@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
root = true |
[*] |
indent_style = space |
indent_size = 2 |
end_of_line = lf |
trim_trailing_whitespace = true |
insert_final_newline = true |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
/.upload/** |
/kubejs/exported/** |
index.toml |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
/.git/** |
/.polymc/** |
/.upload/** |
/docs/** |
/kubejs/exported/** |
/.editorconfig |
/.gitignore |
/README.md |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
InstanceType=OneSix |
JoinServerOnLaunch=false |
MCLaunchMethod=LauncherPart |
MaxMemAlloc=6144 |
MinMemAlloc=6144 |
OverrideCommands=true |
OverrideConsole=false |
OverrideGameTime=false |
OverrideJavaArgs=false |
OverrideJavaLocation=false |
OverrideMemory=true |
OverrideNativeWorkarounds=false |
OverrideWindow=false |
PermGen=128 |
PostExitCommand= |
PreLaunchCommand="$INST_JAVA" -jar packwiz-installer-bootstrap.jar https://meowface.org/copygirl/heck/pack.toml |
WrapperCommand= |
iconKey=Heck |
name=Heck |
notes= |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
#Where to place mods button on main menu screen. Select "NO_CHANGE" to prevent any changes to the screen, useful for mod compatibility. |
main_menu_mods_button = "REPLACE_REALMS" |
#Show a small green orb indicating that mod updates are available. |
update_notification = false |
#Add mod count to mods button. |
mod_count = true |
#Force a dirt background to show for the mod list screen, even when inside of a world where it would normally be transparent. |
force_dirt_background = true |
#Where to place mods button on pause menu screen. |
pause_screen_mods_button = "REPLACE_FEEDBACK_AND_BUGS" |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
[Tooltips] |
#If TRUE, Enchantment descriptions will be added to the tooltip for Enchanted Books containing only a single enchantment. |
"Show Enchantment Descriptions" = true |
#If TRUE, Items will be associated with various keywords which assist with searching in various menus such as JEI. |
"Show Item Descriptions" = true |
#If TRUE and Advanced Tooltips are enabled (F3+H), Tags will be will be added to item tooltips if possible. |
"Show Item Tags" = false |
#If TRUE, CoFH Items will always show full details (charge state, etc.) and will not require Shift to be held down. |
"Always Show Item Details" = false |
#If TRUE, CoFH Items will display a message prompting to hold Shift to see full details (charge state, etc.). This does not change the behavior, only if the informational message should display. |
"Show 'Hold Shift for Details' Message" = true |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
# |
#Client-only settings - If you're looking for general settings, look inside your worlds serverconfig folder! |
[client] |
# |
#Show item descriptions on Shift and controls on Ctrl. |
enableTooltips = true |
# |
#Display a tooltip when looking at overstressed components. |
enableOverstressedTooltip = true |
# |
#Log a stack-trace when rendering issues happen within a moving contraption. |
explainRenderErrors = false |
# |
#Higher density means more spawned particles. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
fanParticleDensity = 0.5 |
# |
#[in Blocks] |
#Maximum Distance to the player at which items in Blocks' filter slots will be displayed |
#Range: 1.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 |
filterItemRenderDistance = 10.0 |
# |
#Show colourful debug information while the F3-Menu is open. |
enableRainbowDebug = true |
# |
#The maximum amount of blocks for which to try and calculate dynamic contraption lighting. Decrease if large contraption cause too much lag |
#Range: > 0 |
maximumContraptionLightVolume = 16384 |
# |
#Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the main menu |
#Set to 0 to disable the button altogether |
#Range: 0 ~ 4 |
mainMenuConfigButtonRow = 0 |
# |
#Offset the Create config button in the main menu by this many pixels on the X axis |
#The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right) |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
mainMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4 |
# |
#Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the in-game menu |
#Set to 0 to disable the button altogether |
#Range: 0 ~ 5 |
ingameMenuConfigButtonRow = 0 |
# |
#Offset the Create config button in the in-game menu by this many pixels on the X axis |
#The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right) |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
ingameMenuConfigButtonOffsetX = -4 |
# |
#Setting this to true will prevent Create from sending you a warning when playing with Fabulous graphics enabled |
ignoreFabulousWarning = false |
# |
#Settings for the Goggle Overlay |
[client.goggleOverlay] |
# |
#Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
overlayOffsetX = 20 |
# |
#Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
overlayOffsetY = 0 |
# |
#Enable this to use your custom colors for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlay |
customColorsOverlay = false |
# |
#The custom background color to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled |
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] |
#[@cui:IntDisplay:#] |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
customBackgroundOverlay = -267386864 |
# |
#The custom top color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled |
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] |
#[@cui:IntDisplay:#] |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
customBorderTopOverlay = 1347420415 |
# |
#The custom bot color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled |
#[in Hex: #AaRrGgBb] |
#[@cui:IntDisplay:#] |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
customBorderBotOverlay = 1344798847 |
# |
#Settings for the Placement Assist |
[client.placementAssist] |
# |
#What indicator should be used when showing where the assisted placement ends up relative to your crosshair |
#Choose 'NONE' to disable the Indicator altogether |
#Allowed Values: TEXTURE, TRIANGLE, NONE |
indicatorType = "TEXTURE" |
# |
#Change the size of the Indicator by this multiplier |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 |
indicatorScale = 1.0 |
# |
#Ponder settings |
[client.ponder] |
# |
#Slow down a ponder scene whenever there is text on screen. |
comfyReading = false |
# |
#Show additional info in the ponder view and reload scene scripts more frequently. |
editingMode = false |
# |
#Sound settings |
[client.sound] |
# |
#Make cogs rumble and machines clatter. |
enableAmbientSounds = true |
# |
#Maximum volume modifier of Ambient noise |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
ambientVolumeCap = 0.10000000149011612 |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
#Disables most lighting code for certain models that are rendered dynamically (TESR). May improve FPS. |
#Affects turrets and garden cloches |
disableFancyTESR = false |
#Show the text overlay for various blocks, such as the configuration of capacitors or pumps |
showTextOverlay = true |
#Set this to false to disable the super awesome looking nixie tube front for the voltmeter and other things |
nixietubeFont = true |
#Set the GUI scale of the Engineer's Manual. This uses the same numbers as Vanilla's GUI Scale and is therefor limited to the maximum value available ingame. |
#Range: 1 ~ 32 |
manualGuiScale = 4 |
#Set this to true if you suffer from bad eyesight. The Engineer's manual will be switched to a bold and darker text to improve readability. |
badEyesight = false |
#Controls if item tooltips should contain the tags names of items. These tooltips are only visible in advanced tooltip mode (F3+H) |
tagTooltips = false |
#Increase the distance at which certain TileEntities (specifically windmills) are still visible. This is a modifier, so set it to 1 for default render distance, to 2 for doubled distance and so on. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
increasedTileRenderdistance = 1.5 |
#Set this to false to hide the update news in the manual |
showUpdateNews = false |
#Allows revolvers and other IE items to look properly held in 3rd person. This uses a coremod. Can be disabled in case of conflicts with other animation mods. |
fancyItemHolding = true |
#Set to false to disable the stencil buffer. This may be necessary on older GPUs. |
stencilBufferEnabled = true |
#A list of sounds that should not be muffled by the Ear Defenders. Adding to this list requires knowledge of the correct sound resource names. |
earDefenders_SoundBlacklist = [] |
#Use VBOs to render certain blocks. This is significantly faster than the usual rendering, |
#but may not work correctly with visual effects from other mods |
enableVBO = true |
#Options to set the RGB color of all IE wire types |
[wire_colors] |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
copper = 11758655 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
electrum = 15573061 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
steel = 7303023 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
structure_rope = 9862765 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
structure_steel = 7303023 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
redstone = 16723759 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
copper_insulated = 16445918 |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
electrum_insulated = 10323322 |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
#Tweak and change the various block animations. |
#Only cosmetic stuff in here so to leave default if not interested. |
#Remember to delete this and server configs and let it refresh every once in a while since I might have tweaked it |
[blocks] |
[blocks.globe] |
#Enable a random globe texture for each world |
random_world = true |
#Here you can put custom colors that will be assigned to each globe depending on the dimension where its placed: |
#To do so you'll have to make a list for one entry for every dimension you want to recolor as follows: |
#[[<id>,<c1>,...,<c12>],[<id>,<c1>,...,<c12>],...] |
#With the following description: |
# - <id> being the dimension id (ie: minecraft:the_nether) |
# - <c1> to <c12> will have to be 12 hex colors (without the #) that will represent each of the 17 globe own 'virtual biome' |
#Following are the virtual biomes that each index is associated with: |
# - 1: water light |
# - 2: water medium |
# - 3: water dark |
# - 4: coast/taiga |
# - 5: forest |
# - 6: plains |
# - 7: savanna |
# - 8: desert |
# - 9: snow |
# - 10: ice |
# - 11: iceberg/island |
# - 12: mushroom island |
globe_colors = [["minecraft:overworld", "23658d", "25527d", "1d396d", "2d8a5c", "34a03a", "6ea14b", "89a83d", "b5ba65", "ccd7d5", "83b4c6", "2f83a2", "826e71"], ["minecraft:the_nether", "941818", "7b0000", "6a0400", "16615b", "941818", "ca4e06", "e66410", "f48522", "5a0000", "32333d", "118066", "100c1c"], ["minecraft:the_end", "061914", "000000", "2a0d2a", "000000", "d5da94", "cdc68b", "061914", "2a0d2a", "cdc68b", "000000", "eef6b4", "b286b2"]] |
[blocks.clock_block] |
#Display 24h time format. False for 12h format |
24h_format = true |
[blocks.pedestal] |
#Enable displayed item spin |
spin = true |
#Spin speed |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 |
speed = 2.0 |
#Enable special display types for items like swords, tridents or end crystals |
fancy_renderers = true |
[blocks.bubble_block] |
#Wobbling intensity. set to 0 to disable |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
wobble = 0.2 |
#How fast it grows when created. 1 to be instant |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
grow_speed = 0.4 |
[blocks.item_shelf] |
#Translate down displayed 3d blocks so that they are touching the shelf. |
#Note that they will not be centered vertically this way |
supported_blocks = true |
[blocks.wind_vane] |
#Wind vane animation swings according to this equation: |
#angle(time) = max_angle_1*sin(2pi*time*pow/period_1) + <max_angle_2>*sin(2pi*time*pow/<period_2>) |
#where: |
# - pow = max(1,redstone_power*<power_scaling>) |
# - time = time in ticks |
# - redstone_power = block redstone power |
#<power_scaling> = how much frequency changes depending on power. 2 means it spins twice as fast each power level (2* for rain, 4* for thunder) |
#increase to have more distinct indication when weather changes |
#Range: 1.0 ~ 100.0 |
