Fork of mellinoe/ImGui.NET, an ImGui wrapper for .NET, which includes access to internal functions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

858 lines
38 KiB

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeGenerator
5 years ago
internal static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string outputPath;
if (args.Length > 0)
outputPath = args[0];
outputPath = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
string libraryName;
if (args.Length > 1)
libraryName = args[1];
libraryName = "cimgui";
string projectNamespace = libraryName switch
"cimgui" => "ImGuiNET",
"cimplot" => "ImGuiNET",
"cimnodes" => "ImGuiNET",
"cimguizmo" => "ImGuiNET",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
string classPrefix = libraryName switch
"cimgui" => "ImGui",
"cimplot" => "ImPlot",
"cimnodes" => "ImNodes",
"cimguizmo" => "ImGuizmo",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
string dllName = libraryName switch
"cimgui" => "cimgui",
"cimplot" => "cimgui",
"cimnodes" => "cimgui",
"cimguizmo" => "cimgui",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
string definitionsPath = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "definitions", libraryName);
var defs = new ImguiDefinitions();
Console.WriteLine($"Outputting generated code files to {outputPath}.");
foreach (EnumDefinition ed in defs.Enums)
using (CSharpCodeWriter writer = new CSharpCodeWriter(Path.Combine(outputPath, ed.FriendlyName + ".gen.cs")))
writer.PushBlock($"namespace {projectNamespace}");
if (ed.FriendlyName.Contains("Flags"))
writer.PushBlock($"public enum {ed.FriendlyName}");
foreach (EnumMember member in ed.Members)
string sanitizedName = ed.SanitizeNames(member.Name);
string sanitizedValue = ed.SanitizeNames(member.Value);
writer.WriteLine($"{sanitizedName} = {sanitizedValue},");
foreach (TypeDefinition td in defs.Types)
if (TypeInfo.CustomDefinedTypes.Contains(td.Name)) { continue; }
using (CSharpCodeWriter writer = new CSharpCodeWriter(Path.Combine(outputPath, td.Name + ".gen.cs")))
writer.PushBlock($"namespace {projectNamespace}");
writer.PushBlock($"public unsafe partial struct {td.Name}");
foreach (TypeReference field in td.Fields)
string typeStr = GetTypeString(field.Type, field.IsFunctionPointer);
if (field.ArraySize != 0)
if (TypeInfo.LegalFixedTypes.Contains(typeStr))
writer.WriteLine($"public fixed {typeStr} {field.Name}[{field.ArraySize}];");
for (int i = 0; i < field.ArraySize; i++)
writer.WriteLine($"public {typeStr} {field.Name}_{i};");
writer.WriteLine($"public {typeStr} {field.Name};");
string ptrTypeName = td.Name + "Ptr";
writer.PushBlock($"public unsafe partial struct {ptrTypeName}");
writer.WriteLine($"public {td.Name}* NativePtr {{ get; }}");
writer.WriteLine($"public {ptrTypeName}({td.Name}* nativePtr) => NativePtr = nativePtr;");
writer.WriteLine($"public {ptrTypeName}(IntPtr nativePtr) => NativePtr = ({td.Name}*)nativePtr;");
writer.WriteLine($"public static implicit operator {ptrTypeName}({td.Name}* nativePtr) => new {ptrTypeName}(nativePtr);");
writer.WriteLine($"public static implicit operator {td.Name}* ({ptrTypeName} wrappedPtr) => wrappedPtr.NativePtr;");
writer.WriteLine($"public static implicit operator {ptrTypeName}(IntPtr nativePtr) => new {ptrTypeName}(nativePtr);");
foreach (TypeReference field in td.Fields)
string typeStr = GetTypeString(field.Type, field.IsFunctionPointer);
string rawType = typeStr;
if (TypeInfo.WellKnownFieldReplacements.TryGetValue(field.Type, out string wellKnownFieldType))
typeStr = wellKnownFieldType;
if (field.ArraySize != 0)
