookupTable",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_BuildLookupTable"
"igGetScrollX": [
"funcname": "GetScrollX",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetScrollX"
"igGetKeyIndex": [
"funcname": "GetKeyIndex",
"args": "(ImGuiKey imgui_key)",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(imgui_key)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiKey imgui_key)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiKey",
"name": "imgui_key"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiKey)",
"cimguiname": "igGetKeyIndex"
"igGetOverlayDrawList": [
"funcname": "GetOverlayDrawList",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImDrawList*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetOverlayDrawList"
"igGetID": [
"funcname": "GetID",
"args": "(const char* str_id)",
"ret": "ImGuiID",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetIDStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igGetID"
"funcname": "GetID",
"args": "(const char* str_id_begin,const char* str_id_end)",
"ret": "ImGuiID",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id_begin,str_id_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id_begin,const char* str_id_end)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id_end"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetIDStrStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igGetID"
"funcname": "GetID",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id)",
"ret": "ImGuiID",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetIDPtr",
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"signature": "(const void*)",
"cimguiname": "igGetID"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese": [
"funcname": "GetGlyphRangesJapanese",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese"
"igListBoxHeader": [
"funcname": "ListBoxHeader",
"args": "(const char* label,const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igListBoxHeaderVec2",
"defaults": { "size": "ImVec2(0,0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igListBoxHeader"
"funcname": "ListBoxHeader",
"args": "(const char* label,int items_count,int height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,items_count,height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int items_count,int height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igListBoxHeaderInt",
"defaults": { "height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int,int)",
"cimguiname": "igListBoxHeader"
"ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig": [
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"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig"
"igIsMouseReleased": [
"funcname": "IsMouseReleased",
"args": "(int button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(button)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
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"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMouseReleased"
"ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects": [
"funcname": "ScaleClipRects",
"args": "(const ImVec2 sc)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(sc)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& sc)",
"stname": "ImDrawData",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "sc"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects"
"igGetItemRectMin": [
"funcname": "GetItemRectMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMin"
"funcname": "GetItemRectMin",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMin",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMin_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
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"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMin",
"funcname": "GetItemRectMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectMin_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers": [
"funcname": "DeIndexAllBuffers",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawData",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers"
"igLogText": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "LogText",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igLogText"
"ImDrawData_Clear": [
"funcname": "Clear",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawData",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawData_Clear"
"ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr": [
"funcname": "GetVoidPtr",
"args": "(ImGuiID key)",
"ret": "void*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr"
"ImDrawData_~ImDrawData": [
"funcname": "~ImDrawData",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawData",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawData_~ImDrawData"
"igTextWrapped": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TextWrapped",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTextWrapped"
"ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect": [
"funcname": "UpdateClipRect",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect"
"ImDrawList_PrimVtx": [
"funcname": "PrimVtx",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos,const ImVec2 uv,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,uv,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos,const ImVec2& uv,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimVtx"
"igEndGroup": [
"funcname": "EndGroup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndGroup"
"igGetFont": [
"funcname": "GetFont",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImFont*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFont"
"igTreePush": [
"funcname": "TreePush",
"args": "(const char* str_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreePushStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igTreePush"
"funcname": "TreePush",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreePushPtr",
"defaults": { "ptr_id": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const void*)",
"cimguiname": "igTreePush"
"igTextDisabled": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TextDisabled",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTextDisabled"
"ImDrawList_PrimRect": [
"funcname": "PrimRect",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimRect"
"ImDrawList_AddQuad": [
"funcname": "AddQuad",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,const ImVec2 d,ImU32 col,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,c,d,col,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,const ImVec2& d,ImU32 col,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "d"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": { "thickness": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddQuad"
"ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory": [
"funcname": "ClearFreeMemory",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory"
"igSetNextTreeNodeOpen": [
"funcname": "SetNextTreeNodeOpen",
"args": "(bool is_open,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(is_open,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool is_open,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "is_open"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(bool,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextTreeNodeOpen"
"igLogToTTY": [
"funcname": "LogToTTY",
"args": "(int max_depth)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(max_depth)",
"argsoriginal": "(int max_depth=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "max_depth"
"defaults": { "max_depth": "-1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igLogToTTY"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_BuildRanges": [
"funcname": "BuildRanges",
"args": "(ImVector_ImWchar* out_ranges)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(out_ranges)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImVector<ImWchar>* out_ranges)",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVector_ImWchar*",
"name": "out_ranges"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImVector_ImWchar*)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_BuildRanges"
"igSetTooltipV": [
"funcname": "SetTooltipV",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igSetTooltipV"
"ImDrawList_CloneOutput": [
"funcname": "CloneOutput",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImDrawList*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_CloneOutput"
"igGetIO": [
"funcname": "GetIO",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImGuiIO*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"retref": "&",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetIO"
"igDragInt4": [
"funcname": "DragInt4",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[4],float v_speed,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[4],float v_speed=1.0f,int v_min=0,int v_max=0,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[4]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0",
"format": "\"%d\"",
"v_max": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,int[4],float,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igDragInt4"
"igNextColumn": [
"funcname": "NextColumn",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igNextColumn"
"ImDrawList_AddRect": [
"funcname": "AddRect",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners_flags,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,col,rounding,rounding_corners_flags,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,ImU32 col,float rounding=0.0f,int rounding_corners_flags=ImDrawCornerFlags_All,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "rounding"
"type": "int",
"name": "rounding_corners_flags"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": {
"rounding": "0.0f",
"thickness": "1.0f",
"rounding_corners_flags": "ImDrawCornerFlags_All"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float,int,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddRect"
"TextRange_split": [
"funcname": "split",
"args": "(char separator,ImVector_TextRange* out)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(separator,out)",
"argsoriginal": "(char separator,ImVector<TextRange>* out)",
"stname": "TextRange",
"argsT": [
"type": "char",
"name": "separator"
"type": "ImVector_TextRange*",
"name": "out"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(char,ImVector_TextRange*)",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_split"
"igSetCursorPos": [
"funcname": "SetCursorPos",
"args": "(const ImVec2 local_pos)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(local_pos)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& local_pos)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "local_pos"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSetCursorPos"
"igBeginPopupModal": [
"funcname": "BeginPopupModal",
"args": "(const char* name,bool* p_open,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(name,p_open,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* name,bool* p_open=((void*)0),ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "name"
"type": "bool*",
"name": "p_open"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": {
"p_open": "((void*)0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,bool*,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginPopupModal"
"igSliderInt4": [
"funcname": "SliderInt4",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[4],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[4],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[4]",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": { "format": "\"%d\"" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[4],int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderInt4"
"ImDrawList_AddCallback": [
"funcname": "AddCallback",
"args": "(ImDrawCallback callback,void* callback_data)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(callback,callback_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImDrawCallback callback,void* callback_data)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImDrawCallback",
"name": "callback"
"type": "void*",
"name": "callback_data"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImDrawCallback,void*)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddCallback"
"igShowMetricsWindow": [
"funcname": "ShowMetricsWindow",
"args": "(bool* p_open)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(p_open)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool* p_open=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool*",
"name": "p_open"
"defaults": { "p_open": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(bool*)",
"cimguiname": "igShowMetricsWindow"
"igGetScrollMaxY": [
"funcname": "GetScrollMaxY",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetScrollMaxY"
"igBeginTooltip": [
"funcname": "BeginTooltip",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBeginTooltip"
"igSetScrollX": [
"funcname": "SetScrollX",
"args": "(float scroll_x)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(scroll_x)",
"argsoriginal": "(float scroll_x)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "scroll_x"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetScrollX"
"igGetDrawData": [
"funcname": "GetDrawData",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImDrawData*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetDrawData"
"igGetTextLineHeight": [
"funcname": "GetTextLineHeight",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetTextLineHeight"
"igSeparator": [
"funcname": "Separator",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSeparator"
"igBeginChild": [
"funcname": "BeginChild",
"args": "(const char* str_id,const ImVec2 size,bool border,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,size,border,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0),bool border=false,ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "bool",
"name": "border"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"ov_cimguiname": "igBeginChild",
"defaults": {
"border": "false",
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,bool,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginChild"
"funcname": "BeginChild",
"args": "(ImGuiID id,const ImVec2 size,bool border,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(id,size,border,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID id,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0),bool border=false,ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "bool",
"name": "border"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"ov_cimguiname": "igBeginChildID",
"defaults": {
"border": "false",
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(ImGuiID,const ImVec2,bool,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginChild"
"ImDrawList_PathRect": [
"funcname": "PathRect",
"args": "(const ImVec2 rect_min,const ImVec2 rect_max,float rounding,int rounding_corners_flags)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(rect_min,rect_max,rounding,rounding_corners_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& rect_min,const ImVec2& rect_max,float rounding=0.0f,int rounding_corners_flags=ImDrawCornerFlags_All)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "rect_min"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "rect_max"
"type": "float",
"name": "rounding"
"type": "int",
"name": "rounding_corners_flags"
"defaults": {
"rounding": "0.0f",