power_scaling = 3.0 |
#Amplitude (maximum angle) of first sine wave |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 |
max_angle_1 = 30.0 |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 360.0 |
max_angle_2 = 10.0 |
#Base period in ticks at 0 power of first sine wave |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 |
period_1 = 450.0 |
#This should be kept period_1/3 for a symmetric animation |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0 |
period_2 = 150.0 |
[blocks.flag] |
#How slow a flag will oscillate. (Period of oscillation) |
#Lower value = faster oscillation |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
slowness = 100 |
#How wavy the animation will be in pixels. (Wavelength) |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 100.0 |
wavyness = 4.0 |
#How tall the wave lobes will be. (Wave amplitude) |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 |
intensity = 1.0 |
#How much the wave amplitude increases each pixel. (Amplitude increment per pixel) |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 |
intensity_increment = 0.3 |
#At which graphic settings flags will have a fancy renderer: 0=fast, 1=fancy, 2=fabulous |
#Allowed Values: FAST, FANCY, FABULOUS |
fanciness = "FABULOUS" |
#Makes flags render as sideways banner. Ignores many of the previously defined configs |
render_as_banner = false |
[blocks.captured_mobs] |
#A list of mobs that can be ticked on client side when inside jars. Mainly used for stuff that has particles. Can cause issues and side effects so use with care |
tickable_inside_jars = ["iceandfire:pixie", "druidcraft:dreadfish", "druidcraft:lunar_moth", "alexsmobs:hummingbird"] |
#Here you can customize how mobs are displayed in jars and cages. |
#Following will have to be a list with the format below: |
#[[<id>,<height>,<width>,<light_level>,<animation_type>],[<id>,...],...] |
#With the following description: |
# - <id> being the mob id (ie: minecraft:bee) |
# - <height>,<width>: these are the added height and width that will be added to the actual mob hitbox to determine its scale inside a cage or jar |
# You can increase them so this 'adjusted hitbox' will match the actual mob shape |
# In other words increase the to make the mob smaller |
# - <light_level> determines if and how much light should the mob emit (currently broken) |
# - <animation_type> is used to associate each mob an animation. |
#It can be set to the following values: |
# - 'air' to make it stand in mid air like a flying animal (note that such mobs are set to this value by default) |
# - 'land' to force it to stand on the ground even if it is a flying animal |
# - 'floating' to to make it stand in mid air and wobble up and down |
# - any number > 0 to make it render as a 2d fish whose index matches the 'fishies' texture sheet |
# - 0 or any other values will be ignored and treated as default |
#Note that only the first 3 parameters are needed, the others are optional |
rendering_parameters = [["minecraft:bee", "0.3125", "0.0"], ["minecraft:vex", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:silverfish", "0.0", "0.25"], ["minecraft:chicken", "0.25", "0.3125"], ["minecraft:endermite", "0.0", "0.0", "5"], ["minecraft:fox", "0.0", "0.2"], ["minecraft:squid", "0.25", "0.25", "0", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:glow_squid", "0.25", "0.25", "3", "FLOATING"], ["supplementaries:firefly", "0.0", "0.0", "9", "FLOATING"], ["druidcraft:lunar_moth", "0.375", "0.1375", "10", "FLOATING"], ["iceandfire:pixie", "0.0", "0.0", "10"], ["feywild:winter_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:summer_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:spring_pixie", "0.125", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["feywild:autumn_pixie", "0.25", "0.0", "8", "FLOATING"], ["minecraft:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"], ["minecraft:tropical_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "2"], ["minecraft:salmon", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "3"], ["minecraft:cod", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "4"], ["minecraft:pufferfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "5"], ["minecraft:axolotl", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "6"], ["fins:pea_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "7"], ["fins:wee_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "8"], ["fins:vibra_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "9"], ["fins:blu_wee", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "10"], ["fins:ornate_bugfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "11"], ["fins:spindly_gem_crab", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "12"], ["fins:phantom_nudibranch", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "13"], ["fins:high_finned_blue", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "14"], ["fins:teal_arrowfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "15"], ["fins:midnight_squid", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "16"], ["fins:banded_redback_shrimp", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "17"], ["fins:flatback_sucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "18"], ["fins:swamp_mucker", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "19"], ["upgrade_aquatic:lionfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "20"], ["upgrade_aquatic:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "21"], ["upgrade_aquatic:pike", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "22"], ["alexsmobs:stradpole", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "23"], ["alexsmobs:blobfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "24"], ["unnamedanimalmod:flashlight_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "25"], ["unnamedanimalmod:elephantnose_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "26"], ["unnamedanimalmod:black_diamond_stingray", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "27"], ["unnamedanimalmod:humphead_parrotfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "28"], ["unnamedanimalmod:tomato_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "29"], ["unnamedanimalmod:pacman_frog", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "30"], ["bettas:betta_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "31"], ["pogfish:pogfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "32"], ["undergarden:gwibling", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "33"], ["environmental:koi", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "34"], ["betterendforge:end_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "35"], ["betteranimalsplus:flying_fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "36"], ["betteranimalsplus:nautilus", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "37"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_freshwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "38"], ["betteranimalsplus:eel_saltwater", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "39"], ["betteranimalsplus:lamprey", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "40"], ["betteranimalsplus:piranha", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "41"], ["betteranimalsplus:barracuda", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "42"], ["rediscovered:fish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "1"], ["biomemakeover:glowfish", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "43"], ["biomemakeover:tadpoles", "0.0", "0.125", "0", "44"]] |
[blocks.wall_lantern] |
#Makes wall lantern use a simple block model instead of the animated tile entity renderer. This will make them render much faster but will also remove the animation |
fast_lanterns = false |
[blocks.hanging_sign] |
#Makes hanging signs use a simple block model instead of the animated tile entity renderer. This will make them render much faster but will also remove the animation |
fast_signs = false |
[blocks.bamboo_spikes] |
#Populate the creative inventory with all tipped spikes variations |
populate_creative_tab = true |
[blocks.turn_table] |
#Display visual particles when a block is rotated |
turn_particles = true |
[blocks.speaker_block] |
#Mute speaker block incoming narrator messages and displays them in chat instead |
mute_narrator = false |
#Particle parameters |
[particles] |
#Rotation particle |
[particles.turn_particle] |
#An RGBA color |
initial_color = "2a77ea" |
#An RGBA color |
fade_color = "32befa" |
#General settings |
[general] |
#Enable Quark style config button on main menu. Needs Configured installed to work |
config_button = false |
#Show some tooltip hints to guide players through the mod |
tooltip_hints = true |
#Show tooltips items that have been made placeable |
placeable_tooltips = true |
#Tries to detect when the mod hasn't been downloaded from Curseforge.Set to false if you have manually changed the mod jar name |
anti_reposting_warning = true |
#Allows dynamic resource generations for signs to pick textures from installed resource pack. Will only really work well if those texture pack have a similar format to vanilla otherwise it will result in glitched textures |
dynamic_textures_from_resource_packs = false |
#ignore this |
#Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 |
test1 = 0.0 |
#ignore this |
#Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 |
test2 = 0.0 |
#ignore this |
#Range: -10.0 ~ 10.0 |
test3 = 0.0 |
#Game tweaks |
[tweaks] |
#Colors the brewing stand potion texture depending on the potions it's brewing. |
#If using a resource pack add tint index from 0 to 3 to the 3 potion layers |
brewing_stand_colors = true |
#Makes tipped arrows show their colors when loaded with a crossbow |
crossbows_colors = true |
#Allow to right click with a clock to display current time in numerical form |
clock_right_click = true |
#Renders an enchantment glint on placeable enchanted books |
placeable_books_glint = false |
#Items |
[items] |
[items.slingshot] |
#Adds an overlay to slingshots in gui displaying currently selected block |
overlay = true |
#Render the block outline for distant blocks that are reachable with a slingshot enchanted with Stasis |
stasis_block_outline = true |
#An RGBA color for the block outline in hex format, for example 0x00000066 for vanilla outline colors |
block_outline_color = "ffffff66" |
#How big should a slingshot projectile look |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
projectile_scale = 0.5 |
[items.wrench] |
#Display visual particles when a block is rotated |
turn_particles = true |
[items.flute] |
#Display visual particles when a playing a flute |
note_particles = true |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
ignoreUpdate:0 |
settingsButton:false |
allowWrongWorldTeleportation:false |
differentiateByServerAddress:true |
debugEntityIcons:false |
debugEntityVariantIds:false |
updateNotification:false |
minimap:true |
caveMaps:2 |
caveZoom:1 |
showWaypoints:true |
showIngameWaypoints:true |
displayRedstone:true |
deathpoints:true |
oldDeathpoints:true |
distance:1 |
showCoords:true |
lockNorth:true |
zoom:0 |
minimapSize:0 |
chunkGrid:-1 |
slimeChunks:false |
mapSafeMode:false |
minimapOpacity:100.0 |
waypointsIngameIconScale:0 |
waypointsIngameDistanceScale:0 |
waypointsIngameNameScale:0 |
waypointsIngameCloseScale:1.0 |
antiAliasing:true |
blockColours:0 |
lighting:true |
dotsStyle:0 |
dotNameScale:1.0 |
compassOverEverything:true |
showBiome:true |
showFlowers:true |
keepWaypointNames:true |
waypointsDistanceExp:0 |
waypointsDistanceMin:0.0 |
defaultWaypointTPCommandFormat:/tp @s {x} {y} {z} |
defaultWaypointTPCommandRotationFormat:/tp @s {x} {y} {z} {yaw} ~ |
arrowScale:1.5 |
arrowColour:0 |
smoothDots:true |
worldMap:true |
terrainDepth:true |
terrainSlopes:2 |
mainEntityAs:0 |
blockTransparency:true |
waypointOpacityIngame:80 |
waypointOpacityMap:90 |
hideWorldNames:1 |
openSlimeSettings:true |
alwaysShowDistance:false |
showLightLevel:0 |
crossDimensionalTp:true |
showTime:1 |
biomeColorsVanillaMode:false |
lookingAtAngle:10 |
lookingAtAngleVertical:180 |
centeredEnlarged:true |
zoomedOutEnlarged:false |
minimapTextAlign:0 |
showAngles:false |
waypointsMutualEdit:true |
compassLocation:2 |
compassScale:1 |
caveMapsDepth:30 |
hideWaypointCoordinates:false |
renderAllSets:false |
playerArrowOpacity:100 |
waypointsBottom:false |
minimapShape:0 |
lightOverlayType:0 |
lightOverlayMaxLight:7 |