string addrTarget = TypeInfo.LegalFixedTypes.Contains(rawType) ? $"NativePtr->{field.Name}" : $"&NativePtr->{field.Name}_0";
writer.WriteLine($"public RangeAccessor<{typeStr}> {field.Name} => new RangeAccessor<{typeStr}>({addrTarget}, {field.ArraySize});");
else if (typeStr.Contains("ImVector"))
string vectorElementType = GetTypeString(field.TemplateType, false);
if (TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.TryGetValue(vectorElementType, out string wellKnown))
vectorElementType = wellKnown;
if (GetWrappedType(vectorElementType + "*", out string wrappedElementType))
writer.WriteLine($"public ImPtrVector<{wrappedElementType}> {field.Name} => new ImPtrVector<{wrappedElementType}>(NativePtr->{field.Name}, Unsafe.SizeOf<{vectorElementType}>());");
if (GetWrappedType(vectorElementType, out wrappedElementType))
vectorElementType = wrappedElementType;
writer.WriteLine($"public ImVector<{vectorElementType}> {field.Name} => new ImVector<{vectorElementType}>(NativePtr->{field.Name});");
if (typeStr.Contains("*") && !typeStr.Contains("ImVector"))
if (GetWrappedType(typeStr, out string wrappedTypeName))
writer.WriteLine($"public {wrappedTypeName} {field.Name} => new {wrappedTypeName}(NativePtr->{field.Name});");
else if (typeStr == "byte*" && IsStringFieldName(field.Name))
writer.WriteLine($"public NullTerminatedString {field.Name} => new NullTerminatedString(NativePtr->{field.Name});");
writer.WriteLine($"public IntPtr {field.Name} {{ get => (IntPtr)NativePtr->{field.Name}; set => NativePtr->{field.Name} = ({typeStr})value; }}");
writer.WriteLine($"public ref {typeStr} {field.Name} => ref Unsafe.AsRef<{typeStr}>(&NativePtr->{field.Name});");
foreach (FunctionDefinition fd in defs.Functions)
foreach (OverloadDefinition overload in fd.Overloads)
if (overload.StructName != td.Name)
if (overload.IsConstructor)
// TODO: Emit a static function on the type that invokes the native constructor.
// Also, add a "Dispose" function or similar.
string exportedName = overload.ExportedName;
if (exportedName.StartsWith("ig"))
exportedName = exportedName.Substring(2, exportedName.Length - 2);
if (exportedName.Contains("~")) { continue; }
if (overload.Parameters.Any(tr => tr.Type.Contains('('))) { continue; } // TODO: Parse function pointer parameters.
bool hasVaList = false;
for (int i = 0; i < overload.Parameters.Length; i++)
TypeReference p = overload.Parameters[i];
string paramType = GetTypeString(p.Type, p.IsFunctionPointer);
if (p.Name == "...") { continue; }
if (paramType == "va_list")
hasVaList = true;
if (hasVaList) { continue; }
KeyValuePair<string, string>[] orderedDefaults = overload.DefaultValues.OrderByDescending(
kvp => GetIndex(overload.Parameters, kvp.Key)).ToArray();
for (int i = overload.DefaultValues.Count; i >= 0; i--)
Dictionary<string, string> defaults = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
defaults.Add(orderedDefaults[j].Key, orderedDefaults[j].Value);
EmitOverload(writer, overload, defaults, "NativePtr", classPrefix);
using (CSharpCodeWriter writer = new CSharpCodeWriter(Path.Combine(outputPath, $"{classPrefix}Native.gen.cs")))
writer.PushBlock($"namespace {projectNamespace}");
writer.PushBlock($"public static unsafe partial class {classPrefix}Native");
foreach (FunctionDefinition fd in defs.Functions)
foreach (OverloadDefinition overload in fd.Overloads)
string exportedName = overload.ExportedName;
if (exportedName.Contains("~")) { continue; }
6 years ago
if (exportedName.Contains("ImVector_")) { continue; }
if (exportedName.Contains("ImChunkStream_")) { continue; }
if (overload.Parameters.Any(tr => tr.Type.Contains('('))) { continue; } // TODO: Parse function pointer parameters.