"rounding_corners_flags": "ImDrawCornerFlags_All"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,float,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathRect"
"igIsMouseClicked": [
"funcname": "IsMouseClicked",
"args": "(int button,bool repeat)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(button,repeat)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button,bool repeat=false)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"type": "bool",
"name": "repeat"
"defaults": { "repeat": "false" },
"signature": "(int,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMouseClicked"
"igCalcItemWidth": [
"funcname": "CalcItemWidth",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igCalcItemWidth"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_appendfv": [
"funcname": "appendfv",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_appendfv"
"ImDrawList_PathArcToFast": [
"funcname": "PathArcToFast",
"args": "(const ImVec2 centre,float radius,int a_min_of_12,int a_max_of_12)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(centre,radius,a_min_of_12,a_max_of_12)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& centre,float radius,int a_min_of_12,int a_max_of_12)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "centre"
"type": "float",
"name": "radius"
"type": "int",
"name": "a_min_of_12"
"type": "int",
"name": "a_max_of_12"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,float,int,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathArcToFast"
"igEndChildFrame": [
"funcname": "EndChildFrame",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndChildFrame"
"igIndent": [
"funcname": "Indent",
"args": "(float indent_w)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(indent_w)",
"argsoriginal": "(float indent_w=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "indent_w"
"defaults": { "indent_w": "0.0f" },
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igIndent"
"igSetDragDropPayload": [
"funcname": "SetDragDropPayload",
"args": "(const char* type,const void* data,size_t size,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(type,data,size,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* type,const void* data,size_t size,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "type"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "data"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,const void*,size_t,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetDragDropPayload"
"GlyphRangesBuilder_GetBit": [
"funcname": "GetBit",
"args": "(int n)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(n)",
"argsoriginal": "(int n)",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "n"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_GetBit"
"ImGuiTextFilter_Draw": [
"funcname": "Draw",
"args": "(const char* label,float width)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,width)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label=\"Filter(inc,-exc)\",float width=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float",
"name": "width"
"defaults": {
"label": "\"Filter(inc,-exc)\"",
"width": "0.0f"
"signature": "(const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_Draw"
"igShowDemoWindow": [
"funcname": "ShowDemoWindow",
"args": "(bool* p_open)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(p_open)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool* p_open=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool*",
"name": "p_open"
"defaults": { "p_open": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(bool*)",
"cimguiname": "igShowDemoWindow"
"ImDrawList_PathStroke": [
"funcname": "PathStroke",
"args": "(ImU32 col,bool closed,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col,closed,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 col,bool closed,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "bool",
"name": "closed"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": { "thickness": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(ImU32,bool,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathStroke"
"ImDrawList_PathFillConvex": [
"funcname": "PathFillConvex",
"args": "(ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathFillConvex"
"ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate": [
"funcname": "PathLineToMergeDuplicate",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate"
"igEndMenu": [
"funcname": "EndMenu",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndMenu"
"igColorButton": [
"funcname": "ColorButton",
"args": "(const char* desc_id,const ImVec4 col,ImGuiColorEditFlags flags,ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(desc_id,col,flags,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* desc_id,const ImVec4& col,ImGuiColorEditFlags flags=0,ImVec2 size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "desc_id"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "col"
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"defaults": {
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec4,ImGuiColorEditFlags,ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igColorButton"
"ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8": [
"funcname": "GetTexDataAsAlpha8",
"args": "(unsigned char** out_pixels,int* out_width,int* out_height,int* out_bytes_per_pixel)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(out_pixels,out_width,out_height,out_bytes_per_pixel)",
"argsoriginal": "(unsigned char** out_pixels,int* out_width,int* out_height,int* out_bytes_per_pixel=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "unsigned char**",
"name": "out_pixels"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_width"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_height"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_bytes_per_pixel"
"defaults": { "out_bytes_per_pixel": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(unsigned char**,int*,int*,int*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8"
"igIsKeyReleased": [
"funcname": "IsKeyReleased",
"args": "(int user_key_index)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_key_index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int user_key_index)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "user_key_index"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igIsKeyReleased"
"igSetClipboardText": [
"funcname": "SetClipboardText",
"args": "(const char* text)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(text)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSetClipboardText"
"ImDrawList_PathArcTo": [
"funcname": "PathArcTo",
"args": "(const ImVec2 centre,float radius,float a_min,float a_max,int num_segments)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(centre,radius,a_min,a_max,num_segments)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& centre,float radius,float a_min,float a_max,int num_segments=10)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "centre"
"type": "float",
"name": "radius"
"type": "float",
"name": "a_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "a_max"
"type": "int",
"name": "num_segments"
"defaults": { "num_segments": "10" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,float,float,float,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathArcTo"
"ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled": [
"funcname": "AddConvexPolyFilled",
"args": "(const ImVec2* points,const int num_points,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(points,num_points,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2* points,const int num_points,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2*",
"name": "points"
"type": "const int",
"name": "num_points"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2*,const int,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled"
"igIsWindowCollapsed": [
"funcname": "IsWindowCollapsed",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsWindowCollapsed"
"igShowFontSelector": [
"funcname": "ShowFontSelector",
"args": "(const char* label)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igShowFontSelector"
"ImDrawList_AddImageQuad": [
"funcname": "AddImageQuad",
"args": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,const ImVec2 d,const ImVec2 uv_a,const ImVec2 uv_b,const ImVec2 uv_c,const ImVec2 uv_d,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_texture_id,a,b,c,d,uv_a,uv_b,uv_c,uv_d,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,const ImVec2& d,const ImVec2& uv_a=ImVec2(0,0),const ImVec2& uv_b=ImVec2(1,0),const ImVec2& uv_c=ImVec2(1,1),const ImVec2& uv_d=ImVec2(0,1),ImU32 col=0xFFFFFFFF)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "user_texture_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "d"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_d"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": {
"uv_c": "ImVec2(1,1)",
"uv_a": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"col": "0xFFFFFFFF",
"uv_b": "ImVec2(1,0)",
"uv_d": "ImVec2(0,1)"
"signature": "(ImTextureID,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddImageQuad"
"igSetNextWindowFocus": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowFocus",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowFocus"
"igSameLine": [
"funcname": "SameLine",
"args": "(float pos_x,float spacing_w)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos_x,spacing_w)",
"argsoriginal": "(float pos_x=0.0f,float spacing_w=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "pos_x"
"type": "float",
"name": "spacing_w"
"defaults": {
"pos_x": "0.0f",
"spacing_w": "-1.0f"
"signature": "(float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSameLine"
"igBegin": [
"funcname": "Begin",
"args": "(const char* name,bool* p_open,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(name,p_open,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* name,bool* p_open=((void*)0),ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "name"
"type": "bool*",
"name": "p_open"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": {
"p_open": "((void*)0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,bool*,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBegin"
"igColorEdit3": [
"funcname": "ColorEdit3",
"args": "(const char* label,float col[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,col,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float col[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[3]",
"name": "col"
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,float[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igColorEdit3"
"ImDrawList_AddImage": [
"funcname": "AddImage",
"args": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 uv_a,const ImVec2 uv_b,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_texture_id,a,b,uv_a,uv_b,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& uv_a=ImVec2(0,0),const ImVec2& uv_b=ImVec2(1,1),ImU32 col=0xFFFFFFFF)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "user_texture_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": {
"uv_b": "ImVec2(1,1)",
"uv_a": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"col": "0xFFFFFFFF"
"signature": "(ImTextureID,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddImage"
"ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8": [
"funcname": "AddInputCharactersUTF8",
"args": "(const char* utf8_chars)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(utf8_chars)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* utf8_chars)",
"stname": "ImGuiIO",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "utf8_chars"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8"
"ImDrawList_AddText": [
"funcname": "AddText",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,col,text_begin,text_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos,ImU32 col,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddText",
"defaults": { "text_end": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,ImU32,const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddText"
"funcname": "AddText",
"args": "(const ImFont* font,float font_size,const ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end,float wrap_width,const ImVec4* cpu_fine_clip_rect)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font,font_size,pos,col,text_begin,text_end,wrap_width,cpu_fine_clip_rect)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImFont* font,float font_size,const ImVec2& pos,ImU32 col,const char* text_begin,const char* text_end=((void*)0),float wrap_width=0.0f,const ImVec4* cpu_fine_clip_rect=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImFont*",
"name": "font"
"type": "float",
"name": "font_size"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"type": "const ImVec4*",
"name": "cpu_fine_clip_rect"
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddTextFontPtr",
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"cpu_fine_clip_rect": "((void*)0)",
"wrap_width": "0.0f"
"signature": "(const ImFont*,float,const ImVec2,ImU32,const char*,const char*,float,const ImVec4*)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddText"
"ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled": [
"funcname": "AddCircleFilled",
"args": "(const ImVec2 centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(centre,radius,col,num_segments)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments=12)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "centre"
"type": "float",
"name": "radius"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "int",
"name": "num_segments"
"defaults": { "num_segments": "12" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,float,ImU32,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled"
"igInputFloat2": [
"funcname": "InputFloat2",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[2],const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[2],const char* format=\"%.3f\",ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"extra_flags": "0",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[2],const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputFloat2"
"igPushButtonRepeat": [
"funcname": "PushButtonRepeat",
"args": "(bool repeat)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(repeat)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool repeat)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "repeat"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(bool)",
"cimguiname": "igPushButtonRepeat"
"igPopItemWidth": [
"funcname": "PopItemWidth",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopItemWidth"
"ImDrawList_AddCircle": [
"funcname": "AddCircle",
"args": "(const ImVec2 centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(centre,radius,col,num_segments,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments=12,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "centre"
"type": "float",
"name": "radius"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "int",
"name": "num_segments"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": {
"num_segments": "12",
"thickness": "1.0f"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,float,ImU32,int,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddCircle"
"ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled": [
"funcname": "AddTriangleFilled",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,c,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled"
"ImDrawList_AddTriangle": [