lightOverlayMinLight:0 |
lightOverlayColor:13 |
uiScale:1 |
bossHealthPushBox:1 |
potionEffectPushBox:1 |
minimapFrame:0 |
minimapFrameColor:9 |
compassColor:9 |
northCompassColor:-1 |
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key_key.jei.copy.recipe.id:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.carry.desc:key.keyboard.left.shift |
key_key.create_stuff_additions.flying:key.keyboard.space |
key_Piston Pushcart Up:key.keyboard.space |
key_Piston Pushcart Down:key.keyboard.left.control |
key_placebo.toggleTrails:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_placebo.toggleWings:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.hexerei.broomDescend:key.keyboard.left.shift |
key_key.botania_corporea_request:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_keybind.invmove.toggleMove:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.curios.open.desc:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.ars_nouveau.open_book:key.keyboard.unknown |
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key_key.ars_nouveau.previous_slot:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.ars_nouveau.next_slot:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_inventoryhotswap.key.verticalscroll:key.keyboard.left.alt |
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key_key.waila.narrate:key.keyboard.keypad.6 |
key_key.waila.show_details:key.keyboard.left.shift |
key_key.ars_elemental.open_pouch:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.ars_nouveau.switch_armarium_slot:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.ars_nouveau.choose_armarium_slot:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.options:key.keyboard.u |
key_pneumaticcraft.helmet.hack:key.keyboard.h |
key_pneumaticcraft.helmet.debugging.drone:key.keyboard.y |
key_pneumaticcraft.boots.kick:key.keyboard.x:CONTROL |
key_pneumaticcraft.chestplate.launcher:key.keyboard.c:CONTROL |
key_pneumaticcraft.boots.jet_boots:key.keyboard.space |
key_key.tconstruct.helmet_interact:key.keyboard.z |
key_key.tconstruct.leggings_interact:key.keyboard.i |
key_cos.key.opencosarmorinventory:key.keyboard.unknown |
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key_quark.emote.yes:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.emote.wave:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.emote.salute:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.emote.cheer:key.keyboard.unknown |
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key_quark.emote.point:key.keyboard.unknown |
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key_quark.emote.headbang:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.emote.weep:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.emote.facepalm:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.dance:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.tpose:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.dab:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.jet:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.exorcist:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.patreon_emote.zombie:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.change_hotbar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.autorun:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.immersiveengineering.magnetEquip:key.keyboard.s |
key_key.immersiveengineering.railgunZoom:key.mouse.middle |
key_key.immersiveengineering.chemthrowerSwitch:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.lock_rotation:key.keyboard.k |
key_quark.keybind.back:key.mouse.4 |
key_quark.keybind.transfer_insert:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.transfer_extract:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.shift_lock:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.sort_player:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.sort_container:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_quark.keybind.camera_mode:key.keyboard.f12 |
key_create.keyinfo.toolmenu:key.keyboard.left.alt |
key_create.keyinfo.toolbelt:key.keyboard.left.alt |
key_gui.xaero_switch_waypoint_set:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_instant_waypoint:key.keyboard.insert:CONTROL |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_slime:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_grid:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_waypoints:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_map_waypoints:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_map:key.keyboard.unknown |
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key_gui.xaero_reverse_entity_radar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_toggle_manual_cave_mode:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_minimap_settings:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_open_map:key.keyboard.m |
key_gui.xaero_open_settings:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_map_zoom_in:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_map_zoom_out:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_gui.xaero_quick_confirm:key.keyboard.right.shift |
key_gui.xaero_wm_toggle_minimap_radar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_tetra.toolbelt.binding.access:key.keyboard.b |
key_tetra.toolbelt.binding.restock:key.keyboard.b:SHIFT |
key_tetra.toolbelt.binding.open:key.keyboard.b:ALT |
key_key.cgm.reload:key.keyboard.r |
key_key.cgm.unload:key.keyboard.u |
key_key.cgm.attachments:key.keyboard.u:SHIFT |
key_key.cofh.mode_change_increment:key.keyboard.r |
key_key.cofh.mode_change_decrement:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_keybind.reliquary.fortune_coin:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.backpack:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.storage_remote:key.keyboard.n |
key_key.occultism.familiar.greedy_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.otherworld_bird:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.bat_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.deer_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.cthulhu_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.devil_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.dragon_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.blacksmith_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.guardian_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.headless_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.chimera_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.goat_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.shub_niggurath_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.beholder_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.fairy_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.mummy_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.occultism.familiar.beaver_familiar:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.core_components:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.hackables:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.inventories:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.fluids:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.end_portal:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.spawner:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.misc:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.block_tracker.module.energy:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.entity_tracker:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.search:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.coordinate_tracker:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.night_vision:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.scuba:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.ender_visor:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.magnet:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.charging:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.air_conditioning:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.reach_distance:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.run_speed:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.jump_boost:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.jet_boots:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.jet_boots.module.builder_mode:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.jet_boots.module.flight_stabilizers:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.jet_boots.module.smart_hover:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.step_assist:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_pneumaticcraft.armor.upgrade.stomp:key.keyboard.unknown |
key_key.configured.open_mod_list:key.keyboard.unknown |
soundCategory_master:0.75 |
soundCategory_music:0.0 |
soundCategory_record:1.0 |
soundCategory_weather:0.25 |
soundCategory_block:0.5 |
soundCategory_hostile:1.0 |
soundCategory_neutral:0.5 |
soundCategory_player:0.5 |
soundCategory_ambient:0.75 |
soundCategory_voice:1.0 |
modelPart_cape:true |
modelPart_jacket:true |
modelPart_left_sleeve:true |
modelPart_right_sleeve:true |
modelPart_left_pants_leg:true |
modelPart_right_pants_leg:true |
modelPart_hat:true |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
{ |
"components": [ |
{ |
"cachedName": "LWJGL 3", |
"cachedVersion": "3.2.2", |
"cachedVolatile": true, |
"dependencyOnly": true, |
"uid": "org.lwjgl3", |
"version": "3.2.2" |
}, |
{ |
"cachedName": "Minecraft", |
"cachedRequires": [ |
{ |
"suggests": "3.2.2", |
"uid": "org.lwjgl3" |
} |
], |
"cachedVersion": "1.18.2", |
"important": true, |
"uid": "net.minecraft", |
"version": "1.18.2" |
}, |
{ |
"cachedName": "Forge", |
"cachedRequires": [ |
{ |
"equals": "1.18.2", |
"uid": "net.minecraft" |
} |
], |
"cachedVersion": "40.1.60", |
"uid": "net.minecraftforge", |
"version": "40.1.60" |
} |
], |
"formatVersion": 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
#General settings |
[general] |
#Dimensions where hostile mobs will not spawn. Ex: ["minecraft:overworld", "undergarden:undergarden"]. . Run /forge dimensions for a list. |
dimensionBlacklist = [] |
#Rate of tree spawn per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
treeWeight = 100 |
#Spawn Mana Berry Bushes in the world |
genBerries = true |
#Spawn a book in the players inventory on login |
spawnBook = false |
#How often Carbuncles spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
carbuncleWeight = 5 |
#How often Sylphs spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
sylphWeight = 5 |
#How often Drygmys spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
drygmyWeight = 3 |
#How much mana sylphs consume per generation |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
sylphManaCost = 250 |
#How often Wilden Guardians spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 200 |
wguardianWeight = 50 |
#How often Wilden Stalkers spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 200 |
wstalkerWeight = 50 |
#How often Wilden Hunter spawn |
#Range: 0 ~ 200 |
whunterWeight = 50 |
#Should the Wilden Hunter attack animals? |
hunterHuntsAnimals = true |
#Should the Wilden Stalker attack animals? |
stalkerHuntsAnimals = false |
#Should the Wilden Defender attack animals? |
defenderHuntsAnimals = false |
[drygmy_production] |
#How much source drygmys consume per generation |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
drygmyManaCost = 1000 |
#How many channels must occur before a drygmy produces loot |
#Range: 0 ~ 300 |
drygmyMaxProgress = 20 |
#Bonus number of items a drygmy produces per unique mob |
#Range: 0 ~ 300 |
drygmyUniqueBonus = 2 |
#Base number of items a drygmy produces per cycle before bonuses. |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
drygmyBaseItems = 1 |
#Max Bonus number of items a drygmy produces from nearby entities. Each entity equals 1 item. |
#Range: 0 ~ 300 |
drygmyQuantityCap = 5 |
#Mana |
[mana] |
#Base mana regen in seconds |
#Range: > 0 |
baseRegen = 5 |
#Base max mana |
#Range: > 0 |
baseMax = 100 |
#How often max and regen will be calculated, in ticks. NOTE: Having the base mana regen AT LEAST this value is recommended. |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
updateInterval = 5 |
#Max mana bonus per glyph |
#Range: > 0 |
glyphmax = 15 |
#Max mana bonus for tier of book |
#Range: > 0 |
tierMax = 50 |
#Mana Boost value per level |
#Range: > 0 |
manaBoost = 25 |