string ret = GetTypeString(overload.ReturnType, false);
bool hasVaList = false;
List<string> paramParts = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < overload.Parameters.Length; i++)
TypeReference p = overload.Parameters[i];
string paramType = GetTypeString(p.Type, p.IsFunctionPointer);
if (p.ArraySize != 0)
paramType = paramType + "*";
if (p.Name == "...") { continue; }
paramParts.Add($"{paramType} {CorrectIdentifier(p.Name)}");
if (paramType == "va_list")
hasVaList = true;
if (hasVaList) { continue; }
string parameters = string.Join(", ", paramParts);
bool isUdtVariant = exportedName.Contains("nonUDT");
string methodName = isUdtVariant
? exportedName.Substring(0, exportedName.IndexOf("_nonUDT"))
: exportedName;
if (isUdtVariant)
writer.WriteLine($"[DllImport(\"{dllName}\", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = \"{exportedName}\")]");
writer.WriteLine($"[DllImport(\"{dllName}\", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]");
writer.WriteLine($"public static extern {ret} {methodName}({parameters});");
using (CSharpCodeWriter writer = new CSharpCodeWriter(Path.Combine(outputPath, $"{classPrefix}.gen.cs")))
writer.PushBlock($"namespace {projectNamespace}");
writer.PushBlock($"public static unsafe partial class {classPrefix}");
foreach (FunctionDefinition fd in defs.Functions)
if (TypeInfo.SkippedFunctions.Contains(fd.Name)) { continue; }
foreach (OverloadDefinition overload in fd.Overloads)
string exportedName = overload.ExportedName;
if (exportedName.StartsWith("ig"))
exportedName = exportedName.Substring(2, exportedName.Length - 2);
if (exportedName.Contains("~")) { continue; }
if (overload.Parameters.Any(tr => tr.Type.Contains('('))) { continue; } // TODO: Parse function pointer parameters.
bool hasVaList = false;
for (int i = 0; i < overload.Parameters.Length; i++)
TypeReference p = overload.Parameters[i];
string paramType = GetTypeString(p.Type, p.IsFunctionPointer);
if (p.Name == "...") { continue; }
if (paramType == "va_list")
hasVaList = true;
if (hasVaList) { continue; }
KeyValuePair<string, string>[] orderedDefaults = overload.DefaultValues.OrderByDescending(
kvp => GetIndex(overload.Parameters, kvp.Key)).ToArray();
for (int i = overload.DefaultValues.Count; i >= 0; i--)
if (overload.IsMemberFunction) { continue; }
Dictionary<string, string> defaults = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
defaults.Add(orderedDefaults[j].Key, orderedDefaults[j].Value);
EmitOverload(writer, overload, defaults, null, classPrefix);
foreach (var method in defs.Variants)
foreach (var variant in method.Value.Parameters)
if (!variant.Used) Console.WriteLine($"Error: Variants targetting parameter {variant.Name} with type {variant.OriginalType} could not be applied to method {method.Key}.");
private static bool IsStringFieldName(string name)
return Regex.IsMatch(name, ".*Filename.*")
|| Regex.IsMatch(name, ".*Name");
private static string GetImVectorElementType(string typeStr)
int start = typeStr.IndexOf('<') + 1;
int end = typeStr.IndexOf('>');
int length = end - start;
return typeStr.Substring(start, length);
private static int GetIndex(TypeReference[] parameters, string key)
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
if (key == parameters[i].Name) { return i; }
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private static void EmitOverload(
CSharpCodeWriter writer,
OverloadDefinition overload,
Dictionary<string, string> defaultValues,
string selfName,
string classPrefix)
if (overload.Parameters.Where(tr => tr.Name.EndsWith("_begin") || tr.Name.EndsWith("_end"))
.Any(tr => !defaultValues.ContainsKey(tr.Name)))
Debug.Assert(!overload.IsMemberFunction || selfName != null);
string nativeRet = GetTypeString(overload.ReturnType, false);
bool isWrappedType = GetWrappedType(nativeRet, out string safeRet);
if (!isWrappedType)
safeRet = GetSafeType(overload.ReturnType);
List<string> invocationArgs = new List<string>();