"funcname": "AddTriangle",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,ImU32 col,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,c,col,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,ImU32 col,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": { "thickness": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddTriangle"
"ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled": [
"funcname": "AddQuadFilled",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,const ImVec2 d,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,c,d,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,const ImVec2& d,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "d"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled"
"igGetFontSize": [
"funcname": "GetFontSize",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFontSize"
"igInputDouble": [
"funcname": "InputDouble",
"args": "(const char* label,double* v,double step,double step_fast,const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,step,step_fast,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,double* v,double step=0.0f,double step_fast=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.6f\",ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "double*",
"name": "v"
"type": "double",
"name": "step"
"type": "double",
"name": "step_fast"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"step": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.6f\"",
"step_fast": "0.0f",
"extra_flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,double*,double,double,const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputDouble"
"ImDrawList_PrimReserve": [
"funcname": "PrimReserve",
"args": "(int idx_count,int vtx_count)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx_count,vtx_count)",
"argsoriginal": "(int idx_count,int vtx_count)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "idx_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "vtx_count"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimReserve"
"ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor": [
"funcname": "AddRectFilledMultiColor",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,ImU32 col_upr_left,ImU32 col_upr_right,ImU32 col_bot_right,ImU32 col_bot_left)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,col_upr_left,col_upr_right,col_bot_right,col_bot_left)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,ImU32 col_upr_left,ImU32 col_upr_right,ImU32 col_bot_right,ImU32 col_bot_left)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col_upr_left"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col_upr_right"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col_bot_right"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col_bot_left"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,ImU32,ImU32,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor"
"igEndPopup": [
"funcname": "EndPopup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndPopup"
"ImFontAtlas_ClearInputData": [
"funcname": "ClearInputData",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_ClearInputData"
"ImDrawList_AddLine": [
"funcname": "AddLine",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,ImU32 col,float thickness)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,col,thickness)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,ImU32 col,float thickness=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "thickness"
"defaults": { "thickness": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddLine"
"igInputTextMultiline": [
"funcname": "InputTextMultiline",
"args": "(const char* label,char* buf,size_t buf_size,const ImVec2 size,ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,void* user_data)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,buf,buf_size,size,flags,callback,user_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,char* buf,size_t buf_size,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0),ImGuiInputTextFlags flags=0,ImGuiInputTextCallback callback=((void*)0),void* user_data=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
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"type": "char*",
"name": "buf"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "buf_size"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextCallback",
"name": "callback"
"type": "void*",
"name": "user_data"
"defaults": {
"callback": "((void*)0)",
"user_data": "((void*)0)",
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,char*,size_t,const ImVec2,ImGuiInputTextFlags,ImGuiInputTextCallback,void*)",
"cimguiname": "igInputTextMultiline"
"igSelectable": [
"funcname": "Selectable",
"args": "(const char* label,bool selected,ImGuiSelectableFlags flags,const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,selected,flags,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool selected=false,ImGuiSelectableFlags flags=0,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "bool",
"name": "selected"
"type": "ImGuiSelectableFlags",
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"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSelectable",
"defaults": {
"selected": "false",
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,bool,ImGuiSelectableFlags,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSelectable"
"funcname": "Selectable",
"args": "(const char* label,bool* p_selected,ImGuiSelectableFlags flags,const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,p_selected,flags,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool* p_selected,ImGuiSelectableFlags flags=0,const ImVec2& size=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"type": "bool*",
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"type": "ImGuiSelectableFlags",
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"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSelectableBoolPtr",
"defaults": {
"size": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,bool*,ImGuiSelectableFlags,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSelectable"
"igListBox": [
"funcname": "ListBox",
"args": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* const items[],int items_count,int height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,current_item,items,items_count,height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* current_item,const char* const items[],int items_count,int height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
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"type": "int*",
"name": "current_item"
"type": "const char* const[]",
"name": "items"
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igListBoxStr_arr",
"defaults": { "height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,const char* const[],int,int)",
"cimguiname": "igListBox"
"funcname": "ListBox",
"args": "(const char* label,int* current_item,bool(*items_getter)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text),void* data,int items_count,int height_in_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,current_item,items_getter,data,items_count,height_in_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* current_item,bool(*items_getter)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text),void* data,int items_count,int height_in_items=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "current_item"
"type": "bool(*)(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text)",
"signature": "(void* data,int idx,const char** out_text)",
"name": "items_getter",
"ret": "bool"
"type": "void*",
"name": "data"
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "int",
"name": "height_in_items"
"ov_cimguiname": "igListBoxFnPtr",
"defaults": { "height_in_items": "-1" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,bool(*)(void*,int,const char**),void*,int,int)",
"cimguiname": "igListBox"
"igGetCursorPos": [
"funcname": "GetCursorPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorPos"
"funcname": "GetCursorPos",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorPos",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorPos_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorPos",
"funcname": "GetCursorPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetCursorPos_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin": [
"funcname": "GetClipRectMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin"
"funcname": "GetClipRectMin",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin",
"funcname": "GetClipRectMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImDrawList_PopTextureID": [
"funcname": "PopTextureID",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PopTextureID"
"igInputFloat4": [
"funcname": "InputFloat4",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[4],const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[4],const char* format=\"%.3f\",ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[4]",
"name": "v"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"extra_flags": "0",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[4],const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputFloat4"
"igSetCursorPosY": [
"funcname": "SetCursorPosY",
"args": "(float y)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(y)",
"argsoriginal": "(float y)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "y"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetCursorPosY"
"igGetVersion": [
"funcname": "GetVersion",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetVersion"
"igEndCombo": [
"funcname": "EndCombo",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndCombo"
"ImDrawList_~ImDrawList": [
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"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_~ImDrawList"
"igPushID": [
"funcname": "PushID",
"args": "(const char* str_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushIDStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igPushID"
"funcname": "PushID",
"args": "(const char* str_id_begin,const char* str_id_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id_begin,str_id_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id_begin,const char* str_id_end)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id_begin"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id_end"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushIDRange",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igPushID"
"funcname": "PushID",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushIDPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const void*)",
"cimguiname": "igPushID"
"funcname": "PushID",
"args": "(int int_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(int_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(int int_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "int_id"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushIDInt",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igPushID"
"ImDrawList_ImDrawList": [
"funcname": "ImDrawList",
"args": "(const ImDrawListSharedData* shared_data)",
"call_args": "(shared_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImDrawListSharedData* shared_data)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImDrawListSharedData*",
"name": "shared_data"
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImDrawListSharedData*)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_ImDrawList"
"ImDrawCmd_ImDrawCmd": [
"funcname": "ImDrawCmd",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawCmd",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawCmd_ImDrawCmd"
"ImGuiListClipper_End": [
"funcname": "End",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiListClipper",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiListClipper_End"
"igAlignTextToFramePadding": [
"funcname": "AlignTextToFramePadding",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igAlignTextToFramePadding"
"igPopStyleColor": [
"funcname": "PopStyleColor",
"args": "(int count)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(count)",
"argsoriginal": "(int count=1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "count"
"defaults": { "count": "1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igPopStyleColor"
"ImGuiListClipper_Begin": [
"funcname": "Begin",
"args": "(int items_count,float items_height)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(items_count,items_height)",
"argsoriginal": "(int items_count,float items_height=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGuiListClipper",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "float",
"name": "items_height"
"defaults": { "items_height": "-1.0f" },
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiListClipper_Begin"
"igText": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "Text",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igText"
"ImGuiListClipper_Step": [
"funcname": "Step",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiListClipper",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiListClipper_Step"
"igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing": [
"funcname": "GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing"
"ImGuiListClipper_~ImGuiListClipper": [
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"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiListClipper_~ImGuiListClipper"
"ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef": [
"funcname": "GetFloatRef",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,float default_val)",
"ret": "float*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,float default_val=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "float",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "0.0f" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef"
"igEndTooltip": [
"funcname": "EndTooltip",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndTooltip"
"ImGuiListClipper_ImGuiListClipper": [
"funcname": "ImGuiListClipper",
"args": "(int items_count,float items_height)",
"call_args": "(items_count,items_height)",
"argsoriginal": "(int items_count=-1,float items_height=-1.0f)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "float",
"name": "items_height"
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"items_height": "-1.0f",
"items_count": "-1"
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiListClipper_ImGuiListClipper"
"igDragInt": [
"funcname": "DragInt",
"args": "(const char* label,int* v,float v_speed,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* v,float v_speed=1.0f,int v_min=0,int v_max=0,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0",
"format": "\"%d\"",
"v_max": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,int*,float,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igDragInt"
"igSliderFloat": [
"funcname": "SliderFloat",
"args": "(const char* label,float* v,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float* v,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float*,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderFloat"
"igColorConvertFloat4ToU32": [
"funcname": "ColorConvertFloat4ToU32",
"args": "(const ImVec4 in)",
"ret": "ImU32",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(in)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec4& in)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "in"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec4)",
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertFloat4ToU32"
"ImGuiIO_ClearInputCharacters": [