#(enchantment) Mana regen per second per level |
#Range: > 0 |
manaRegenEnchantment = 2 |
#Regen bonus per glyph |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9 |
glyphRegen = 0.33 |
#Regen bonus per potion level |
#Range: > 0 |
potionRegen = 10 |
[Spells] |
#Enforce augment cap on casting? Turn this off if you are a pack maker and want to create more powerful items than players. |
enforceCapOnCast = true |
#Enforce glyph per spell limit on casting? Turn this off if you are a pack maker and want to create more powerful items than players. |
enforceGlyphLimitOnCast = true |
#Items |
[Spells.item] |
#Cost per glyph in a codex |
#Range: > 0 |
codexCost = 10 |
#Spawn Caster Tomes in Dungeon Loot? |
spawnTomes = true |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
#Affects how common artifacts are (does not affect mimics) |
#When this is 1, the default artifact spawn rates will be used |
#Values higher that 1 will decrease spawn rates while values lower than 1 will increase spawn rates |
#Doubling this value will (roughly) halve the chance a container contains an artifact |
#Setting this to 10000 will completely prevent artifacts from spawning |
#When set to 0, every container that can contain artifacts will contain an artifact |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0 |
artifact_rarity = 1.0 |
[campsite] |
#Probability that a campsite has a mimic instead of a chest |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
mimic_chance = 0.25 |
#Whether to use wooden chests from other mods when generating campsites |
#(keeping this enabled may make it easier to distinguish them from mimics) |
use_modded_chests = true |
#Affects the amount of campsites generating in the world |
#This is the amount of times a campsite attempts to generate in each chunk |
#The actual amount of campsites per chunk is lower than this value, since not every attempt at generating a campsite is successful |
#Set this to 0 to prevent campsites from generating entirely |
#Range: > 0 |
count = 6 |
#Rarity of campsites generating in the world |
#You don't need this unless you want to make campsites rarer than 1 attempt per chunk |
#Each attempt to generate a campsite will succeed with a chance of 1/rarity |
#Range: > 1 |
rarity = 1 |
#The minimum y-level campsites can spawn at |
#Range: -2048 ~ 2048 |
min_y = -60 |
#The maximum y-level campsites can spawn at |
#Range: -2048 ~ 2048 |
max_y = 40 |
#After choosing an initial position between min_y and max_y, a downwards scan will be performed to find a suitable non-air block to place the campsite on |
#(This means campsites can spawn slightly below min_y) |
#The scan range is the amount of blocks downwards to search for |
#If no suitable location is found, no campsite will spawn |
#Range: 1 ~ 4096 |
scan_range = 8 |
#The maximum amount of air blocks above a campsite |
#To prevent too many campsites from spawning in large, open caves, campsites will not spawn if the cave ceiling in a candidate location is higher than this value |
#Set this to 0 to allow campsites to be placed regardless of ceiling height |
#Range: 0 ~ 4096 |
max_ceiling_height = 6 |
#List of biome IDs in which campsites are not allowed to generate |
#End and nether biomes are excluded by default and do not have to be in this list |
#To blacklist all biomes from a single mod, use "modid:*" |
biome_blacklist = ["minecraft:void", "undergarden:*", "the_bumblezone:*", "twilightforest:*"] |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
#Common configuration settings |
[common] |
#Determines whether or not the backpack should be dropped on death |
keepBackpackOnDeath = false |
#The amount of slot columns in the backpack inventory. |
#Range: 1 ~ 13 |
backpackInventorySizeColumns = 9 |
#The amount of slot rows in the backpack inventory. |
#Range: 1 ~ 7 |
backpackInventorySize = 6 |
[common.wandering_trader] |
#If enabled, allows wandering traders to have a backpack equipped when they spawn. |
spawnBackpackOnWanderingTraders = true |
#The chance a Wandering Trader will spawn with a backpack. The chance is interpreted as one out of x, with x being the number given from this config option. |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
wanderingTraderBackpackChance = 2 |
#The maximum distance a Wandering Trader can detect a player. The longer the distance, the more difficult the challenge to pickpocket their backpack. |
#Range: 1.0 ~ 32.0 |
wanderingTraderMaxDetectionDistance = 10.0 |
#The time (in ticks) a Wandering Trader will wait before it decides to forget about a detected player. The Wandering Trader will wait indefinitely if the detected player is within the maximum detection distance. |
#Range: 1 ~ 12000 |
wanderingTraderForgetTime = 200 |
#If true, allows players who are disliked by Wandering Traders to continue to trade normally with them. A player is considered disliked if they are caught when trying to pickpocket a Wandering Trader's backpack. |
dislikedPlayersCanTrade = false |
#The amount of time (in ticks) a player has to wait before a Wandering Trader will like them again. If a player gets caught pickpocketing a Wandering Trader, the cooldown will be reset |
#Range: 0 ~ 24000 |
dislikeCooldown = 6000 |
#Instead of generating trades as loot in the Wandering Traders backpacks, only generate emeralds. |
generateEmeraldsOnly = false |
#The maximum multiplier to apply when generating loot in the Wandering Trader backpack |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
maxLootMultiplier = 12 |
#The maximum size of an emerald stack that can generate in the Wandering Trader backpack |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
maxEmeraldStack = 32 |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
#Common configuration settings |
[common] |
#Allow all items to be added |
allitems = false |
#Disable overlay previewing tome conversion |
disable_overlay = false |
#Whitelisted items |
items = [] |
#Whitelisted names |
names = [] |
#Mod aliases |
aliases = [] |
#Blacklisted mods |
exclude = [] |
#Blacklisted items |
exclude_items = [] |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
{ |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.blood_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.blood_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "ff5555" |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.blood_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": true, |
"spawnCategoryMultiplier": { |
"monster": 3.0 |
}, |
"lunarSpawnSettings": { |
"useBiomeSpawnSettings": true, |
"forceSurfaceSpawning": true, |
"spawners": { |
"monster": [], |
"creature": [], |
"ambient": [], |
"axolotls": [], |
"underground_water_creature": [], |
"water_creature": [], |
"water_ambient": [], |
"misc": [] |
}, |
"spawn_costs": {} |
}, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ff0000", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 0.6, |
"moonTextureColor": "ff0000", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 0.6 |
}, |
"moonSize": 20.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:blood_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 4, |
"chance": 0.07, |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0, |
1, |
2, |
3, |
5, |
6, |
7 |
], |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:blood_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
{ |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0, |
1, |
2, |
3, |
5, |
6, |
7 |
], |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.blue_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.blue_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "55ffff" |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.blue_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": false, |
"luckStrength": 1, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ffff", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 0.6, |
"moonTextureColor": "ffff", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 0.6 |
}, |
"moonSize": 20.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:blue_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 4, |
"chance": 0.02, |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:blue_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
{ |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.harvest_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.harvest_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "ffff55" |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.harvest_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": false, |
"enhancedCrops": [ |
"enhancedcelestials:item_tag_harvest_moon_crops" |
], |
"cropDropMultiplier": 2.0, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ffdb63", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 0.6, |
"moonTextureColor": "ffdb63", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 0.6 |
}, |
"moonSize": 20.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:harvest_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 4, |
"chance": 0.035, |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0, |
1, |
2, |
3, |
5, |
6, |
7 |
], |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:harvest_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
{ |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.super_blood_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.super_blood_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "ff5555", |
"bold": true |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.blood_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": true, |
"spawnCategoryMultiplier": { |
"monster": 4.5 |
}, |
"lunarSpawnSettings": { |
"useBiomeSpawnSettings": true, |
"forceSurfaceSpawning": true, |
"spawners": { |
"monster": [], |
"creature": [], |
"ambient": [], |
"axolotls": [], |
"underground_water_creature": [], |
"water_creature": [], |
"water_ambient": [], |
"misc": [] |
}, |
"spawn_costs": {} |
}, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ff0000", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 1.0, |
"moonTextureColor": "ff0000", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 1.0 |
}, |
"moonSize": 40.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:blood_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 20, |
"chance": 0.0175, |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0 |
], |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:blood_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
{ |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0 |
], |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.super_blue_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.super_blue_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "55ffff", |
"bold": true |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.super_blue_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": false, |
"luckStrength": 5, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ffff", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 1.0, |
"moonTextureColor": "ffff", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 1.0 |
}, |
"moonSize": 40.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:blue_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 20, |
"chance": 0.01, |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:blue_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
{ |
"textComponents": { |
"name": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.name.super_harvest_moon" |
}, |
"startNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.super_harvest_moon.rise", |
"style": { |
"color": "ffff55", |
"bold": true |
} |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
}, |
"endNotification": { |
"component": { |
"key": "enhancedcelestials.notification.super_harvest_moon.set" |
}, |
"type": "CHAT" |
} |
}, |
"blockSleeping": false, |
"enhancedCrops": [ |
"enhancedcelestials:item_tag_harvest_moon_crops" |
], |
"cropDropMultiplier": 4.0, |
"clientSettings": { |
"colorSettings": { |
"skyLightColor": "ffdb63", |
"skyLightBlendStrength": 1.0, |
"moonTextureColor": "ffdb63", |
"moonTextureBlendStrength": 1.0 |
}, |
"moonSize": 40.0, |
"moonTextureLocation": "minecraft:textures/environment/moon_phases.png", |
"soundTrack": "enhancedcelestials:harvest_moon", |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:default" |
}, |
"minNumberOfNightsBetween": 20, |
"chance": 0.0175, |
"validMoonPhases": [ |
0 |
], |
