using ImGuiWindowFlags = System.IntPtr;
using ImGuiSetCond = System.IntPtr;
using ImGuiColorEditMode = System.IntPtr;
using ImVec2 = System.Numerics.Vector2;
using ImVec4 = System.Numerics.Vector4;
using ImGuiID = System.UInt32;
using ImTextureID = System.IntPtr;
using ImWchar = System.UInt16;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ImGui
// Font runtime data and rendering
// ImFontAtlas automatically loads a default embedded font for you when you call GetTexDataAsAlpha8() or GetTexDataAsRGBA32().
internal unsafe struct ImFont
// Members: Settings
public float FontSize; // <user set> // Height of characters, set during loading (don't change after loading)
public float Scale; // = 1.0f // Base font scale, multiplied by the per-window font scale which you can adjust with SetFontScale()
public ImVec2 DisplayOffset; // = (0.0f,1.0f) // Offset font rendering by xx pixels
public ImWchar FallbackChar; // = '?' // Replacement glyph if one isn't found. Only set via SetFallbackChar()
/// <summary>
/// ImFontConfig*
/// </summary>
public IntPtr ConfigData; // // Pointer within ImFontAtlas->ConfigData
public int ConfigDataCount; //
// Members: Runtime data
internal struct Glyph
ImWchar Codepoint;
float XAdvance;
float X0, Y0, X1, Y1;
float U0, V0, U1, V1; // Texture coordinates
public float Ascent, Descent; // Ascent: distance from top to bottom of e.g. 'A' [0..FontSize]
/// <summary>
/// ImFontAtlas*
/// </summary>
public IntPtr ContainerAtlas; // What we has been loaded into
/// <summary>
/// ImVector(Glyph)
/// </summary>
public ImVector Glyphs;
public Glyph* FallbackGlyph; // == FindGlyph(FontFallbackChar)
public float FallbackXAdvance; //
//ImVector<float> IndexXAdvance; // Sparse. Glyphs->XAdvance directly indexable (more cache-friendly that reading from Glyphs, for CalcTextSize functions which are often bottleneck in large UI)
//ImVector<int> IndexLookup; // Sparse. Index glyphs by Unicode code-point.
public ImVector IndexXAdvance; // Sparse. Glyphs->XAdvance directly indexable (more cache-friendly that reading from Glyphs, for CalcTextSize functions which are often bottleneck in large UI)
public ImVector IndexLookup; // Sparse. Index glyphs by Unicode code-point.
// Methods
IMGUI_API ~ImFont();
IMGUI_API void Clear();
IMGUI_API void BuildLookupTable();
IMGUI_API const Glyph* FindGlyph(unsigned short c) const;
IMGUI_API void SetFallbackChar(ImWchar c);
float GetCharAdvance(unsigned short c) const { return ((int)c<IndexXAdvance.Size) ? IndexXAdvance[(int)c] : FallbackXAdvance; }
bool IsLoaded() const { return ContainerAtlas != NULL; }
// 'max_width' stops rendering after a certain width (could be turned into a 2d size). FLT_MAX to disable.
// 'wrap_width' enable automatic word-wrapping across multiple lines to fit into given width. 0.0f to disable.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcTextSizeA(float size, float max_width, float wrap_width, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL, const char** remaining = NULL) const; // utf8
IMGUI_API const char* CalcWordWrapPositionA(float scale, const char* text, const char* text_end, float wrap_width) const;
IMGUI_API void RenderText(float size, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const ImVec4& clip_rect, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end, ImDrawList* draw_list, float wrap_width = 0.0f, bool cpu_fine_clip = false) const;