Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
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30 lines
513 B

namespace ImGuiNET
public enum ImGuiKey
Tab = 0,
LeftArrow = 1,
RightArrow = 2,
UpArrow = 3,
DownArrow = 4,
PageUp = 5,
PageDown = 6,
Home = 7,
End = 8,
Insert = 9,
Delete = 10,
Backspace = 11,
Space = 12,
Enter = 13,
Escape = 14,
KeyPadEnter = 15,
A = 16,
C = 17,
V = 18,
X = 19,
Y = 20,
Z = 21,
COUNT = 22,