"type": "enhancedcelestials:harvest_moon" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
{ |
"daylength": 24000, |
"yearLengthInDays": 100, |
"minDaysBetweenLunarEvents": 5 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
# Enable forge global version checking |
versionCheck = false |
# does the splashscreen run |
splashscreen = true |
defaultConfigPath = "defaultconfigs" |
# max threads for parallel loading : -1 uses Runtime#availableProcessors |
maxThreads = -1 |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
#THIS IS ONLY THE COMMON CONFIG. It does not contain all the values adjustable for IE. |
#All modifiers for machines, all ore gen, the retrogen features and most other adjustable values have been moved to immersiveengineering-server.toml. |
#That file is PER WORLD, meaning you have to go into 'saves/<world name>/serverconfig' to adjust it. Those changes will then only apply for THAT WORLD. |
#You can then take that config file and put it in the 'defaultconfigs' folder to make it apply automatically to all NEW worlds you generate FROM THERE ON. |
#This may appear confusing to many of you, but it is a new sensible way to handle configuration, because the server configuration is synced when playing multiplayer. |
importantInfo = true |
#A list of preferred Mod IDs that results of IE processes should stem from, aka which mod you want the copper to come from. |
#This affects the ores dug by the excavator, as well as those crushing recipes that don't have associated IE items. This list is in oreder of priority. |
preferredOres = ["create", "thermal", "immersiveengineering", "minecraft"] |
[debug] |
#A config setting to enable debug features. These features may vary between releases, may cause crashes, and are unsupported. Do not enable unless asked to by a developer of IE. |
enableDebug = false |
[debug.wires] |
#Enable detailed logging for the wire network. This can be useful for developers to track down issues related to wires. |
enableWireLogger = false |
#Run sanity checks on the wire network after every interaction. This will cause a decent amount of lag and a lot of log spam if the wire network isn't fully intact. Only enable when asked to by an IE developer. |
validateNets = false |
#A list of all mods that IE has integrated compatability for |
#Setting any of these to false disables the respective compat |
[compat] |
theoneprobe = true |
curios = true |
computercraft = true |
oc2 = true |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
[General] |
#If enabled, prevents the endermen from teleporting. |
preventEndermenFromTeleporting = false |
#If enabled, prevents from picking up and placing blocks. |
preventEndermenFromGriefing = true |
#If enabled, stops the endermen from attacking. |
preventEndermenFromAttacking = true |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
# This is the configuration file for Lithium. |
# This file exists for debugging purposes and should not be configured otherwise. |
# |
# You can find information on editing this file and all the available options here: |
# https://github.com/jellysquid3/lithium-fabric/wiki/Configuration-File |
# |
# By default, this file will be empty except for this notice. |
mixin.gen.cached_generator_settings=false |
mixin.ai.poi=false |
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ |
#Determines whether Reliquary items will be generated in chest loot (mostly mob drops, very rarely some lower level items) |
chestLootEnabled = true |
#Determines wheter Reliquary mob drops have crafting recipes |
dropCraftingRecipesEnabled = false |
#Whether mobs drop the Reliquary mob drops. This won't remove mob drop items from registry and replace them with something else, but allows to turn off the additional drops when mobs are killed by player. If this is turned off the mob drop crafting recipes turned on by the other setting can be used. |
mobDropsEnabled = true |
#Disable sections of the mod |
[disable] |
#Disable Alkahestry tome and its recipes |
alkahestryTome = true |
#Disable the HANDGUN, bullets, magazines, and gun parts |
handgun = false |
#Disable the POTION system including mortar, altar, potions, tipped arrows, and powder |
potion = false |
#Disable all pedestals |
pedestal = false |
#Disable all display-only pedestals |
passivePedestal = false |
#Disable recipes to craft spawn eggs from fragments |
disableSpawnEggRecipes = false |
#Potions related settings |
[potions] |
#Map of POTION ingredients and their effects |
potionMap = ["minecraft:sugar=speed|3|0;haste|3|0", "minecraft:apple=instant_health|0|0;health_boost|3|0;reliquary:cure|1|0", "minecraft:coal=blindness|1|0;absorption|3|0", "minecraft:coal=invisibility|1|0;wither|0|0", "minecraft:feather=jump_boost|3|0;weakness|1|0", "minecraft:wheat_seeds=instant_damage|0|0;health_boost|3|0", "minecraft:wheat=instant_health|0|0;health_boost|3|0", "minecraft:flint=instant_damage|0|0;strength|3|0", "minecraft:porkchop=slowness|1|0;mining_fatigue|1|0", "minecraft:leather=resistance|3|0;absorption|3|0", "minecraft:clay_ball=slowness|1|0;health_boost|3|0", "minecraft:egg=absorption|3|0;regeneration|0|0", "minecraft:red_dye=instant_health|0|0;health_boost|3|0", "minecraft:yellow_dye=jump_boost|3|0;weakness|1|0", "minecraft:green_dye=resistance|3|0;absorption|3|0", "minecraft:bone_meal=weakness|1|0;mining_fatigue|1|0", "minecraft:pumpkin_seeds=invisibility|1|0;fire_resistance|1|0", "minecraft:beef=slowness|1|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:chicken=nausea|1|0;poison|1|0", "minecraft:rotten_flesh=nausea|1|0;hunger|1|0;wither|0|0", "minecraft:gold_nugget=strength|0|0;haste|0|0", "minecraft:carrot=night_vision|3|0;health_boost|3|0", "minecraft:potato=health_boost|3|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:cod=saturation|0|0;water_breathing|1|0", "minecraft:spider_eye=night_vision|4|0;poison|2|0", "minecraft:blaze_powder=strength|4|0;instant_damage|0|0", "minecraft:iron_ingot=resistance|4|0;slowness|2|0", "minecraft:string=slowness|2|0;mining_fatigue|2|0", "minecraft:bread=health_boost|4|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:cooked_porkchop=mining_fatigue|2|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:slime_ball=resistance|4|0;fire_resistance|2|0", "minecraft:cooked_cod=saturation|0|0;water_breathing|2|0", "minecraft:lapis_lazuli=haste|4|0;strength|4|0", "minecraft:ink_sac=blindness|2|0;invisibility|2|0", "minecraft:bone=weakness|2|0;mining_fatigue|2|0", "minecraft:cookie=instant_health|0|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:melon=instant_health|0|0;speed|4|0", "minecraft:cooked_beef=resistance|4|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:cooked_chicken=jump_boost|4|0;saturation|0|0", "minecraft:baked_potato=saturation|0|0;regeneration|1|0", "minecraft:poisonous_potato=poison|2|0;wither|1|0", "minecraft:quartz=instant_damage|0|0;strength|4|0", "reliquary:zombie_heart=nausea|2|0;hunger|2|0;wither|1|0", "reliquary:squid_beak=hunger|2|0;water_breathing|2|0", "minecraft:pumpkin_pie=invisibility|1|0;fire_resistance|1|0;speed|3|0;haste|3|0;absorption|3|0;regeneration|0|0", "minecraft:magma_cream=strength|4|0;instant_damage|0|0;resistance|4|0;fire_resistance|2|0", "minecraft:glistering_melon_slice=strength|3|0;haste|3|0;instant_health|0|0;speed|4|0", "minecraft:ghast_tear=regeneration|3|0;absorption|5|0", "minecraft:fermented_spider_eye=night_vision|4|0;poison|2|0;speed|3|0;haste|3|0", "minecraft:golden_carrot=strength|3|0;haste|3|0;health_boost|3|0;night_vision|3|0", "minecraft:gold_ingot=strength|4|0;haste|4|0;reliquary:cure|1|0", "reliquary:rib_bone=weakness|3|0;mining_fatigue|3|0;reliquary:cure|1|0", "minecraft:ender_pearl=invisibility|5|0;speed|5|0", "minecraft:blaze_rod=strength|8|0;instant_damage|0|0", "minecraft:fire_charge=strength|4|0;instant_damage|0|0;blindness|1|0;absorption|3|0", "reliquary:catalyzing_gland=regeneration|3|0;health_boost|5|0", "reliquary:chelicerae=poison|3|0;weakness|3|0", "reliquary:slime_pearl=resistance|5|0;absorption|5|0", "reliquary:kraken_shell_fragment=absorption|5|0;water_breathing|5|0", "reliquary:bat_wing=jump_boost|5|0;weakness|3|0", "minecraft:golden_apple=reliquary:cure|1|1", "minecraft:golden_apple=reliquary:cure|1|2", "minecraft:diamond=resistance|6|1;absorption|6|1;fire_resistance|6|0;reliquary:cure|1|0", "reliquary:withered_rib=wither|2|1;weakness|3|1;slowness|3|1;mining_fatigue|3|1;reliquary:cure|1|0", "minecraft:ender_eye=strength|6|1;invisibility|6|0;speed|6|1;instant_damage|0|1", "minecraft:emerald=haste|6|1;speed|6|1;health_boost|6|1;reliquary:cure|1|1", "minecraft:nether_star=health_boost|24|1;regeneration|24|1;absorption|24|1;reliquary:cure|1|2", "reliquary:molten_core=strength|6|1;fire_resistance|6|0;instant_damage|0|1", "reliquary:eye_of_the_storm=haste|24|1;speed|24|1;jump_boost|24|1;instant_damage|0|1;reliquary:cure|1|1", "reliquary:fertile_essence=health_boost|8|1;regeneration|3|1;instant_health|0|1;saturation|0|1;weakness|9|1;mining_fatigue|9|1;reliquary:cure|1|0", "reliquary:frozen_core=absorption|6|1;slowness|3|1;mining_fatigue|3|1;instant_damage|0|1;fire_resistance|6|0", "reliquary:nebulous_heart=night_vision|6|0;invisibility|6|0;instant_damage|0|1;health_boost|6|1;strength|6|1;speed|6|1;haste|6|1", "reliquary:infernal_claw=instant_damage|0|1;resistance|6|1;fire_resistance|6|0;strength|6|1;saturation|0|1;instant_health|0|1"] |
#Maximum number of effects a POTION can have to appear in creative tabs / JEI |
#Range: 1 ~ 6 |
maxEffectCount = 1 |
#Whether potions that are made out of three base ingredients appear in creative tabs / JEI |
threeIngredients = false |
#Whether potions with the same effect combination, but different duration appear in creative tabs / JEI |
differentDurations = false |
#Whether potions augmented with Redstone and Glowstone appear in creative tabs / JEI |
redstoneAndGlowstone = false |
[items] |
#Alkahestry Tome settings |
[items.alkahestryTome] |
#Charge limit of the tome |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
chargeLimit = 1000 |
#Angelic Feather settings |
[items.angelicFeather] |
#Percent hunger used to heal player per 1 damage that would be taken otherwise. |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
hungerCostPercent = 50 |
#Potency of the leaping effect |
#Range: 0 ~ 5 |
leapingPotency = 1 |
#Angelheart Vial settings |
[items.angelheartVial] |
#Percent of life that gets healed when the player would die |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
healPercentageOfMaxLife = 25 |
#Whether the player gets negative statuses removed |
removeNegativeStatus = true |
#Destruction Catalyst settings |
[items.destructionCatalyst] |
#List of mundane blocks the catalyst will break |
mundaneBlocks = ["minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:coarse_dirt", "minecraft:podzol", "minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:grass_block", "minecraft:gravel", "minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:granite", "minecraft:diorite", "minecraft:andesite", "minecraft:sand", "minecraft:sandstone", "minecraft:snow", "minecraft:soul_sand", "minecraft:netherrack", "minecraft:end_stone"] |
#Number of gunpowder it costs per catalyst use |
#Range: 0 ~ 10 |
gunpowderCost = 3 |
#Number of gunpowder that gets added to catalyst per one that's consumed from players inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
gunpowderWorth = 1 |
#Number of gunpowder that can be stored in destruction catalyst |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
gunpowderLimit = 250 |
#Radius of the explosion |
#Range: 1 ~ 5 |
explosionRadius = 1 |
#Whether the explosion is centered on the block that gets clicked |
centeredExplosion = false |
#Whether the explosion makes a perfect cube hole |
perfectCube = true |
#Emperor Chalice settings |
[items.emperorChalice] |
#How much saturation is added in addition to filling the hunger |
#Range: 0 ~ 10 |
hungerSatiationMultiplier = 4 |
#Ender Staff settings |
[items.enderStaff] |
#Number of ender pearls per use |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
enderPearlCastCost = 1 |
#Number of ender pearls per teleportation to the wraith node |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
enderPearlNodeWarpCost = 1 |
#Number of ender pearls that get added to the staff per one that's consumed from players inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
enderPearlWorth = 1 |
#Number of ender pearls that the ender staff can store |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