"funcname": "ClearInputCharacters",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiIO",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiIO_ClearInputCharacters"
"igPushClipRect": [
"funcname": "PushClipRect",
"args": "(const ImVec2 clip_rect_min,const ImVec2 clip_rect_max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(clip_rect_min,clip_rect_max,intersect_with_current_clip_rect)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& clip_rect_min,const ImVec2& clip_rect_max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "clip_rect_min"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "clip_rect_max"
"type": "bool",
"name": "intersect_with_current_clip_rect"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igPushClipRect"
"igSetColumnWidth": [
"funcname": "SetColumnWidth",
"args": "(int column_index,float width)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(column_index,width)",
"argsoriginal": "(int column_index,float width)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "column_index"
"type": "float",
"name": "width"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetColumnWidth"
"ImGuiPayload_IsDataType": [
"funcname": "IsDataType",
"args": "(const char* type)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(type)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* type)",
"stname": "ImGuiPayload",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "type"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiPayload_IsDataType"
"igBeginMainMenuBar": [
"funcname": "BeginMainMenuBar",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBeginMainMenuBar"
"CustomRect_CustomRect": [
"funcname": "CustomRect",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "CustomRect",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "CustomRect_CustomRect"
"ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_HasSelection": [
"funcname": "HasSelection",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_HasSelection"
"ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars": [
"funcname": "InsertChars",
"args": "(int pos,const char* text,const char* text_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,text,text_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(int pos,const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "pos"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"defaults": { "text_end": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(int,const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars"
"ImFontAtlas_GetMouseCursorTexData": [
"funcname": "GetMouseCursorTexData",
"args": "(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor,ImVec2* out_offset,ImVec2* out_size,ImVec2 out_uv_border[2],ImVec2 out_uv_fill[2])",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(cursor,out_offset,out_size,out_uv_border,out_uv_fill)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor,ImVec2* out_offset,ImVec2* out_size,ImVec2 out_uv_border[2],ImVec2 out_uv_fill[2])",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiMouseCursor",
"name": "cursor"
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "out_offset"
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "out_size"
"type": "ImVec2[2]",
"name": "out_uv_border"
"type": "ImVec2[2]",
"name": "out_uv_fill"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiMouseCursor,ImVec2*,ImVec2*,ImVec2[2],ImVec2[2])",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetMouseCursorTexData"
"igVSliderScalar": [
"funcname": "VSliderScalar",
"args": "(const char* label,const ImVec2 size,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,size,data_type,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const ImVec2& size,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,ImGuiDataType,void*,const void*,const void*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igVSliderScalar"
"ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt": [
"funcname": "SetAllInt",
"args": "(int val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(val)",
"argsoriginal": "(int val)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "val"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt"
"ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef": [
"funcname": "GetVoidPtrRef",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,void* default_val)",
"ret": "void**",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,void* default_val=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "void*",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,void*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef"
"igStyleColorsLight": [
"funcname": "StyleColorsLight",
"args": "(ImGuiStyle* dst)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(dst)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyle* dst=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStyle*",
"name": "dst"
"defaults": { "dst": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImGuiStyle*)",
"cimguiname": "igStyleColorsLight"
"igSliderFloat3": [
"funcname": "SliderFloat3",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[3],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[3],float v_min,float v_max,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[3],float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderFloat3"
"igSetAllocatorFunctions": [
"funcname": "SetAllocatorFunctions",
"args": "(void*(*alloc_func)(size_t sz,void* user_data),void(*free_func)(void* ptr,void* user_data),void* user_data)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(alloc_func,free_func,user_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(void*(*alloc_func)(size_t sz,void* user_data),void(*free_func)(void* ptr,void* user_data),void* user_data=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "void*(*)(size_t sz,void* user_data)",
"signature": "(size_t sz,void* user_data)",
"name": "alloc_func",
"ret": "void*"
"type": "void(*)(void* ptr,void* user_data)",
"signature": "(void* ptr,void* user_data)",
"name": "free_func",
"ret": "void"
"type": "void*",
"name": "user_data"
"defaults": { "user_data": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(void*(*)(size_t,void*),void(*)(void*,void*),void*)",
"cimguiname": "igSetAllocatorFunctions"
"igDragFloat": [
"funcname": "DragFloat",
"args": "(const char* label,float* v,float v_speed,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float* v,float v_speed=1.0f,float v_min=0.0f,float v_max=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0.0f",
"power": "1.0f",
"v_max": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float*,float,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragFloat"
"ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef": [
"funcname": "GetBoolRef",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,bool default_val)",
"ret": "bool*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,bool default_val=false)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "bool",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "false" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef"
"igGetWindowHeight": [
"funcname": "GetWindowHeight",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowHeight"
"igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup": [
"funcname": "GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup"
"funcname": "GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup",
"funcname": "GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef": [
"funcname": "GetIntRef",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,int default_val)",
"ret": "int*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,int default_val=0)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "int",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef"
"igCalcListClipping": [
"funcname": "CalcListClipping",
"args": "(int items_count,float items_height,int* out_items_display_start,int* out_items_display_end)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(items_count,items_height,out_items_display_start,out_items_display_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(int items_count,float items_height,int* out_items_display_start,int* out_items_display_end)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "items_count"
"type": "float",
"name": "items_height"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_items_display_start"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_items_display_end"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,float,int*,int*)",
"cimguiname": "igCalcListClipping"
"ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr": [
"funcname": "SetVoidPtr",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,void* val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,void* val)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "void*",
"name": "val"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,void*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr"
"igEndDragDropSource": [
"funcname": "EndDragDropSource",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndDragDropSource"
"ImGuiStorage_BuildSortByKey": [
"funcname": "BuildSortByKey",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_BuildSortByKey"
"ImGuiStorage_GetFloat": [
"funcname": "GetFloat",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,float default_val)",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,float default_val=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "float",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "0.0f" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetFloat"
"ImGuiStorage_SetBool": [
"funcname": "SetBool",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,bool val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,bool val)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "bool",
"name": "val"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_SetBool"
"ImGuiStorage_GetBool": [
"funcname": "GetBool",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,bool default_val)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,bool default_val=false)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "bool",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "false" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,bool)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetBool"
"igLabelTextV": [
"funcname": "LabelTextV",
"args": "(const char* label,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igLabelTextV"
"igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing": [
"funcname": "GetFrameHeightWithSpacing",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing"
"ImGuiStorage_SetInt": [
"funcname": "SetInt",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,int val)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,int val)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "int",
"name": "val"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_SetInt"
"igCloseCurrentPopup": [
"funcname": "CloseCurrentPopup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igCloseCurrentPopup"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_clear": [
"funcname": "clear",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_clear"
"igBeginGroup": [
"funcname": "BeginGroup",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBeginGroup"
"ImGuiStorage_Clear": [
"funcname": "Clear",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_Clear"
"Pair_Pair": [
"funcname": "Pair",
"args": "(ImGuiID _key,int _val_i)",
"call_args": "(_key,_val_i)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID _key,int _val_i)",
"stname": "Pair",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "_key"
"type": "int",
"name": "_val_i"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "Pair_PairInt",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,int)",
"cimguiname": "Pair_Pair"
"funcname": "Pair",
"args": "(ImGuiID _key,float _val_f)",
"call_args": "(_key,_val_f)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID _key,float _val_f)",
"stname": "Pair",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "_key"
"type": "float",
"name": "_val_f"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "Pair_PairFloat",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,float)",
"cimguiname": "Pair_Pair"
"funcname": "Pair",
"args": "(ImGuiID _key,void* _val_p)",
"call_args": "(_key,_val_p)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID _key,void* _val_p)",
"stname": "Pair",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "_key"
"type": "void*",
"name": "_val_p"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "Pair_PairPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiID,void*)",
"cimguiname": "Pair_Pair"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "appendf",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str": [
"funcname": "c_str",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_reserve": [
"funcname": "reserve",
"args": "(int capacity)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(capacity)",
"argsoriginal": "(int capacity)",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "capacity"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_reserve"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_empty": [
"funcname": "empty",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_empty"
"igSliderScalar": [
"funcname": "SliderScalar",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,const void*,const void*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderScalar"
"igBeginCombo": [
"funcname": "BeginCombo",
"args": "(const char* label,const char* preview_value,ImGuiComboFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,preview_value,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const char* preview_value,ImGuiComboFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "preview_value"
"type": "ImGuiComboFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,ImGuiComboFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginCombo"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_size": [
"funcname": "size",
"args": "()",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_size"
"igBeginMenu": [
"funcname": "BeginMenu",
"args": "(const char* label,bool enabled)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,enabled)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool enabled=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "bool",
"name": "enabled"
"defaults": { "enabled": "true" },
"signature": "(const char*,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginMenu"
"igIsItemHovered": [
"funcname": "IsItemHovered",
"args": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiHoveredFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiHoveredFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemHovered"
"ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx": [
"funcname": "PrimWriteVtx",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos,const ImVec2 uv,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,uv,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos,const ImVec2& uv,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx"
"igBullet": [
"funcname": "Bullet",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBullet"
"igInputText": [
"funcname": "InputText",