MarshalledParameter[] marshalledParameters = new MarshalledParameter[overload.Parameters.Length];
List<string> preCallLines = new List<string>();
List<string> postCallLines = new List<string>();
List<string> byRefParams = new List<string>();
int selfIndex = -1;
int pOutIndex = -1;
string overrideRet = null;
for (int i = 0; i < overload.Parameters.Length; i++)
TypeReference tr = overload.Parameters[i];
if (tr.Name == "self")
selfIndex = i;
if (tr.Name == "...") { continue; }
string correctedIdentifier = CorrectIdentifier(tr.Name);
string nativeTypeName = GetTypeString(tr.Type, tr.IsFunctionPointer);
if (correctedIdentifier == "pOut" && overload.ReturnType == "void")
pOutIndex = i;
overrideRet = nativeTypeName.TrimEnd('*');
preCallLines.Add($"{overrideRet} __retval;");
if (tr.Type == "char*")
string textToEncode = correctedIdentifier;
bool hasDefault = false;
if (defaultValues.TryGetValue(tr.Name, out string defaultStrVal))
hasDefault = true;
if (!CorrectDefaultValue(defaultStrVal, tr, out string correctedDefault))
correctedDefault = defaultStrVal;
textToEncode = correctedDefault;
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter("string", false, nativeArgName, hasDefault);
if (textToEncode == "null")
preCallLines.Add($"byte* {nativeArgName} = null;");
preCallLines.Add($"byte* {nativeArgName};");
preCallLines.Add($"int {correctedIdentifier}_byteCount = 0;");
if (!hasDefault)
preCallLines.Add($"if ({textToEncode} != null)");
preCallLines.Add($" {correctedIdentifier}_byteCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount({textToEncode});");
preCallLines.Add($" if ({correctedIdentifier}_byteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)");
preCallLines.Add($" {{");
preCallLines.Add($" {nativeArgName} = Util.Allocate({correctedIdentifier}_byteCount + 1);");
preCallLines.Add($" }}");
preCallLines.Add($" else");
preCallLines.Add($" {{");
preCallLines.Add($" byte* {nativeArgName}_stackBytes = stackalloc byte[{correctedIdentifier}_byteCount + 1];");
preCallLines.Add($" {nativeArgName} = {nativeArgName}_stackBytes;");
preCallLines.Add($" }}");
preCallLines.Add($" int {nativeArgName}_offset = Util.GetUtf8({textToEncode}, {nativeArgName}, {correctedIdentifier}_byteCount);");
preCallLines.Add($" {nativeArgName}[{nativeArgName}_offset] = 0;");
if (!hasDefault)
preCallLines.Add($"else {{ {nativeArgName} = null; }}");
postCallLines.Add($"if ({correctedIdentifier}_byteCount > Util.StackAllocationSizeLimit)");
postCallLines.Add($" Util.Free({nativeArgName});");
else if (defaultValues.TryGetValue(tr.Name, out string defaultVal))
if (!CorrectDefaultValue(defaultVal, tr, out string correctedDefault))
correctedDefault = defaultVal;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter(nativeTypeName, false, correctedIdentifier, true);
preCallLines.Add($"{nativeTypeName} {correctedIdentifier} = {correctedDefault};");
else if (tr.Type == "char* []")
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter("string[]", false, nativeArgName, false);
preCallLines.Add($"int* {correctedIdentifier}_byteCounts = stackalloc int[{correctedIdentifier}.Length];");
preCallLines.Add($"int {correctedIdentifier}_byteCount = 0;");
preCallLines.Add($"for (int i = 0; i < {correctedIdentifier}.Length; i++)");
preCallLines.Add($" string s = {correctedIdentifier}[i];");
preCallLines.Add($" {correctedIdentifier}_byteCounts[i] = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);");
preCallLines.Add($" {correctedIdentifier}_byteCount += {correctedIdentifier}_byteCounts[i] + 1;");
preCallLines.Add($"byte* {nativeArgName}_data = stackalloc byte[{correctedIdentifier}_byteCount];");
preCallLines.Add("int offset = 0;");
preCallLines.Add($"for (int i = 0; i < {correctedIdentifier}.Length; i++)");
preCallLines.Add($" string s = {correctedIdentifier}[i];");
preCallLines.Add($" fixed (char* sPtr = s)");
preCallLines.Add(" {");
preCallLines.Add($" offset += Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPtr, s.Length, {nativeArgName}_data + offset, {correctedIdentifier}_byteCounts[i]);");