enderPearlLimit = 250 |
#Time it takes to teleport to the wraith node |
#Range: 10 ~ 120 |
nodeWarpCastTime = 60 |
#Fortune Coin settings |
[items.fortuneCoin] |
#The distance that it pulls from when activated |
#Range: 3 ~ 10 |
standardPullDistance = 5 |
#The distance that it pulls from when right click is held |
#Range: 9 ~ 30 |
longRangePullDistance = 15 |
#Glacial Staff settings |
[items.glacialStaff] |
#Number of snowballs the staff can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
snowballLimit = 250 |
#Number of snowballs it costs when the staff is used |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
snowballCost = 1 |
#Number of snowballs that get added to the staff per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
snowballWorth = 1 |
#The damage that snowballs cause |
#Range: 0 ~ 6 |
snowballDamage = 3 |
#The damage bonus against entities that are immune to fire |
#Range: 0 ~ 6 |
snowballDamageBonusFireImmune = 3 |
#The damage bonus against blaze |
#Range: 0 ~ 12 |
snowballDamageBonusBlaze = 6 |
#Handgun settings |
[items.handgun] |
#Experience level at which handgun has the fastest reload time and shortes cooldown between shots |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
maxSkillLevel = 20 |
#Harvest Rod settings |
[items.harvestRod] |
#Number of bonemeal the rod can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
boneMealLimit = 250 |
#Number of bonemeal consumed per use |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
boneMealCost = 1 |
#Number of bonemeal that gets added to the rod per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
boneMealWorth = 1 |
#Percent chance that a bonemeal will get applied during a luck roll |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
boneMealLuckPercentChance = 33 |
#Number of times that a rod may apply additional luck based bonemeal |
#Range: 0 ~ 7 |
boneMealLuckRolls = 2 |
#Radius in which harvest rod breaks crops, bonemeals/plants/hoes blocks |
#Range: 0 ~ 5 |
aoeRadius = 2 |
#Ticks in between bonemealing/planting/hoeing blocks when player is using one of these AOE actions |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
aoeCooldown = 3 |
#Maximum number of units harvest rod can hold per plantable item |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
maxCapacityPerPlantable = 250 |
#Range at which harvest rod will automatically hoe/plant/bonemeal/break crops around pedestals |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pedestalRange = 4 |
#Ticks in between harvest rod actions when in pedestals |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pedestalCooldown = 5 |
#Hero Medallion settings |
[items.heroMedallion] |
#Cooldown between hero medallion tries to fix mending items in nearby pedestals |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
pedestalCoolDown = 20 |
#Range in which pedestals are checked for items with mending enchant that need fixing |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pedestalRange = 5 |
#Maximum amount of xp that is used each time medallion repairs items |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pedestalRepairStepXP = 5 |
#Ice Magus Rod settings |
[items.iceMagusRod] |
#Number of snowballs the rod can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
snowballLimit = 250 |
#Number of snowballs it costs when the rod is used |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
snowballCost = 1 |
#Number of snowballs that get added to the rod per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
snowballWorth = 1 |
#The damage that snowballs cause |
#Range: 0 ~ 4 |
snowballDamage = 2 |
#Damage bonus against fire immune mobs |
#Range: 0 ~ 4 |
snowballDamageBonusFireImmune = 2 |
#Damage bonus against blaze |
#Range: 0 ~ 8 |
snowballDamageBonusBlaze = 4 |
#Infernal Chalice settings |
[items.infernalChalice] |
#Percent hunger used to heal player per 1 damage that would be taken otherwise. |
#Range: 0 ~ 10 |
hungerCostPercent = 1 |
#Millibuckets of lava that the chalice can hold |
#Range: > 0 |
fluidLimit = 500000 |
#Infernal Claws settings |
[items.infernalClaws] |
#Percent hunger used to heal player per 1 damage that would be taken otherwise. |
#Range: 0 ~ 30 |
hungerCostPercent = 5 |
#Infernal Tear settings |
[items.infernalTear] |
#Whether the infernal tear starts absorbing immediately after it is set to item type |
absorbWhenCreated = false |
#List of items that can be consumed by infernal tear with their experience point value |
entityLootTableList = ["minecraft:emerald|63", "minecraft:sandstone|1", "minecraft:gravel|1", "minecraft:diamond|125", "minecraft:gunpowder|8", "minecraft:nether_star|500", "minecraft:iron_ingot|63", "minecraft:charcoal|2", "minecraft:soul_sand|2", "minecraft:lapis_lazuli|8", "minecraft:obsidian|4", "minecraft:end_stone|1", "minecraft:gold_ingot|63", "minecraft:netherrack|1", "minecraft:flint|2", "minecraft:clay|4", "minecraft:chorus_fruit|2", "minecraft:quartz|16", "minecraft:honeycomb|4", "minecraft:netherite_scrap|250"] |
#Kraken Shell settings |
[items.krakenShell] |
#Percent hunger used to heal player per 1 damage that would be taken otherwise. |
#Range: 0 ~ 50 |
hungerCostPercent = 25 |
#Lantern of Paranoia settings |
[items.lanternOfParanoia] |
#List of torches that are supported by the lantern |
torches = ["minecraft:torch"] |
#Minimum light level below which the lantern will place torches |
#Range: 0 ~ 15 |
minLightLevel = 1 |
#Radius in which the lantern checks for light levels and places torches |
#Range: 1 ~ 15 |
placementScanRadius = 6 |
#Midas Touchstone settings |
[items.midasTouchstone] |
#Gold items that can be repaired by the touchstone |
goldItems = [] |
#Number of glowstone that the repair costs |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
glowstoneCost = 1 |
#Number of glowstone that gets added to the touchstone per one in player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 12 |
glowstoneWorth = 4 |
#Number of glowstone the touchstone can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
glowstoneLimit = 250 |
#Mob Charm settings |
[items.mobCharm] |
#Total durability of Mob Charm |
#Range: 20 ~ 1000 |
durability = 80 |
#Damage that Mob Charm takes when player kills mob it protects them from |
#Range: 0 ~ 40 |
damagePerKill = 1 |
#Sets how much durability of Mob Charm gets repaired per special drop |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
dropDurabilityRepair = 20 |
#Maximum charms that will get displayed in HUD |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
maxCharmsToDisplay = 6 |
#Range in which mob charm or belt in pedestals will keep monsters from attacking players |
#Range: 10 ~ 100 |
pedestalRange = 21 |
#Determines if almost destroyed charms stay displayed in the hud |
keepAlmostDestroyedDisplayed = true |
#List of hostile entities that are not supposed to have mob charms registered for them |
entityBlockList = ["minecraft:ender_dragon", "minecraft:wither"] |
#Mob Charm Fragment Settings |
[items.mobCharmFragment] |
#Chance of fragment droping from mobs that don't have fragment that can be crafted |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
dropChance = 0 |
#Additional chance per level of looting |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
lootingMultiplier = 0.008333333767950535 |
#Phoenix Down settings |
[items.PhoenixDown] |
#Percent hunger used to heal player per 1 damage that would be taken otherwise |
#Range: 0 ~ 50 |
hungerCostPercent = 25 |
#Potency of the leaping effect |
#Range: 0 ~ 5 |
leapingPotency = 1 |
#Percent of life that gets healed when the player would die |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
healPercentageOfMaxLife = 100 |
#Whether the player gets negative statuses removed when they were saved by Phoenix Down |
removeNegativeStatus = true |
#Whether to give temporary damage resistance when the player would die |
giveTemporaryDamageResistance = true |
#Whether to give temporary regeneration when the player would die |
giveTemporaryRegeneration = true |
#Whether to give temporary fire resistance when the player would die. Applies only when the player is being hurt by fire damage. |
giveTemporaryFireResistanceIfFireDamageKilledYou = true |
#Whether to give temporary damage resistance when the player would die. Applies only when the player is drowning. |
giveTemporaryWaterBreathingIfDrowningKilledYou = true |
#Pyromancer Staff settings |
[items.pyromancerStaff] |
#Number of fire charges the staff can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
fireChargeLimit = 250 |
#Number of fire charges used when the staff is fired |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
fireChargeCost = 1 |
#Number of fire charges that get added to the staff per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
fireChargeWorth = 1 |
#Number of fire charges added to the staff per one that was shot by ghast and gets absorbed by the staff |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
ghastAbsorbWorth = 1 |
#Number of blaze powder the staff can hold |
#Range: 0 ~ 9999 |
blazePowderLimit = 250 |
#Number of blaze powder used when staff is fired |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
blazePowderCost = 1 |
#Number of blaze powder that gets added to the staff per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 3 |
blazePowderWorth = 1 |
#Number of blaze powder added to the staff per one fireball that was shot by blaze and gets absorbed by the staff |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
blazeAbsorbWorth = 1 |
#Rending Gale settings |
[items.rendingGale] |
#Number of feathers the rending gale can hold |
#Range: > 0 |
chargeLimit = 30000 |
#Number of feathers used when the rending gale is cast in flight mode |
#Range: 0 ~ 3 |
castChargeCost = 1 |
#Number of feathers used to cast a lightning bolt |
#Range: 0 ~ 250 |
boltChargeCost = 100 |
#Number of feathers that get added to the rending gale per one that's consumed from player's inventory |
#Range: 1 ~ 250 |
chargeFeatherWorth = 100 |
#How far a lightning block can be cast |
#Range: 5 ~ 15 |
blockTargetRange = 12 |
#Radius in which entities can be pushed/pulled |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pushPullRadius = 10 |
#Whether the rending gale can push projectiles |
canPushProjectiles = true |
#Range from pedestals at which players will get buffed with flight |
#Range: 10 ~ 100 |
pedestalFlightRange = 30 |
#Cost per second of buffing players with flight |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
pedestalCostPerSecond = 5 |
#List of entities that are banned from being pushed by the Rending Gale |
pushableEntitiesBlacklist = [] |
#List of projectiles that are banned from being pushed by the Rending Gale |
pushableProjectilesBlacklist = [] |
#Rod of Lyssa settings |
[items.rodOfLyssa] |
#Whether level influences stealing failure rate of the rod |
useLeveledFailureRate = true |
#The experience level cap after which the failure rate is at a minimum and doesn't get better |
#Range: 1 ~ 900 |
levelCapForLeveledFormula = 100 |
#The flat failure rate in case failure rate isn't influenced by player's level |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
flatStealFailurePercentRate = 10 |
#If set to false it goes through additional 4 accessible slots and looks for items in case the one selected randomly was empty |
stealFromVacantSlots = true |
#Whether stealing from an empty slot triggers failure even if otherwise it would be successful |
failStealFromVacantSlots = false |
#Whether entities get angry at player if stealing fails |
angerOnStealFailure = true |
#Allows switching stealing from player on and off |
stealFromPlayers = true |
#Seeker Shot settings |
[items.seekerShot] |
#Entities that are banned from being tracked by seeker shot |
huntableEntitiesBlacklist = [] |
#Sojourner Staff settings |
[items.sojournerStaff] |
#List of torches that are supported by the staff |
torches = ["minecraft:torch", "minecraft:soul_torch", "minecraft:lantern", "minecraft:jack_o_lantern", "minecraft:sea_lantern", "minecraft:soul_lantern", "minecraft:shroomlight", "minecraft:glowstone", "minecraft:end_rod"] |
#Number of items the staff can store per item type |
#Range: 1 ~ 9999 |
maxCapacityPerItemType = 1500 |
#Maximum range at which torches can be placed |
#Range: 1 ~ 30 |
maxRange = 30 |