"args": "(const char* label,char* buf,size_t buf_size,ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,void* user_data)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,buf,buf_size,flags,callback,user_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,char* buf,size_t buf_size,ImGuiInputTextFlags flags=0,ImGuiInputTextCallback callback=((void*)0),void* user_data=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "char*",
"name": "buf"
"type": "size_t",
"name": "buf_size"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextCallback",
"name": "callback"
"type": "void*",
"name": "user_data"
"defaults": {
"callback": "((void*)0)",
"user_data": "((void*)0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,char*,size_t,ImGuiInputTextFlags,ImGuiInputTextCallback,void*)",
"cimguiname": "igInputText"
"igInputInt3": [
"funcname": "InputInt3",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[3],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[3],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": { "extra_flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[3],ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputInt3"
"ImGuiIO_ImGuiIO": [
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"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiIO",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiIO_ImGuiIO"
"igStyleColorsDark": [
"funcname": "StyleColorsDark",
"args": "(ImGuiStyle* dst)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(dst)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyle* dst=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStyle*",
"name": "dst"
"defaults": { "dst": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImGuiStyle*)",
"cimguiname": "igStyleColorsDark"
"igInputInt": [
"funcname": "InputInt",
"args": "(const char* label,int* v,int step,int step_fast,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,step,step_fast,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* v,int step=1,int step_fast=100,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "step"
"type": "int",
"name": "step_fast"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"step": "1",
"extra_flags": "0",
"step_fast": "100"
"signature": "(const char*,int*,int,int,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputInt"
"igSetWindowFontScale": [
"funcname": "SetWindowFontScale",
"args": "(float scale)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(scale)",
"argsoriginal": "(float scale)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "scale"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowFontScale"
"igSliderInt": [
"funcname": "SliderInt",
"args": "(const char* label,int* v,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int* v,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": { "format": "\"%d\"" },
"signature": "(const char*,int*,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderInt"
"TextRange_end": [
"funcname": "end",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_end"
"TextRange_begin": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "TextRange",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_begin"
"igSetNextWindowPos": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowPos",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos,ImGuiCond cond,const ImVec2 pivot)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,cond,pivot)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos,ImGuiCond cond=0,const ImVec2& pivot=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pivot"
"defaults": {
"cond": "0",
"pivot": "ImVec2(0,0)"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,ImGuiCond,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowPos"
"igDragInt3": [
"funcname": "DragInt3",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[3],float v_speed,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[3],float v_speed=1.0f,int v_min=0,int v_max=0,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0",
"format": "\"%d\"",
"v_max": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,int[3],float,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igDragInt3"
"igOpenPopup": [
"funcname": "OpenPopup",
"args": "(const char* str_id)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igOpenPopup"
"TextRange_TextRange": [
"funcname": "TextRange",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "TextRange_TextRange",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_TextRange"
"funcname": "TextRange",
"args": "(const char* _b,const char* _e)",
"call_args": "(_b,_e)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* _b,const char* _e)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "_b"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "_e"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "TextRange_TextRangeStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_TextRange"
"ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax": [
"funcname": "GetClipRectMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax"
"funcname": "GetClipRectMax",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax",
"funcname": "GetClipRectMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igCalcTextSize": [
"funcname": "CalcTextSize",
"args": "(const char* text,const char* text_end,bool hide_text_after_double_hash,float wrap_width)",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(text,text_end,hide_text_after_double_hash,wrap_width)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0),bool hide_text_after_double_hash=false,float wrap_width=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "bool",
"name": "hide_text_after_double_hash"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"wrap_width": "-1.0f",
"hide_text_after_double_hash": "false"
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,bool,float)",
"cimguiname": "igCalcTextSize"
"funcname": "CalcTextSize",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut,const char* text,const char* text_end,bool hide_text_after_double_hash,float wrap_width)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igCalcTextSize",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "(text,text_end,hide_text_after_double_hash,wrap_width)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0),bool hide_text_after_double_hash=false,float wrap_width=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,bool,float)",
"ov_cimguiname": "igCalcTextSize_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": {
"text_end": "((void*)0)",
"wrap_width": "-1.0f",
"hide_text_after_double_hash": "false"
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "bool",
"name": "hide_text_after_double_hash"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"cimguiname": "igCalcTextSize",
"funcname": "CalcTextSize",
"args": "(const char* text,const char* text_end,bool hide_text_after_double_hash,float wrap_width)",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,bool,float)",
"call_args": "(text,text_end,hide_text_after_double_hash,wrap_width)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0),bool hide_text_after_double_hash=false,float wrap_width=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igCalcTextSize_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
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"wrap_width": "-1.0f",
"hide_text_after_double_hash": "false"
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"type": "const char*",
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"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"type": "bool",
"name": "hide_text_after_double_hash"
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_width"
"igGetDrawListSharedData": [
"funcname": "GetDrawListSharedData",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImDrawListSharedData*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetDrawListSharedData"
"igColumns": [
"funcname": "Columns",
"args": "(int count,const char* id,bool border)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(count,id,border)",
"argsoriginal": "(int count=1,const char* id=((void*)0),bool border=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "count"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "id"
"type": "bool",
"name": "border"
"defaults": {
"border": "true",
"count": "1",
"id": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(int,const char*,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igColumns"
"igIsItemActive": [
"funcname": "IsItemActive",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsItemActive"
"ImGuiTextFilter_ImGuiTextFilter": [
"funcname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
"args": "(const char* default_filter)",
"call_args": "(default_filter)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* default_filter=\"\")",
"stname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "default_filter"
"comment": "",
"defaults": { "default_filter": "\"\"" },
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_ImGuiTextFilter"
"ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_ImGuiOnceUponAFrame": [
"funcname": "ImGuiOnceUponAFrame",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiOnceUponAFrame",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_ImGuiOnceUponAFrame"
"igBeginDragDropTarget": [
"funcname": "BeginDragDropTarget",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igBeginDragDropTarget"
"TextRange_empty": [
"funcname": "empty",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "TextRange",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "TextRange_empty"
"ImGuiPayload_IsDelivery": [
"funcname": "IsDelivery",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiPayload",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiPayload_IsDelivery"
"ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter": [
"funcname": "AddInputCharacter",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "ImGuiIO",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter"
"ImDrawList_AddImageRounded": [
"funcname": "AddImageRounded",
"args": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 uv_a,const ImVec2 uv_b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_texture_id,a,b,uv_a,uv_b,col,rounding,rounding_corners)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& uv_a,const ImVec2& uv_b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners=ImDrawCornerFlags_All)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "user_texture_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"type": "float",
"name": "rounding"
"type": "int",
"name": "rounding_corners"
"defaults": { "rounding_corners": "ImDrawCornerFlags_All" },
"signature": "(ImTextureID,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32,float,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_AddImageRounded"
"ImGuiStyle_ImGuiStyle": [
"funcname": "ImGuiStyle",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiStyle",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStyle_ImGuiStyle"
"igColorPicker3": [
"funcname": "ColorPicker3",
"args": "(const char* label,float col[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,col,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float col[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[3]",
"name": "col"
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,float[3],ImGuiColorEditFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igColorPicker3"
"igGetContentRegionMax": [
"funcname": "GetContentRegionMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionMax"
"funcname": "GetContentRegionMax",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionMax",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionMax_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionMax",
"funcname": "GetContentRegionMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionMax_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igBeginChildFrame": [
"funcname": "BeginChildFrame",
"args": "(ImGuiID id,const ImVec2 size,ImGuiWindowFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(id,size,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID id,const ImVec2& size,ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "ImGuiWindowFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,const ImVec2,ImGuiWindowFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginChildFrame"
"igSaveIniSettingsToDisk": [
"funcname": "SaveIniSettingsToDisk",
"args": "(const char* ini_filename)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ini_filename)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* ini_filename)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "ini_filename"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSaveIniSettingsToDisk"
"ImFont_ClearOutputData": [
"funcname": "ClearOutputData",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFont",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFont_ClearOutputData"
"igGetClipboardText": [
"funcname": "GetClipboardText",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetClipboardText"
"ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV": [
"funcname": "PrimQuadUV",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 c,const ImVec2 d,const ImVec2 uv_a,const ImVec2 uv_b,const ImVec2 uv_c,const ImVec2 uv_d,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,c,d,uv_a,uv_b,uv_c,uv_d,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& c,const ImVec2& d,const ImVec2& uv_a,const ImVec2& uv_b,const ImVec2& uv_c,const ImVec2& uv_d,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "d"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_c"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_d"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV"
"igEndDragDropTarget": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndDragDropTarget"
"ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "const ImWchar*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean"
"igGetKeyPressedAmount": [
"funcname": "GetKeyPressedAmount",
"args": "(int key_index,float repeat_delay,float rate)",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key_index,repeat_delay,rate)",
"argsoriginal": "(int key_index,float repeat_delay,float rate)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "key_index"
"type": "float",
"name": "repeat_delay"
"type": "float",
"name": "rate"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igGetKeyPressedAmount"
"ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32": [
"funcname": "GetTexDataAsRGBA32",
"args": "(unsigned char** out_pixels,int* out_width,int* out_height,int* out_bytes_per_pixel)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(out_pixels,out_width,out_height,out_bytes_per_pixel)",
"argsoriginal": "(unsigned char** out_pixels,int* out_width,int* out_height,int* out_bytes_per_pixel=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
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"type": "int*",
"name": "out_width"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_height"
"type": "int*",
"name": "out_bytes_per_pixel"
"defaults": { "out_bytes_per_pixel": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(unsigned char**,int*,int*,int*)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32"
"igNewFrame": [
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igNewFrame"
"igResetMouseDragDelta": [
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"args": "(int button)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "(int button=0)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
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"igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing"