preCallLines.Add($" {nativeArgName}_data[offset] = 0;");
preCallLines.Add($" offset += 1;");
preCallLines.Add(" }");
preCallLines.Add($"byte** {nativeArgName} = stackalloc byte*[{correctedIdentifier}.Length];");
preCallLines.Add("offset = 0;");
preCallLines.Add($"for (int i = 0; i < {correctedIdentifier}.Length; i++)");
preCallLines.Add($" {nativeArgName}[i] = &{nativeArgName}_data[offset];");
preCallLines.Add($" offset += {correctedIdentifier}_byteCounts[i] + 1;");
else if (tr.Type == "bool")
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter("bool", false, nativeArgName, false);
preCallLines.Add($"byte {nativeArgName} = {tr.Name} ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;");
else if (tr.Type == "bool*")
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter("ref bool", false, nativeArgName, false);
preCallLines.Add($"byte {nativeArgName}_val = {correctedIdentifier} ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;");
preCallLines.Add($"byte* {nativeArgName} = &{nativeArgName}_val;");
postCallLines.Add($"{correctedIdentifier} = {nativeArgName}_val != 0;");
else if (tr.Type == "void*" || tr.Type == "ImWchar*")
string nativePtrTypeName = tr.Type == "void*" ? "void*" : "ushort*";
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter("IntPtr", false, nativeArgName, false);
preCallLines.Add($"{nativePtrTypeName} {nativeArgName} = ({nativePtrTypeName}){correctedIdentifier}.ToPointer();");
else if (GetWrappedType(tr.Type, out string wrappedParamType)
&& !TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.ContainsKey(tr.Type)
&& !TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.ContainsKey(tr.Type.Substring(0, tr.Type.Length - 1)))
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter(wrappedParamType, false, "native_" + tr.Name, false);
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter(wrappedParamType, false, nativeArgName, false);
preCallLines.Add($"{tr.Type} {nativeArgName} = {correctedIdentifier}.NativePtr;");
else if ((tr.Type.EndsWith("*") || tr.Type.Contains("[") || tr.Type.EndsWith("&")) && tr.Type != "void*" && tr.Type != "ImGuiContext*" && tr.Type != "ImPlotContext*"&& tr.Type != "EditorContext*")
string nonPtrType;
if (tr.Type.Contains("["))
string wellKnown = TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes[tr.Type];
nonPtrType = GetTypeString(wellKnown.Substring(0, wellKnown.Length - 1), false);
nonPtrType = GetTypeString(tr.Type.Substring(0, tr.Type.Length - 1), false);
string nativeArgName = "native_" + tr.Name;
bool isOutParam = tr.Name.Contains("out_") || tr.Name == "out";
string direction = isOutParam ? "out" : "ref";
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter($"{direction} {nonPtrType}", true, nativeArgName, false);
marshalledParameters[i].PinTarget = CorrectIdentifier(tr.Name);
marshalledParameters[i] = new MarshalledParameter(nativeTypeName, false, correctedIdentifier, false);
if (!marshalledParameters[i].HasDefaultValue)
invocationArgs.Add($"{marshalledParameters[i].MarshalledType} {correctedIdentifier}");
string invocationList = string.Join(", ", invocationArgs);
string friendlyName = overload.FriendlyName;
string staticPortion = selfName == null ? "static " : string.Empty;
writer.PushBlock($"public {staticPortion}{overrideRet ?? safeRet} {friendlyName}({invocationList})");
foreach (string line in preCallLines)
List<string> nativeInvocationArgs = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < marshalledParameters.Length; i++)
TypeReference tr = overload.Parameters[i];
if (selfIndex == i)
//Some overloads seem to be generated with IntPtr as self
//instead of the proper pointer type. TODO: investigate
string tstr = GetTypeString(tr.Type, false);
if (pOutIndex == i)
MarshalledParameter mp = marshalledParameters[i];
if (mp == null) { continue; }
if (mp.IsPinned)
string nativePinType = GetTypeString(tr.Type, false);