#Distance after which there is an additional cost for torch placement. The additional cost is the number of times this distance fits in the distance at which the torch is being placed. |
#Range: 6 ~ 30 |
tilePerCostMultiplier = 6 |
#Twilight Cloak settings |
[items.twilightCloak] |
#Maximum light level at which the player is still invisible to the mobs |
#Range: 0 ~ 15 |
maxLightLevel = 4 |
#Void Tear settings |
[items.voidTear] |
#Number of items the tear can hold of the item type it is set to |
#Range: > 0 |
itemLimit = 2000000000 |
#Whether the void tear starts absorbing immediately after it is set to item type |
absorbWhenCreated = true |
[blocks] |
#Altar of Light settings |
[blocks.altar] |
#Number of redstone it costs to activate altar |
#Range: 0 ~ 10 |
redstoneCost = 3 |
#Time in minutes it takes for the altar to create glowstone block |
#Range: 0 ~ 60 |
timeInMinutes = 20 |
#Maximum time variance in minutes. A random part of it gets added to the Time in minutes. |
#Range: 0 ~ 15 |
maximumTimeVarianceInMinutes = 5 |
#Light level that the altar outputs while active |
#Range: 0 ~ 16 |
outputLightLevelWhileActive = 16 |
#Apothecary Cauldron settings |
[blocks.apothecaryCauldron] |
#Limit of redstone that can be used in cauldron to make POTION last longer |
#Range: 0 ~ 5 |
redstoneLimit = 3 |
#Time it takes to cook POTION |
#Range: 20 ~ 32000 |
cookTime = 160 |
#List of acceptable heat sources |
heatSources = [] |
#Limit of glowstone that can be used in cauldron to make POTION more potent |
#Range: 0 ~ 4 |
glowstoneLimit = 2 |
#Lilypad of Fertility settings |
[blocks.fertileLilypad] |
#Interval in seconds at which the lilypad causes growth tick updates |
#Range: 1 ~ 150 |
secondsBetweenGrowthTicks = 10 |
#Radius in which lilypad causes growh ticks |
#Range: 1 ~ 15 |
tileRange = 4 |
#Radius around lilypad where the growth ticks occur the most often |
#Range: 1 ~ 15 |
fullPotencyRange = 1 |
#Interdiction Torch settings |
[blocks.interdictionTorch] |
#Radius in which the torch can push out mobs |
#Range: 1 ~ 15 |
pushRadius = 5 |
#Whether the torch can push projectiles |
canPushProjectiles = false |
#List of entities that are banned from being pushed by the torch |
pushableEntitiesBlacklist = [] |
#List of projectiles that are banned from being pushed by the torch |
pushableProjectilesBlacklist = [] |
#Pedestal related settings |
[blocks.pedestal] |
#Range of the melee weapons in which these will attack when in pedestals |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
meleeWrapperRange = 5 |
#How long it takes after a melee weapon swing before it can swing again (in ticks) |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
meleeWrapperCooldown = 5 |
#Range at which bucket will pickup liquid blocks or milk cows |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
bucketWrapperRange = 4 |
#How long it takes in between bucket actions (in ticks) |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
bucketWrapperCooldown = 40 |
#How long it takes between shearing actions (in ticks) |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
shearsWrapperRange = 4 |
#Range at which shears will shear sheep or shearable blocks |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
shearsWrapperCooldown = 10 |
#Range at which pedestals will get turned on if either redstone block gets put in or redstone dust and transmitting pedestals is powered |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
redstoneWrapperRange = 10 |
#Success rate of fishing in percent. When unsuccessful it will pull the hook too late to catch a fish. |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
fishingWrapperSuccessRate = 80 |
#Delay in seconds before it would start fishing again after retracting the hook. |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
fishingWrapperRetractDelay = 2 |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
[General] |
#The number of item stacks held in a basic unit of storage. |
#1x1 drawers hold 8 units, 1x2 drawers hold 4 units, 2x2 drawers hold 2 units. |
#Half-depth drawers hold half those amounts. |
baseStackStorage = 4 |
#Controller range defines how far away a drawer can be connected |
#on X, Y, or Z planes. The default value of 50 gives the controller a very |
#large range, but not beyond the chunk load distance. |
#Range: 1 ~ 75 |
controllerRange = 50 |
enableUI = true |
enableSidedInput = true |
enableSidedOutput = true |
enableItemConversion = false |
enableExtraCompactingRules = true |
debugTrace = false |
#List of rules in format "domain:item1, domain:item2, n". |
#Creates a compacting drawer rule to convert 1 of item1 into n of item2. |
compactingRules = ["minecraft:clay, minecraft:clay_ball, 4"] |
[StorageUpgrades] |
#Storage upgrades multiply storage capacity by the given amount. |
#When multiple storage upgrades are used together, their multipliers are added before being applied. |
level1Mult = 2 |
level2Mult = 4 |
level3Mult = 6 |
level4Mult = 8 |
level5Mult = 16 |
[Integration] |
#When true, shows quantity as NxS + R (by stack size) rather than count |
wailaStackRemainder = true |
#When true, does not show current quantities unless quantify key was used |
wailaRespectQuantifyKey = false |
@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ |
#Server side blocks configs |
[blocks] |
[blocks.bamboo_spikes] |
#Alternative mode for bamboo spikes. Allows only harmful effects to be applied on them and they obtain infinite durability |
alternative_mode = true |
[blocks.bubble_block] |
#Max lifetime of bubble blocks. Set to 10000 to have it infinite |
#Range: 1 ~ 10000 |
lifetime = 1200 |
#Can bubble break when stepped on? |
break_when_touched = true |
[blocks.ash] |
#Burnable blocks will have a chance to create ash layers when burned |
ash_from_fire = true |
#Allows rain to wash away ash layers overtime |
rain_wash_ash = true |
[blocks.rope] |
#Allows ropes to be supported & attached to solid block sides |
block_side_attachment = false |
#Makes sliding down ropes as fast as free falling, still negating fall damage |
slide_on_fall = true |
[blocks.pedestal] |
#If enabled end crystals placed on a pedestals will provide an enchantment power bonus equivalent to 3 bookshelves |
crystal_enchanting = true |
[blocks.globe] |
#how many globe trades to give to the wandering trader. This will effectively increase the chance of him having a globe trader. Increase this if you have other mods that add stuff to that trader |
#Range: 0 ~ 50 |
chance = 2 |
[blocks.speaker_block] |
#Enable/disable speaker block narrator mode |
narrator_enabled = true |
#Maximum block range |
#Range: 0 ~ 100000000 |
range = 64 |
[blocks.bellows] |
#bellows pushes air following this equation: |
#air=(sin(2PI*ticks/period)<0), with period = base_period-(redstone_power-1)*power_scaling |
#represents base period at 1 power |
#Range: 1 ~ 512 |
base_period = 78 |
#entities with velocity greater than this won't be pushed |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 |
power_scaling = 2.0 |
#velocity increase uses this equation: |
#vel = base_vel*((range-entity_distance)/range) with base_vel = base_velocity_scaling/period |
#note that the block will push further the faster it's pulsing |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 64.0 |
base_velocity_scaling = 5.0 |
#sets velocity changed flag when pushing entities + |
#causes pushing animation to be smooth client side but also restricts player movement when being pushed |
velocity_changed_flag = true |
#note that it will still only keep alive the two fire blocks closer to it |
#Range: 0 ~ 16 |
range = 5 |
[blocks.spring_launcher] |
#spring launcher launch speed |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 |
velocity = 1.5 |
#fall distance needed to trigger the automatic spring launch |
#Range: 0 ~ 512 |
fall_height_required = 5 |
[blocks.turn_table] |
#can rotate entities standing on it? |
rotate_entities = true |
[blocks.jar] |
#Jar liquid capacity: leave at 12 for pixel accuracy |
#Range: 0 ~ 1024 |
capacity = 12 |
#Allow right click to instantly eat or drink food or potions inside a placed jar. |
#Disable if you think this ability is op (honey for example). Cookies are excluded |
drink_from_jar = false |
#Allows the player to directly drink from jar items |
drink_from_jar_item = false |
#Dynamically allows all small mobs inside jars depending on their hitbox size. Tinted jars can accept hostile mbos too |
jar_auto_detect = false |
#Allow Jars to capture small mobs |
jar_capture = true |
#Allow Jars to hold cookies |
jar_cookies = true |
#Allow Jars to hold liquids from bottles, buckets and bowls |
jar_liquids = true |
[blocks.cage] |
#Allows all entities to be captured by cages and jars. Not meant for survival |
allow_all_mobs = false |
#Allows all baby mobs to be captured by cages |
cage_allow_all_babies = false |
#Dynamically allows all small mobs inside cages depending on their hitbox size |
cage_auto_detect = false |
#Makes it so all (hostile) mobs captured by cages and jars will be set to persistent so they won't despawn when released |
persistent_mobs = false |
#Health percentage under which mobs will be allowed to be captured by cages and jars. Leave at 100 to accept any health level |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
health_threshold = 100 |
[blocks.goblet] |
#Allows drinking from goblets |
allow_drinking = true |
[blocks.notice_board] |
#Allows notice boards to accept and display any item, not just maps and books |
allow_any_item = false |
[blocks.sack] |
#Penalize the player with slowness effect when carrying too many sacks |
sack_penalty = true |
#Maximum number of sacks after which the slowness effect will be applied. each multiple of this number will further slow the player down |
#Range: 0 ~ 50 |
sack_increment = 2 |
#How many slots should a sack have |
#Range: 1 ~ 27 |
slots = 9 |
[blocks.safe] |
#Makes safes only breakable by their owner or by a player in creative |
prevent_breaking = false |
#Make safes simpler so they do not require keys: |
#they will be bound to the first person that opens one and only that person will be able to interact with them |
simple_safes = false |
[blocks.blackboard] |
#Enable to draw directly on a blackboard using any dye. Gui still only works in black and white |
colored_blackboard = false |
[blocks.timber_frame] |
#Replace a timber frame with wattle and daub block when daub is placed in it |
replace_daub = true |
#Allow placing a timber frame directly on a block by holding shift |
swap_on_shift = false |
[blocks.hourglass] |
#Time in ticks for sugar |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
sugar_time = 40 |
#Time in ticks for sand blocks |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
sand_time = 70 |
#Time in ticks for concrete blocks |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
concrete_time = 105 |
#Time in ticks for generic dust |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
dust_time = 150 |
#Time in ticks for glowstone dust |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
glowstone_time = 190 |
#Time in ticks for blaze powder |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
blaze_powder_time = 277 |
#Time in ticks for redstone dust |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
redstone_time = 400 |
#Time in ticks for slime balls |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
slime_time = 1750 |
#Time in ticks for honey |
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 |
honey_time = 2000 |
[blocks.item_shelf] |
#Makes item shelves climbable |
climbable_shelves = false |
[blocks.iron_gate] |
#Allows two iron gates to be opened simultaneously when on top of the other |
double_opening = true |
#Makes iron (ang gold) gates behave like their door counterpart so for example iron gates will only be openeable by redstone |
door-like_gates = false |
[blocks.flag] |
#Allows right/left clicking on a stick to lower/raise a flag attached to it |
stick_pole = true |
#Maximum allowed pole length |
#Range: 0 ~ 256 |
pole_length = 16 |
#Configure spawning conditions |
[spawns] |
[spawns.entities] |
[spawns.entities.firefly] |
#Spawnable biomes |