"igGetMousePos": [
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetMousePos"
"funcname": "GetMousePos",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetMousePos",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
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"signature": "()",
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"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
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"comment": "",
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"argsT": []
"GlyphRangesBuilder_AddChar": [
"funcname": "AddChar",
"args": "(ImWchar c)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(c)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImWchar c)",
"stname": "GlyphRangesBuilder",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "c"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImWchar)",
"cimguiname": "GlyphRangesBuilder_AddChar"
"igPopID": [
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"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
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"igIsMouseDoubleClicked": [
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"args": "(int button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
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"igStyleColorsClassic": [
"funcname": "StyleColorsClassic",
"args": "(ImGuiStyle* dst)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(dst)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStyle* dst=((void*)0))",
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"argsT": [
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"ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive": [
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"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive"
"ImDrawList_PathClear": [
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"comment": "",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathClear"
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"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowFocus",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowFocus"
"funcname": "SetWindowFocus",
"args": "(const char* name)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "(const char* name)",
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"argsT": [
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"igColorConvertHSVtoRGB": [
"funcname": "ColorConvertHSVtoRGB",
"args": "(float h,float s,float v,float out_r,float out_g,float out_b)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(h,s,v,out_r,out_g,out_b)",
"argsoriginal": "(float h,float s,float v,float& out_r,float& out_g,float& out_b)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"type": "float",
"name": "s"
"type": "float",
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"type": "float&",
"name": "out_g"
"type": "float&",
"name": "out_b"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float,float,float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertHSVtoRGB"
"ImColor_ImColor": [
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"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_ImColor",
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"signature": "()",
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"args": "(int r,int g,int b,int a)",
"call_args": "(r,g,b,a)",
"argsoriginal": "(int r,int g,int b,int a=255)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "r"
"type": "int",
"name": "g"
"type": "int",
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"name": "a"
"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_ImColorInt",
"defaults": { "a": "255" },
"signature": "(int,int,int,int)",
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"args": "(ImU32 rgba)",
"call_args": "(rgba)",
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"type": "ImU32",
"name": "rgba"
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"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_ImColorU32",
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"comment": "",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_ImColorFloat",
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"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
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"call_args": "(col)",
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"igVSliderFloat": [
"funcname": "VSliderFloat",
"args": "(const char* label,const ImVec2 size,float* v,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,size,v,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const ImVec2& size,float* v,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
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"argsT": [
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"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,float*,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igVSliderFloat"
"igColorConvertU32ToFloat4": [
"funcname": "ColorConvertU32ToFloat4",
"args": "(ImU32 in)",
"ret": "ImVec4",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(in)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 in)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "in"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertU32ToFloat4"
"funcname": "ColorConvertU32ToFloat4",
"args": "(ImVec4 *pOut,ImU32 in)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertU32ToFloat4",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "(in)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 in)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "(ImU32)",
"ov_cimguiname": "igColorConvertU32ToFloat4_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec4*",
"name": "pOut"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "in"
"cimguiname": "igColorConvertU32ToFloat4",
"funcname": "ColorConvertU32ToFloat4",
"args": "(ImU32 in)",
"ret": "ImVec4_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "(ImU32)",
"call_args": "(in)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 in)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec4",
"ov_cimguiname": "igColorConvertU32ToFloat4_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "in"
"igPopTextWrapPos": [
"funcname": "PopTextWrapPos",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igPopTextWrapPos"
"ImGuiTextFilter_Clear": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_Clear"
"igGetStateStorage": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "ImGuiStorage*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetStateStorage"
"igGetColumnWidth": [
"funcname": "GetColumnWidth",
"args": "(int column_index)",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(column_index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int column_index=-1)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "column_index"
"defaults": { "column_index": "-1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igGetColumnWidth"
"igEndMenuBar": [
"funcname": "EndMenuBar",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndMenuBar"
"igSetStateStorage": [
"funcname": "SetStateStorage",
"args": "(ImGuiStorage* storage)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(storage)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiStorage* storage)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiStorage*",
"name": "storage"
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"signature": "(ImGuiStorage*)",
"cimguiname": "igSetStateStorage"
"igGetStyleColorName": [
"funcname": "GetStyleColorName",
"args": "(ImGuiCol idx)",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiCol idx)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiCol",
"name": "idx"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiCol)",
"cimguiname": "igGetStyleColorName"
"igIsMouseDragging": [
"funcname": "IsMouseDragging",
"args": "(int button,float lock_threshold)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(button,lock_threshold)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button=0,float lock_threshold=-1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"type": "float",
"name": "lock_threshold"
"defaults": {
"lock_threshold": "-1.0f",
"button": "0"
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMouseDragging"
"ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx": [
"funcname": "PrimWriteIdx",
"args": "(ImDrawIdx idx)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImDrawIdx idx)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImDrawIdx",
"name": "idx"
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"signature": "(ImDrawIdx)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx"
"ImGuiStyle_ScaleAllSizes": [
"funcname": "ScaleAllSizes",
"args": "(float scale_factor)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(scale_factor)",
"argsoriginal": "(float scale_factor)",
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"type": "float",
"name": "scale_factor"
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"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStyle_ScaleAllSizes"
"igPushStyleColor": [
"funcname": "PushStyleColor",
"args": "(ImGuiCol idx,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiCol idx,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiCol",
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"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"ov_cimguiname": "igPushStyleColorU32",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiCol,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "igPushStyleColor"
"funcname": "PushStyleColor",
"args": "(ImGuiCol idx,const ImVec4 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiCol idx,const ImVec4& col)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiCol",
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"ov_cimguiname": "igPushStyleColor",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiCol,const ImVec4)",
"cimguiname": "igPushStyleColor"
"igMemAlloc": [
"funcname": "MemAlloc",
"args": "(size_t size)",
"ret": "void*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "size_t",
"name": "size"
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"signature": "(size_t)",
"cimguiname": "igMemAlloc"
"igSetCurrentContext": [
"funcname": "SetCurrentContext",
"args": "(ImGuiContext* ctx)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ctx)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiContext* ctx)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiContext*",
"name": "ctx"
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"signature": "(ImGuiContext*)",
"cimguiname": "igSetCurrentContext"
"igPushItemWidth": [
"funcname": "PushItemWidth",
"args": "(float item_width)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(item_width)",
"argsoriginal": "(float item_width)",
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"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "item_width"
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"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igPushItemWidth"
"igIsWindowAppearing": [
"funcname": "IsWindowAppearing",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsWindowAppearing"
"igGetStyle": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "ImGuiStyle*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"argsT": [],
"retref": "&",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetStyle"
"igSetItemAllowOverlap": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSetItemAllowOverlap"
"igEndChild": [
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"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
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"argsoriginal": "()",
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"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndChild"
"igCollapsingHeader": [
"funcname": "CollapsingHeader",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
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"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igCollapsingHeader"
"funcname": "CollapsingHeader",
"args": "(const char* label,bool* p_open,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,p_open,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,bool* p_open,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
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"ov_cimguiname": "igCollapsingHeaderBoolPtr",
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,bool*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igCollapsingHeader"
"igTextDisabledV": [
"funcname": "TextDisabledV",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
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"igDragFloatRange2": [
"funcname": "DragFloatRange2",
"args": "(const char* label,float* v_current_min,float* v_current_max,float v_speed,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,const char* format_max,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v_current_min,v_current_max,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,format_max,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float* v_current_min,float* v_current_max,float v_speed=1.0f,float v_min=0.0f,float v_max=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",const char* format_max=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v_current_min"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v_current_max"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format_max"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0.0f",
"power": "1.0f",
"format_max": "((void*)0)",
"v_max": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float*,float*,float,float,float,const char*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragFloatRange2"
"igSetMouseCursor": [
"funcname": "SetMouseCursor",
"args": "(ImGuiMouseCursor type)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(type)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiMouseCursor type)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiMouseCursor",
"name": "type"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImGuiMouseCursor)",
"cimguiname": "igSetMouseCursor"
"igGetWindowContentRegionMax": [
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMax"
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMax",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMax",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMax_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
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"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMax",
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMax",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMax_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igInputScalar": [
"funcname": "InputScalar",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* step,const void* step_fast,const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,step,step_fast,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,const void* step=((void*)0),const void* step_fast=((void*)0),const char* format=((void*)0),ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "step"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "step_fast"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"step": "((void*)0)",
"format": "((void*)0)",
"step_fast": "((void*)0)",
"extra_flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,const void*,const void*,const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputScalar"
"ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen": [
"funcname": "PushClipRectFullScreen",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen"
"igGetColorU32": [
"funcname": "GetColorU32",
"args": "(ImGuiCol idx,float alpha_mul)",
"ret": "ImU32",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(idx,alpha_mul)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiCol idx,float alpha_mul=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiCol",
"name": "idx"
"type": "float",
"name": "alpha_mul"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetColorU32",
"defaults": { "alpha_mul": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(ImGuiCol,float)",
"cimguiname": "igGetColorU32"
"funcname": "GetColorU32",
"args": "(const ImVec4 col)",
"ret": "ImU32",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec4& col)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "col"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetColorU32Vec4",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec4)",
"cimguiname": "igGetColorU32"
"funcname": "GetColorU32",
"args": "(ImU32 col)",
"ret": "ImU32",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetColorU32U32",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "igGetColorU32"
"igGetTime": [
"funcname": "GetTime",
"args": "()",
"ret": "double",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetTime"
"ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge": [
"funcname": "ChannelsMerge",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge"
"igGetColumnIndex": [
"funcname": "GetColumnIndex",
"args": "()",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetColumnIndex"
"igBeginPopupContextItem": [
"funcname": "BeginPopupContextItem",
"args": "(const char* str_id,int mouse_button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,mouse_button)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id=((void*)0),int mouse_button=1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "int",
"name": "mouse_button"
"defaults": {
"mouse_button": "1",
"str_id": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,int)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginPopupContextItem"
"igSetCursorPosX": [
"funcname": "SetCursorPosX",
"args": "(float x)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(x)",
"argsoriginal": "(float x)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "x"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetCursorPosX"
"igGetItemRectSize": [
"funcname": "GetItemRectSize",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectSize"
"funcname": "GetItemRectSize",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectSize",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectSize_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
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"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetItemRectSize",
"funcname": "GetItemRectSize",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetItemRectSize_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igArrowButton": [
"funcname": "ArrowButton",
"args": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiDir dir)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,dir)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiDir dir)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "ImGuiDir",
"name": "dir"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDir)",
"cimguiname": "igArrowButton"
"igGetMouseCursor": [
"funcname": "GetMouseCursor",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImGuiMouseCursor",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetMouseCursor"
"igPushAllowKeyboardFocus": [
"funcname": "PushAllowKeyboardFocus",
"args": "(bool allow_keyboard_focus)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(allow_keyboard_focus)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool allow_keyboard_focus)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "allow_keyboard_focus"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(bool)",
"cimguiname": "igPushAllowKeyboardFocus"
"igGetScrollY": [
"funcname": "GetScrollY",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetScrollY"
"igSetColumnOffset": [
"funcname": "SetColumnOffset",
"args": "(int column_index,float offset_x)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(column_index,offset_x)",
"argsoriginal": "(int column_index,float offset_x)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "column_index"
"type": "float",
"name": "offset_x"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSetColumnOffset"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_begin": [
"funcname": "begin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_begin"
"igSetWindowPos": [
"funcname": "SetWindowPos",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowPosVec2",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const ImVec2,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowPos"
"funcname": "SetWindowPos",
"args": "(const char* name,const ImVec2 pos,ImGuiCond cond)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(name,pos,cond)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* name,const ImVec2& pos,ImGuiCond cond=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "name"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"type": "ImGuiCond",
"name": "cond"
"ov_cimguiname": "igSetWindowPosStr",
"defaults": { "cond": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,ImGuiCond)",
"cimguiname": "igSetWindowPos"
"igSetKeyboardFocusHere": [
"funcname": "SetKeyboardFocusHere",
"args": "(int offset)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(offset)",
"argsoriginal": "(int offset=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "offset"
"defaults": { "offset": "0" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igSetKeyboardFocusHere"
"igGetCursorPosY": [
"funcname": "GetCursorPosY",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetCursorPosY"
"ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectFontGlyph": [
"funcname": "AddCustomRectFontGlyph",
"args": "(ImFont* font,ImWchar id,int width,int height,float advance_x,const ImVec2 offset)",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font,id,width,height,advance_x,offset)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImFont* font,ImWchar id,int width,int height,float advance_x,const ImVec2& offset=ImVec2(0,0))",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImFont*",
"name": "font"
"type": "ImWchar",
"name": "id"
"type": "int",
"name": "width"
"type": "int",
"name": "height"
"type": "float",
"name": "advance_x"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "offset"
"defaults": { "offset": "ImVec2(0,0)" },
"signature": "(ImFont*,ImWchar,int,int,float,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectFontGlyph"
"igEndMainMenuBar": [
"funcname": "EndMainMenuBar",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEndMainMenuBar"
"igBulletTextV": [
"funcname": "BulletTextV",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igBulletTextV"
"igGetContentRegionAvailWidth": [
"funcname": "GetContentRegionAvailWidth",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvailWidth"
"igTextV": [
"funcname": "TextV",
"args": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
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"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTextV"
"igIsKeyDown": [
"funcname": "IsKeyDown",
"args": "(int user_key_index)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_key_index)",
"argsoriginal": "(int user_key_index)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "user_key_index"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igIsKeyDown"
"igIsMouseDown": [
"funcname": "IsMouseDown",
"args": "(int button)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(button)",
"argsoriginal": "(int button)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "button"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igIsMouseDown"
"igGetWindowContentRegionMin": [
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMin"
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMin",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMin",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMin_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
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"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMin",
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionMin",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionMin_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igLogButtons": [
"funcname": "LogButtons",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igLogButtons"
"igGetWindowContentRegionWidth": [
"funcname": "GetWindowContentRegionWidth",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
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"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowContentRegionWidth"
"igSliderAngle": [
"funcname": "SliderAngle",
"args": "(const char* label,float* v_rad,float v_degrees_min,float v_degrees_max)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v_rad,v_degrees_min,v_degrees_max)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float* v_rad,float v_degrees_min=-360.0f,float v_degrees_max=+360.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float*",
"name": "v_rad"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_degrees_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_degrees_max"
"defaults": {
"v_degrees_min": "-360.0f",
"v_degrees_max": "+360.0f"
"signature": "(const char*,float*,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderAngle"
"igTreeNodeEx": [
"funcname": "TreeNodeEx",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
"name": "flags"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExStr",
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeEx"
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TreeNodeEx",
"args": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,flags,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExStrStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeEx"
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TreeNodeEx",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id,flags,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"type": "ImGuiTreeNodeFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeExPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const void*,ImGuiTreeNodeFlags,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeEx"
"igGetWindowWidth": [
"funcname": "GetWindowWidth",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetWindowWidth"
"igPushTextWrapPos": [
"funcname": "PushTextWrapPos",
"args": "(float wrap_pos_x)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(wrap_pos_x)",
"argsoriginal": "(float wrap_pos_x=0.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "wrap_pos_x"
"defaults": { "wrap_pos_x": "0.0f" },
"signature": "(float)",
"cimguiname": "igPushTextWrapPos"
"ImGuiStorage_GetInt": [
"funcname": "GetInt",
"args": "(ImGuiID key,int default_val)",
"ret": "int",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(key,default_val)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiID key,int default_val=0)",
"stname": "ImGuiStorage",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiID",
"name": "key"
"type": "int",
"name": "default_val"
"defaults": { "default_val": "0" },
"signature": "(ImGuiID,int)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiStorage_GetInt"
"igSliderInt3": [
"funcname": "SliderInt3",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[3],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[3],int v_min,int v_max,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": { "format": "\"%d\"" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[3],int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderInt3"
"igShowUserGuide": [
"funcname": "ShowUserGuide",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igShowUserGuide"
"igSliderScalarN": [
"funcname": "SliderScalarN",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,components,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "components"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"power": "1.0f",
"format": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,int,const void*,const void*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igSliderScalarN"
"ImColor_HSV": [
"funcname": "HSV",
"args": "(float h,float s,float v,float a)",
"ret": "ImColor",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(h,s,v,a)",
"argsoriginal": "(float h,float s,float v,float a=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImColor",
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "h"
"type": "float",
"name": "s"
"type": "float",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "a"
"defaults": { "a": "1.0f" },
"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
"cimguiname": "ImColor_HSV"
"funcname": "HSV",
"args": "(ImColor *pOut,float h,float s,float v,float a)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "ImColor_HSV",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "(h,s,v,a)",
"argsoriginal": "(float h,float s,float v,float a=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImColor",
"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_HSV_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": { "a": "1.0f" },
"argsT": [
"type": "ImColor*",
"name": "pOut"
"type": "float",
"name": "h"
"type": "float",
"name": "s"
"type": "float",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "a"
"cimguiname": "ImColor_HSV",
"funcname": "HSV",
"args": "(float h,float s,float v,float a)",
"ret": "ImColor_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "(float,float,float,float)",
"call_args": "(h,s,v,a)",
"argsoriginal": "(float h,float s,float v,float a=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImColor",
"retorig": "ImColor",
"ov_cimguiname": "ImColor_HSV_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": { "a": "1.0f" },
"argsT": [
"type": "float",
"name": "h"
"type": "float",
"name": "s"
"type": "float",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "a"
"ImDrawList_PathLineTo": [
"funcname": "PathLineTo",
"args": "(const ImVec2 pos)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(pos)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& pos)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "pos"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PathLineTo"
"igImage": [
"funcname": "Image",
"args": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 size,const ImVec2 uv0,const ImVec2 uv1,const ImVec4 tint_col,const ImVec4 border_col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(user_texture_id,size,uv0,uv1,tint_col,border_col)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2& size,const ImVec2& uv0=ImVec2(0,0),const ImVec2& uv1=ImVec2(1,1),const ImVec4& tint_col=ImVec4(1,1,1,1),const ImVec4& border_col=ImVec4(0,0,0,0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImTextureID",
"name": "user_texture_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv0"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv1"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "tint_col"
"type": "const ImVec4",
"name": "border_col"
"defaults": {
"uv1": "ImVec2(1,1)",
"tint_col": "ImVec4(1,1,1,1)",
"uv0": "ImVec2(0,0)",
"border_col": "ImVec4(0,0,0,0)"
