Implement DrawList functionality, and a few other misc things

Eric Mellino 8 years ago
parent 06060b4f2b
commit 9cbe0d07fc
  1. 2
  2. 55
  3. 23
  4. 107

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
/// Only valid after Render() is called and before the next NewFrame() is called.
/// </summary>
public byte Valid;
public DrawList** CmdLists;
public NativeDrawList** CmdLists;
public int CmdListsCount;
/// <summary>
/// For convenience, sum of all cmd_lists vtx_buffer.Size

@ -1,8 +1,61 @@
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ImGuiNET
public unsafe struct DrawList
private readonly NativeDrawList* _nativeDrawList;
public DrawList(NativeDrawList* nativeDrawList)
_nativeDrawList = nativeDrawList;
public static DrawList GetForCurrentWindow()
return new DrawList(ImGuiNative.igGetWindowDrawList());
public void AddLine(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint color, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddLine(_nativeDrawList, a, b, color, thickness);
public void AddRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint color, float rounding, int rounding_corners, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(_nativeDrawList, a, b, color, rounding, rounding_corners, thickness);
public void AddRectFilled(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint color, float rounding, int rounding_corners = ~0)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(_nativeDrawList, a, b, color, rounding, rounding_corners);
public void AddRectFilledMultiColor(
Vector2 a,
Vector2 b,
uint colorUpperLeft,
uint colorUpperRight,
uint colorBottomRight,
uint colorBottomLeft)
public void AddCircle(Vector2 center, float radius, uint color, int numSegments, float thickness)
ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircle(_nativeDrawList, center, radius, color, numSegments, thickness);
/// <summary>
/// Draw command list
/// This is the low-level list of polygons that ImGui functions are filling. At the end of the frame, all command lists are passed to your ImGuiIO::RenderDrawListFn function for rendering.
@ -12,7 +65,7 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
/// All positions are in screen coordinates (0,0=top-left, 1 pixel per unit). Primitives are always added to the list and not culled (culling is done at render time and at a higher-level by ImGui:: functions).
/// </summary>
public unsafe struct DrawList
public unsafe struct NativeDrawList
// This is what you have to render

@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
return ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeader(label, (defaultOpen ? default_open_flags : 0));
public static bool CollapsingHeader(string label, TreeNodeFlags flags)
return ImGuiNative.igCollapsingHeader(label, flags);
@ -446,7 +447,7 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
for (int i = 0; i < drawData->CmdListsCount; i++)
DrawList* cmd_list = drawData->CmdLists[i];
NativeDrawList* cmd_list = drawData->CmdLists[i];
for (int cmd_i = 0; cmd_i < cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Size; cmd_i++)
DrawCmd* drawCmdList = (DrawCmd*)cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Data;
@ -474,6 +475,14 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
return size;
public static Vector2 GetWindowPosition()
Vector2 pos;
ImGuiNative.igGetWindowPos(out pos);
return pos;
public static void SetWindowSize(Vector2 size, SetCondition cond = 0)
ImGuiNative.igSetWindowSize(size, cond);
@ -689,6 +698,11 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
return ImGuiNative.igIsMouseHoveringAnyWindow();
public static bool IsWindowFocused()
return ImGuiNative.igIsWindowFocused();
public static bool IsMouseHoveringRect(Vector2 minPosition, Vector2 maxPosition, bool clip)
return IsMouseHoveringRect(minPosition, maxPosition, clip);
@ -744,6 +758,13 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
return retVal;
public static unsafe Vector2 GetCursorScreenPos()
Vector2 retVal;
return retVal;
public static bool BeginChild(string id, bool border = false, WindowFlags flags = 0)
return BeginChild(id, new Vector2(0, 0), border, flags);

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
public static extern float igGetWindowContentRegionWidth();
public static extern DrawList* igGetWindowDrawList();
public static extern NativeDrawList* igGetWindowDrawList();
public static extern void igSetWindowFontScale(float scale);
@ -783,20 +783,113 @@ namespace ImGuiNET
public static extern void ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8(string utf8_chars);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetVertexBufferSize(DrawList* list);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetVertexBufferSize(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern DrawVert* ImDrawList_GetVertexPtr(DrawList* list, int n);
public static extern DrawVert* ImDrawList_GetVertexPtr(NativeDrawList* list, int n);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetIndexBufferSize(DrawList* list);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetIndexBufferSize(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern ushort* ImDrawList_GetIndexPtr(DrawList* list, int n);
public static extern ushort* ImDrawList_GetIndexPtr(NativeDrawList* list, int n);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetCmdSize(DrawList* list);
public static extern int ImDrawList_GetCmdSize(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern DrawCmd* ImDrawList_GetCmdPtr(DrawList* list, int n);
public static extern DrawCmd* ImDrawList_GetCmdPtr(NativeDrawList* list, int n);
public static extern void ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers(DrawData* drawData);
public static extern void ImDrawList_Clear(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PushClipRect(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 clip_rect_min, Vector2 clip_rect_max, byte intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PopClipRect(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PushTextureID(NativeDrawList* list, void* texture_id);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PopTextureID(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddLine(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddRect(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col, float rounding, int rounding_corners);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col_upr_left, uint col_upr_right, uint col_bot_right, uint col_bot_left);
public static extern void ImDrawLust_AddQuad(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, uint col, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawLust_AddQuadFilled(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddTriangle(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, uint col, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddCircle(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col, int num_segments, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 centre, float radius, uint col, int num_segments);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddText(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos, uint col, char* text_begin, char* text_end);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddTextExt(NativeDrawList* list, NativeFont* font, float font_size, Vector2 pos, uint col, char* text_begin, char* text_end, float wrap_width, Vector4* cpu_fine_clip_rect);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddImage(NativeDrawList* list, void* user_texture_id, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddPolyline(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2* points, int num_points, uint col, byte closed, float thickness, byte anti_aliased);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2* points, int num_points, uint col, byte anti_aliased);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos0, Vector2 cp0, Vector2 cp1, Vector2 pos1, uint col, float thickness, int num_segments);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathClear(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathLineTo(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathFill(NativeDrawList* list, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathStroke(NativeDrawList* list, uint col, byte closed, float thickness);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathArcTo(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathArcToFast(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 centre, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2 p3, int num_segments);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PathRect(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 rect_min, Vector2 rect_max, float rounding, int rounding_corners);
public static extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit(NativeDrawList* list, int channels_count);
public static extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent(NativeDrawList* list, int channel_index);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddCallback(NativeDrawList* list, ImDrawCallback callback, void* callback_data);
public static extern void ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimReserve(NativeDrawList* list, int idx_count, int vtx_count);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimRect(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimRectUV(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 d, Vector2 uv_a, Vector2 uv_b, Vector2 uv_c, Vector2 uv_d, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimVtx(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos, Vector2 uv, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx(NativeDrawList* list, Vector2 pos, Vector2 uv, uint col);
public static extern void ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx(NativeDrawList* list, ushort idx);
public static extern void ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect(NativeDrawList* list);
public static extern void ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID(NativeDrawList* list);
public delegate bool ItemSelectedCallback(IntPtr data, int index, string out_text);
public unsafe delegate void ImDrawCallback(DrawList* parent_list, DrawCmd* cmd);