writer.PushBlock($"fixed ({nativePinType} native_{tr.Name} = &{mp.PinTarget})");
string nativeInvocationStr = string.Join(", ", nativeInvocationArgs);
string ret = safeRet == "void" ? string.Empty : $"{nativeRet} ret = ";
string targetName = overload.ExportedName;
if (targetName.Contains("nonUDT"))
targetName = targetName.Substring(0, targetName.IndexOf("_nonUDT"));
foreach (string line in postCallLines)
if (safeRet != "void")
if (safeRet == "bool")
writer.WriteLine("return ret != 0;");
else if (overload.ReturnType == "char*")
writer.WriteLine("return Util.StringFromPtr(ret);");
else if (overload.ReturnType == "ImWchar*")
writer.WriteLine("return (IntPtr)ret;");
else if (overload.ReturnType == "void*")
writer.WriteLine("return (IntPtr)ret;");
string retVal = isWrappedType ? $"new {safeRet}(ret)" : "ret";
writer.WriteLine($"return {retVal};");
if (overrideRet != null)
writer.WriteLine("return __retval;");
for (int i = 0; i < marshalledParameters.Length; i++)
MarshalledParameter mp = marshalledParameters[i];
if (mp == null) { continue; }
if (mp.IsPinned)
private static string GetSafeType(string nativeRet)
if (nativeRet == "bool")
return "bool";
else if (nativeRet == "char*")
return "string";
else if (nativeRet == "ImWchar*" || nativeRet == "void*")
return "IntPtr";
return GetTypeString(nativeRet, false);
private static string GetSafeType(TypeReference typeRef)
return typeRef.Type;
private static bool GetWrappedType(string nativeType, out string wrappedType)
if (nativeType.StartsWith("Im") && nativeType.EndsWith("*") && !nativeType.StartsWith("ImVector"))
int pointerLevel = nativeType.Length - nativeType.IndexOf('*');
if (pointerLevel > 1)
wrappedType = null;
return false; // TODO
string nonPtrType = nativeType.Substring(0, nativeType.Length - pointerLevel);
if (TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.ContainsKey(nonPtrType))
wrappedType = null;
return false;
wrappedType = nonPtrType + "Ptr";
return true;
wrappedType = null;
return false;
private static bool CorrectDefaultValue(string defaultVal, TypeReference tr, out string correctedDefault)
if (tr.Type == "ImGuiContext*" || tr.Type == "ImPlotContext*" || tr.Type == "EditorContext*")
correctedDefault = "IntPtr.Zero";
return true;
if (TypeInfo.WellKnownDefaultValues.TryGetValue(defaultVal, out correctedDefault)) { return true; }
if (tr.Type == "bool")
correctedDefault = bool.Parse(defaultVal) ? "1" : "0";
return true;
if (defaultVal.Contains("%")) { correctedDefault = null; return false; }
if (tr.IsEnum)
if (defaultVal.StartsWith("-"))
correctedDefault = $"({tr.Type})({defaultVal})";
correctedDefault = $"({tr.Type}){defaultVal}";
return true;
correctedDefault = defaultVal;
return true;
private static string GetTypeString(string typeName, bool isFunctionPointer)
int pointerLevel = 0;
if (typeName.EndsWith("**")) { pointerLevel = 2; }
else if (typeName.EndsWith("*")) { pointerLevel = 1; }
if (!TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.TryGetValue(typeName, out string typeStr))
if (TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.TryGetValue(typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - pointerLevel), out typeStr))
typeStr = typeStr + new string('*', pointerLevel);
else if (!TypeInfo.WellKnownTypes.TryGetValue(typeName, out typeStr))
typeStr = typeName;
if (isFunctionPointer) { typeStr = "IntPtr"; }
return typeStr;
private static string CorrectIdentifier(string identifier)
if (TypeInfo.IdentifierReplacements.TryGetValue(identifier, out string replacement))
return replacement;
return identifier;
class MarshalledParameter
public MarshalledParameter(string marshalledType, bool isPinned, string varName, bool hasDefaultValue)
MarshalledType = marshalledType;
IsPinned = isPinned;
VarName = varName;
HasDefaultValue = hasDefaultValue;
public string MarshalledType { get; }
public bool IsPinned { get; }
public string VarName { get; }
public bool HasDefaultValue { get; }
public string PinTarget { get; internal set; }