"signature": "(ImTextureID,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec4,const ImVec4)",
"cimguiname": "igImage"
"igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints": [
"funcname": "SetNextWindowSizeConstraints",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size_min,const ImVec2 size_max,ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback,void* custom_callback_data)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size_min,size_max,custom_callback,custom_callback_data)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size_min,const ImVec2& size_max,ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback=((void*)0),void* custom_callback_data=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size_min"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size_max"
"type": "ImGuiSizeCallback",
"name": "custom_callback"
"type": "void*",
"name": "custom_callback_data"
"defaults": {
"custom_callback": "((void*)0)",
"custom_callback_data": "((void*)0)"
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImGuiSizeCallback,void*)",
"cimguiname": "igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints"
"igDummy": [
"funcname": "Dummy",
"args": "(const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& size)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igDummy"
"igVSliderInt": [
"funcname": "VSliderInt",
"args": "(const char* label,const ImVec2 size,int* v,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,size,v,v_min,v_max,format)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,const ImVec2& size,int* v,int v_min,int v_max,const char* format=\"%d\")",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"type": "int*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "int",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"defaults": { "format": "\"%d\"" },
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2,int*,int,int,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igVSliderInt"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_ImGuiTextBuffer": [
"funcname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_ImGuiTextBuffer"
"igBulletText": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "BulletText",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igBulletText"
"igColorEdit4": [
"funcname": "ColorEdit4",
"args": "(const char* label,float col[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,col,flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float col[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[4]",
"name": "col"
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"defaults": { "flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,float[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igColorEdit4"
"igColorPicker4": [
"funcname": "ColorPicker4",
"args": "(const char* label,float col[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags,const float* ref_col)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,col,flags,ref_col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float col[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags flags=0,const float* ref_col=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[4]",
"name": "col"
"type": "ImGuiColorEditFlags",
"name": "flags"
"type": "const float*",
"name": "ref_col"
"defaults": {
"ref_col": "((void*)0)",
"flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,float[4],ImGuiColorEditFlags,const float*)",
"cimguiname": "igColorPicker4"
"ImDrawList_PrimRectUV": [
"funcname": "PrimRectUV",
"args": "(const ImVec2 a,const ImVec2 b,const ImVec2 uv_a,const ImVec2 uv_b,ImU32 col)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(a,b,uv_a,uv_b,col)",
"argsoriginal": "(const ImVec2& a,const ImVec2& b,const ImVec2& uv_a,const ImVec2& uv_b,ImU32 col)",
"stname": "ImDrawList",
"argsT": [
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "b"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_a"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "uv_b"
"type": "ImU32",
"name": "col"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,const ImVec2,ImU32)",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawList_PrimRectUV"
"igInvisibleButton": [
"funcname": "InvisibleButton",
"args": "(const char* str_id,const ImVec2 size)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,size)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,const ImVec2& size)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "const ImVec2",
"name": "size"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const ImVec2)",
"cimguiname": "igInvisibleButton"
"igLogToClipboard": [
"funcname": "LogToClipboard",
"args": "(int max_depth)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(max_depth)",
"argsoriginal": "(int max_depth=-1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "max_depth"
"defaults": { "max_depth": "-1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igLogToClipboard"
"igBeginPopupContextWindow": [
"funcname": "BeginPopupContextWindow",
"args": "(const char* str_id,int mouse_button,bool also_over_items)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,mouse_button,also_over_items)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id=((void*)0),int mouse_button=1,bool also_over_items=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "int",
"name": "mouse_button"
"type": "bool",
"name": "also_over_items"
"defaults": {
"str_id": "((void*)0)",
"mouse_button": "1",
"also_over_items": "true"
"signature": "(const char*,int,bool)",
"cimguiname": "igBeginPopupContextWindow"
"ImFontAtlas_ImFontAtlas": [
"funcname": "ImFontAtlas",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImFontAtlas",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImFontAtlas_ImFontAtlas"
"igDragScalar": [
"funcname": "DragScalar",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,float v_speed,const void* v_min,const void* v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,float v_speed,const void* v_min=((void*)0),const void* v_max=((void*)0),const char* format=((void*)0),float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_max": "((void*)0)",
"v_min": "((void*)0)",
"format": "((void*)0)",
"power": "1.0f"
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,float,const void*,const void*,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragScalar"
"igSetItemDefaultFocus": [
"funcname": "SetItemDefaultFocus",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igSetItemDefaultFocus"
"igCaptureMouseFromApp": [
"funcname": "CaptureMouseFromApp",
"args": "(bool capture)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(capture)",
"argsoriginal": "(bool capture=true)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "bool",
"name": "capture"
"defaults": { "capture": "true" },
"signature": "(bool)",
"cimguiname": "igCaptureMouseFromApp"
"igIsAnyItemHovered": [
"funcname": "IsAnyItemHovered",
"args": "()",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igIsAnyItemHovered"
"igPushFont": [
"funcname": "PushFont",
"args": "(ImFont* font)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(font)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImFont* font)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImFont*",
"name": "font"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(ImFont*)",
"cimguiname": "igPushFont"
"igInputInt2": [
"funcname": "InputInt2",
"args": "(const char* label,int v[2],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,int v[2],ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "int[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": { "extra_flags": "0" },
"signature": "(const char*,int[2],ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputInt2"
"igTreePop": [
"funcname": "TreePop",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igTreePop"
"igEnd": [
"funcname": "End",
"args": "()",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igEnd"
"ImDrawData_ImDrawData": [
"funcname": "ImDrawData",
"args": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImDrawData",
"argsT": [],
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImDrawData_ImDrawData"
"igDestroyContext": [
"funcname": "DestroyContext",
"args": "(ImGuiContext* ctx)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ctx)",
"argsoriginal": "(ImGuiContext* ctx=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "ImGuiContext*",
"name": "ctx"
"defaults": { "ctx": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(ImGuiContext*)",
"cimguiname": "igDestroyContext"
"ImGuiTextBuffer_end": [
"funcname": "end",
"args": "()",
"ret": "const char*",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGuiTextBuffer",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextBuffer_end"
"igPopStyleVar": [
"funcname": "PopStyleVar",
"args": "(int count)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(count)",
"argsoriginal": "(int count=1)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "int",
"name": "count"
"defaults": { "count": "1" },
"signature": "(int)",
"cimguiname": "igPopStyleVar"
"ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter": [
"funcname": "PassFilter",
"args": "(const char* text,const char* text_end)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(text,text_end)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* text,const char* text_end=((void*)0))",
"stname": "ImGuiTextFilter",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "text_end"
"defaults": { "text_end": "((void*)0)" },
"signature": "(const char*,const char*)",
"cimguiname": "ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter"
"igShowStyleSelector": [
"funcname": "ShowStyleSelector",
"args": "(const char* label)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igShowStyleSelector"
"igInputScalarN": [
"funcname": "InputScalarN",
"args": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,const void* step,const void* step_fast,const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,data_type,v,components,step,step_fast,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,ImGuiDataType data_type,void* v,int components,const void* step=((void*)0),const void* step_fast=((void*)0),const char* format=((void*)0),ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "ImGuiDataType",
"name": "data_type"
"type": "void*",
"name": "v"
"type": "int",
"name": "components"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "step"
"type": "const void*",
"name": "step_fast"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"step": "((void*)0)",
"format": "((void*)0)",
"step_fast": "((void*)0)",
"extra_flags": "0"
"signature": "(const char*,ImGuiDataType,void*,int,const void*,const void*,const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputScalarN"
"igTreeNode": [
"funcname": "TreeNode",
"args": "(const char* label)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNode"
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TreeNode",
"args": "(const char* str_id,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeStrStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNode"
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "TreeNode",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id,const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id,fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id,const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodePtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const void*,const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNode"
"igTreeNodeV": [
"funcname": "TreeNodeV",
"args": "(const char* str_id,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(str_id,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* str_id,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "str_id"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeVStr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeV"
"funcname": "TreeNodeV",
"args": "(const void* ptr_id,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(ptr_id,fmt,args)",
"argsoriginal": "(const void* ptr_id,const char* fmt,va_list args)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const void*",
"name": "ptr_id"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "va_list",
"name": "args"
"ov_cimguiname": "igTreeNodeVPtr",
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const void*,const char*,va_list)",
"cimguiname": "igTreeNodeV"
"igGetScrollMaxX": [
"funcname": "GetScrollMaxX",
"args": "()",
"ret": "float",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetScrollMaxX"
"igSetTooltip": [
"isvararg": "...)",
"funcname": "SetTooltip",
"args": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"ret": "void",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(fmt,...)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* fmt,...)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "fmt"
"type": "...",
"name": "..."
"defaults": [],
"signature": "(const char*,...)",
"cimguiname": "igSetTooltip"
"igGetContentRegionAvail": [
"funcname": "GetContentRegionAvail",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [],
"defaults": [],
"signature": "()",
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvail"
"funcname": "GetContentRegionAvail",
"args": "(ImVec2 *pOut)",
"ret": "void",
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvail",
"nonUDT": 1,
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"signature": "()",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvail_nonUDT",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": [
"type": "ImVec2*",
"name": "pOut"
"cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvail",
"funcname": "GetContentRegionAvail",
"args": "()",
"ret": "ImVec2_Simple",
"nonUDT": 2,
"signature": "()",
"call_args": "()",
"argsoriginal": "()",
"stname": "ImGui",
"retorig": "ImVec2",
"ov_cimguiname": "igGetContentRegionAvail_nonUDT2",
"comment": "",
"defaults": [],
"argsT": []
"igInputFloat3": [
"funcname": "InputFloat3",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[3],const char* format,ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,format,extra_flags)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[3],const char* format=\"%.3f\",ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags=0)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[3]",
"name": "v"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "ImGuiInputTextFlags",
"name": "extra_flags"
"defaults": {
"extra_flags": "0",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[3],const char*,ImGuiInputTextFlags)",
"cimguiname": "igInputFloat3"
"igDragFloat2": [
"funcname": "DragFloat2",
"args": "(const char* label,float v[2],float v_speed,float v_min,float v_max,const char* format,float power)",
"ret": "bool",
"comment": "",
"call_args": "(label,v,v_speed,v_min,v_max,format,power)",
"argsoriginal": "(const char* label,float v[2],float v_speed=1.0f,float v_min=0.0f,float v_max=0.0f,const char* format=\"%.3f\",float power=1.0f)",
"stname": "ImGui",
"argsT": [
"type": "const char*",
"name": "label"
"type": "float[2]",
"name": "v"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_speed"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_min"
"type": "float",
"name": "v_max"
"type": "const char*",
"name": "format"
"type": "float",
"name": "power"
"defaults": {
"v_speed": "1.0f",
"v_min": "0.0f",
"power": "1.0f",
"v_max": "0.0f",
"format": "\"%.3f\""
"signature": "(const char*,float[2],float,float,float,const char*,float)",
"cimguiname": "igDragFloat2"