Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
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namespace ImGuiNET
public enum ImGuiCol
Text = 0,
TextDisabled = 1,
WindowBg = 2,
ChildBg = 3,
PopupBg = 4,
Border = 5,
BorderShadow = 6,
FrameBg = 7,
FrameBgHovered = 8,
FrameBgActive = 9,
TitleBg = 10,
TitleBgActive = 11,
TitleBgCollapsed = 12,
MenuBarBg = 13,
ScrollbarBg = 14,
ScrollbarGrab = 15,
ScrollbarGrabHovered = 16,
ScrollbarGrabActive = 17,
CheckMark = 18,
SliderGrab = 19,
SliderGrabActive = 20,
Button = 21,
ButtonHovered = 22,
ButtonActive = 23,
Header = 24,
HeaderHovered = 25,
HeaderActive = 26,
Separator = 27,
SeparatorHovered = 28,
SeparatorActive = 29,
ResizeGrip = 30,
ResizeGripHovered = 31,
ResizeGripActive = 32,
Tab = 33,
TabHovered = 34,
TabActive = 35,
TabUnfocused = 36,
TabUnfocusedActive = 37,
PlotLines = 38,
PlotLinesHovered = 39,
PlotHistogram = 40,
PlotHistogramHovered = 41,
TextSelectedBg = 42,
DragDropTarget = 43,
NavHighlight = 44,
NavWindowingHighlight = 45,
NavWindowingDimBg = 46,
ModalWindowDimBg = 47,
COUNT = 48,