Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

339 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace ImGuiNET
public static unsafe partial class ImGui
public static bool InputText(
string label,
byte[] buf,
uint buf_size)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, 0, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
byte[] buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
byte[] buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, callback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
byte[] buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,
IntPtr user_data)
int utf8LabelByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* utf8LabelBytes;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8LabelBytes = Util.Allocate(utf8LabelByteCount + 1);
byte* stackPtr = stackalloc byte[utf8LabelByteCount + 1];
utf8LabelBytes = stackPtr;
Util.GetUtf8(label, utf8LabelBytes, utf8LabelByteCount);
bool ret;
fixed (byte* bufPtr = buf)
ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(utf8LabelBytes, bufPtr, buf_size, flags, callback, user_data.ToPointer()) != 0;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
return ret;
public static bool InputText(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength) => InputText(label, ref input, maxLength, 0, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags) => InputText(label, ref input, maxLength, flags, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback) => InputText(label, ref input, maxLength, flags, callback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,
IntPtr user_data)
int utf8LabelByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* utf8LabelBytes;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8LabelBytes = Util.Allocate(utf8LabelByteCount + 1);
byte* stackPtr = stackalloc byte[utf8LabelByteCount + 1];
utf8LabelBytes = stackPtr;
Util.GetUtf8(label, utf8LabelBytes, utf8LabelByteCount);
int utf8InputByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(input);
int inputBufSize = Math.Max((int)maxLength + 1, utf8InputByteCount + 1);
byte* utf8InputBytes;
byte* originalUtf8InputBytes;
if (inputBufSize > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8InputBytes = Util.Allocate(inputBufSize);
originalUtf8InputBytes = Util.Allocate(inputBufSize);
byte* inputStackBytes = stackalloc byte[inputBufSize];
utf8InputBytes = inputStackBytes;
byte* originalInputStackBytes = stackalloc byte[inputBufSize];
originalUtf8InputBytes = originalInputStackBytes;
Util.GetUtf8(input, utf8InputBytes, inputBufSize);
uint clearBytesCount = (uint)(inputBufSize - utf8InputByteCount);
Unsafe.InitBlockUnaligned(utf8InputBytes + utf8InputByteCount, 0, clearBytesCount);
Unsafe.CopyBlock(originalUtf8InputBytes, utf8InputBytes, (uint)inputBufSize);
byte result = ImGuiNative.igInputText(
if (!Util.AreStringsEqual(originalUtf8InputBytes, inputBufSize, utf8InputBytes))
input = Util.StringFromPtr(utf8InputBytes);
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
if (inputBufSize > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
return result != 0;
public static bool InputTextMultiline(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
Vector2 size) => InputTextMultiline(label, ref input, maxLength, size, 0, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputTextMultiline(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
Vector2 size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags) => InputTextMultiline(label, ref input, maxLength, size, flags, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputTextMultiline(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
Vector2 size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback) => InputTextMultiline(label, ref input, maxLength, size, flags, callback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputTextMultiline(
string label,
ref string input,
uint maxLength,
Vector2 size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,
IntPtr user_data)
int utf8LabelByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* utf8LabelBytes;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8LabelBytes = Util.Allocate(utf8LabelByteCount + 1);
byte* stackPtr = stackalloc byte[utf8LabelByteCount + 1];
utf8LabelBytes = stackPtr;
Util.GetUtf8(label, utf8LabelBytes, utf8LabelByteCount);
int utf8InputByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(input);
int inputBufSize = Math.Max((int)maxLength + 1, utf8InputByteCount + 1);
byte* utf8InputBytes;
byte* originalUtf8InputBytes;
if (inputBufSize > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8InputBytes = Util.Allocate(inputBufSize);
originalUtf8InputBytes = Util.Allocate(inputBufSize);
byte* inputStackBytes = stackalloc byte[inputBufSize];
utf8InputBytes = inputStackBytes;
byte* originalInputStackBytes = stackalloc byte[inputBufSize];
originalUtf8InputBytes = originalInputStackBytes;
Util.GetUtf8(input, utf8InputBytes, inputBufSize);
uint clearBytesCount = (uint)(inputBufSize - utf8InputByteCount);
Unsafe.InitBlockUnaligned(utf8InputBytes + utf8InputByteCount, 0, clearBytesCount);
Unsafe.CopyBlock(originalUtf8InputBytes, utf8InputBytes, (uint)inputBufSize);
byte result = ImGuiNative.igInputTextMultiline(
if (!Util.AreStringsEqual(originalUtf8InputBytes, inputBufSize, utf8InputBytes))
input = Util.StringFromPtr(utf8InputBytes);
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
if (inputBufSize > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
return result != 0;
public static bool InputText(
string label,
IntPtr buf,
uint buf_size)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, 0, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
IntPtr buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, null, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
IntPtr buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback)
return InputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags, callback, IntPtr.Zero);
public static bool InputText(
string label,
IntPtr buf,
uint buf_size,
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags,
ImGuiInputTextCallback callback,
IntPtr user_data)
int utf8LabelByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(label);
byte* utf8LabelBytes;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8LabelBytes = Util.Allocate(utf8LabelByteCount + 1);
byte* stackPtr = stackalloc byte[utf8LabelByteCount + 1];
utf8LabelBytes = stackPtr;
Util.GetUtf8(label, utf8LabelBytes, utf8LabelByteCount);
bool ret = ImGuiNative.igInputText(utf8LabelBytes, (byte*)buf.ToPointer(), buf_size, flags, callback, user_data.ToPointer()) != 0;
if (utf8LabelByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
return ret;
public static bool Begin(string name, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
int utf8NameByteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(name);
byte* utf8NameBytes;
if (utf8NameByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
utf8NameBytes = Util.Allocate(utf8NameByteCount + 1);
byte* stackPtr = stackalloc byte[utf8NameByteCount + 1];
utf8NameBytes = stackPtr;
Util.GetUtf8(name, utf8NameBytes, utf8NameByteCount);
byte* p_open = null;
byte ret = ImGuiNative.igBegin(utf8NameBytes, p_open, flags);
if (utf8NameByteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)
return ret != 0;
public static bool MenuItem(string label, bool enabled)
return MenuItem(label, string.Empty, false, enabled);