biomes = ["minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills", "minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:dark_forest_hills", "byg:bayou", "byg:cypress_swamplands", "byg:glowshroom_bayou", "byg:mangrove_marshes", "byg:vibrant_swamplands", "byg:fresh_water_lake", "byg:grassland_plateau", "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau", "byg:flowering_grove", "byg:guiana_shield", "byg:guiana_clearing", "byg:meadow", "byg:orchard", "byg:seasonal_birch_forest", "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest", "byg:seasonal_forest", "biomesoplenty:flower_meadow", "biomesoplenty:fir_clearing", "biomesoplenty:grove_lakes", "biomesoplenty:grove", "biomesoplenty:highland_moor", "biomesoplenty:wetland_marsh", "biomesoplenty:deep_bayou", "biomesoplenty:wetland"] |
#Whitelisted mods. All biomes from said mods will be able to spawn fireflies. Use the one above for more control |
mod_whitelist = [] |
#Spawn weight |
#Set to 0 to disable spawning entirely |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
weight = 3 |
#Minimum group size |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
min = 5 |
#Maximum group size |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
max = 9 |
[spawns.structures] |
[spawns.structures.way_sign] |
#Average distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts |
#Range: 0 ~ 1001 |
average_distance = 19 |
#Minimum distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts. 1001 to disable them entirely |
#Range: 0 ~ 1001 |
minimum_distance = 10 |
#With this option road signs will display the distance to the structure that they are pointing to |
show_distance_text = true |
[spawns.structures.wild_flax] |
enabled = false |
#Spawn wild flax on average every 'x' chunks. Increases spawn frequency |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
rarity = 6 |
#Attempts at every patch to spawn 1 block. Increases average patch size |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
attempts_per_patch = 35 |
[spawns.structures.cave_urns] |
enabled = true |
#Attempts at every patch to spawn 1 block. Increases average patch size |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
attempts_per_patch = 4 |
#Spawn attempts per chunk. Increases spawn frequency |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
spawn_attempts = 7 |
#Biomes in which urns won't spawn |
biome_blacklist = ["minecraft:lush_caves", "minecraft:dripstone_caves"] |
#entities parameters |
[entities] |
[entities.firefly] |
#firefly animation period |
#note that actual period will be this + a random number between 0 and 10 |
#this needs to be here to allow correct despawning of the entity when it's not glowing |
#check client configs come more animation settings |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
period = 65 |
#firefly flying speed |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 |
speed = 0.3 |
#despawn during the day |
despawn = true |
#Vanilla tweaks |
[tweaks] |
[tweaks.axe_dispenser_behaviors] |
#Allows dispensers to use axes on blocks to strip logs and scrape off copper oxidation and wax |
enabled = true |
[tweaks.cake_tweaks] |
#Allows you to place a cake on top of another |
double_cake = true |
#Allows eating a cake from every side |
directional_cake = true |
[tweaks.mob_head_tweaks] |
#Allows you to place two mob heads on top of each other |
skull_piles = true |
#Allows candles to be placed on top of skulls |
skull_candles = true |
#Allows placing more than one candle ontop of each skull |
multiple_candles = true |
[tweaks.hanging_flower_pots] |
#allows you to place hanging flower pots. Works with any modded pot too |
enabled = true |
[tweaks.throwable_bricks] |
#Throw bricks at your foes! Might break glass blocks |
enabled = true |
[tweaks.lantern_tweaks] |
#Allow wall lanterns placement |
enabled = true |
#Gives high priority to wall lantern placement. Enable to override other wall lanterns placements, disable if it causes issues with other mods that use lower priority block click events |
high_priority = true |
#Mod ids of mods that have lantern block that extend the base lantern class but don't look like one |
mod_blacklist = ["extlights", "betterendforge", "tconstruct", "enigmaticlegacy"] |
#Allows ceiling lanterns to fall if their support is broken.Additionally if they fall from high enough they will break creating a fire where they land |
#Allowed Values: ON, OFF, NO_FIRE |
fallin_lanterns = "ON" |
[tweaks.bells_tweaks] |
#Ring a bell by clicking on a chain that's connected to it |
chain_ringing = true |
#Max chain length that allows a bell to ring |
#Range: 0 ~ 256 |
chain_length = 16 |
[tweaks.placeable_sticks] |
#Allow placeable sticks |
sticks = false |
#Allow placeable blaze rods |
blaze_rods = false |
[tweaks.placeable_gunpowder] |
#Allow placeable gunpowder |
enabled = true |
#Number of ticks it takes for gunpowder to burn 1 stage (out of 8). Increase to slow it down |
#Range: 0 ~ 20 |
speed = 2 |
#Age at which it spread to the next gunpowder block. Also affects speed |
#Range: 0 ~ 8 |
spread_age = 2 |
[tweaks.raked_gravel] |
#allow gravel to be raked with a hoe |
enabled = true |
[tweaks.bottle_xp] |
#Allow bottling up xp by using a bottle on an enchanting table |
enabled = false |
#bottling health cost |
#Range: 0 ~ 20 |
cost = 2 |
[tweaks.map_tweaks] |
#In this section you can add custom structure maps to cartographers |
#The format required is as follows: |
#[[<structure>,<level>,<min_price>,<max_price>,<map_name>,<map_color>,<map_marker>],[<structure>,...,<map_marker>],...] |
#With the following parameters: |
# - <structure> structure id to be located (ie: minecraft:igloo) |
# - <level> villager trading level at which the map will be sold. Must be between 1 and 5 |
# - <min_price> minimum emerald price |
# - <max_price> maximum emerald price |
# - <map_name> map item name |
# - <map_color> hex color of the map item overlay texture |
# - <map_marker> id of the map marker to be used (ie: supplementaries:igloo). |
#See texture folder for all the names. Leave empty for default ones. |
#You can also use vanilla map markers by referring to them with their enum name (i.e: minecraft:target_x) |
#Other vanilla valid ones are: player, target, red_marker, target_point, player_off_map, player_off_limits, mansion, monument, red_x, banner_white |
#Note that ony the first parameter is required, each of the others others can me removed and will be defaulted to reasonable values |
#example: ['minecraft:swamp_hut','2','5','7','witch hut map','0x00ff33'] |
custom_adventurer_maps = [[""]] |
#Cartographers will sell 'adventurer maps' that will lead to a random vanilla structure (choosen from a thought out preset list). |
#Best kept disabled if you are adding custom adventurer maps with its config |
random_adventurer_maps = true |
#enables beacons, lodestones, respawn anchors, beds, conduits, portals to be displayed on maps by clicking one of them with a map |
block_map_markers = true |
[tweaks.ceiling_banners] |
#Allow banners to be placed on ceilings |
enabled = true |
[tweaks.placeable_books] |
#Allow books and enchanted books to be placed on the ground |
enabled = true |
#Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 |
book_power = 1.0 |
#Enchantment power bonus given by normal book piles with 4 books. Piles with less books will have their respective fraction of this total. For reference a vanilla bookshelf provides 1 |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 |
enchanted_book_power = 1.334 |
#Allow all books to be placed both vertically and horizontally |
mixed_books = false |
[tweaks.zombie_horse] |
#Feed a stack of rotten flesh to a skeleton horse to buff him up to a zombie horse |
zombie_horse_conversion = true |
#Amount of rotten flesh needed |
#Range: 1 ~ 1000 |
rotten_flesh = 64 |
#Allows zombie horses to be ridden underwater |
rideable_underwater = true |
[items] |
[items.bubble_blower] |
#Amount of soap consumed per bubble block placed |
#Range: 1 ~ 25 |
stasis_cost = 5 |
[items.wrench] |
#Allows wrenches to bypass a block interaction action prioritizing their own when on said hand |
#Allowed Values: MAIN_HAND, OFF_HAND, BOTH, NONE |
bypass_when_on = "MAIN_HAND" |
[items.rope_arrow] |
#If you don't like my ropes you can specify here the block id ofa rope from another mod which will get deployed by rope arrows instead of mine |
rope_arrow_override = "quark:rope" |
#Max number of robe items allowed to be stored inside a rope arrow |
#Range: 1 ~ 256 |
capacity = 32 |
#Makes rope arrows exclusive to crossbows |
exclusive_to_crossbows = false |
[items.flute] |
#Radius in which an unbound flute will search pets |
#Range: 0 ~ 500 |
unbound_radius = 64 |
#Max distance at which a bound flute will allow a pet to teleport |
#Range: 0 ~ 500 |
bound_distance = 64 |
[items.bomb] |
#Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) |
#Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 |
explosion_radius = 2.0 |
#Do bombs break blocks like tnt? |
#Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE |
break_blocks = "WEAK" |
[items.blue_bomb] |
#Bomb explosion radius (damage depends on this) |
#Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0 |
explosion_radius = 5.15 |
#Do bombs break blocks like tnt? |
#Allowed Values: ALL, WEAK, NONE |
break_blocks = "WEAK" |
[items.slingshot] |
#Slingshot range multiplier. Affect the initial projectile speed |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 |
range_multiplier = 1.0 |
#Time in ticks to fully charge a slingshot |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
charge_time = 20 |
#Deceleration for the stasis projectile |
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0 |
stasis_deceleration = 0.9625 |
#Allow enderman to intercept any slingshot projectile |
unrestricted_enderman_intercept = true |
#General settings |
[general] |
#Turn this on to disable any interaction on blocks placed by other players. This affects item shelves, signs, flower pots, and boards. Useful for protected servers. Note that it will affect only blocks placed after this is turned on and such blocks will keep being protected after this option is disabled |
server_protection = false |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
#Here are configs that need reloading to take effect |
[general] |
#Enable Creative Tab |
creative_tab = false |
#Set to false to disable custom dispenser behaviors (i.e: filling jars) if for some reason they are causing trouble |
dispensers = true |
#Creates a creative tab full of filled jars |
jar_tab = false |
#Enables custom Configured config screen |
custom_configured_screen = true |
#Save generated resources to disk in a 'debug' folder in your game directory. Mainly for debug purposes but can be used to generate assets in all wood types for your mods :0 |
debug_save_dynamic_pack = false |
[blocks] |
planter = true |
clock_block = true |
pedestal = true |
wind_vane = true |
redstone_illuminator = true |
notice_board = true |
crank = true |
jar = true |
faucet = true |
turn_table = true |
spring_launcher = true |
speaker_block = true |
sign_post = true |
hanging_sign = true |
bellows = true |
sconce = true |
sconce_green = false |
cage = true |
item_shelf = true |
sconce_lever = true |
cog_block = true |
globe = true |
hourglass = true |
sack = true |
blackboard = true |
safe = true |
copper_lantern = true |
flute = true |
gold_trapdoor = true |
gold_door = true |
bamboo_spikes = true |
bamboo_spikes_tipped = true |
stone_lamp = true |
end_stone_lamp = true |
blackstone_lamp = true |
deepslate_lamp = true |
checker_block = true |
netherite_door = true |
netherite_trapdoor = true |
pancake = true |
lock_block = true |
flax = false |
rope = false |
rope_arrow = true |
pulley_block = true |
fodder = false |
bomb = true |
crimson_lantern = true |
magma_cream_block = true |
daub = true |
wattle_and_daub = true |
timber_frame = true |
flag = true |
stone_tile = true |
goblet = true |
raked_gravel = true |
statue = true |
iron_gate = true |
feather_block = true |
flint_block = true |
slingshot = true |
shulker_shell = true |
candy = true |
wrench = true |
urn = true |
ash = true |
ash_bricks = true |
antique_ink = true |
doormat = true |
flower_box = true |
blackstone_tile = true |
soap = true |
bubble_blower = true |
globe_sepia = true |
present = true |
stasis = true |
dispenser_minecart = true |
silver_trapdoor = true |
silver_door = true |
lead_trapdoor = true |
lead_door = true |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
#Everything to do with gameplay |
[gameplay] |
#Set this to false to disable new players spawning with the Tinkers' Book. |
shouldSpawnWithTinkersBook = false |
#If non-empty, only this material will be shown on tools in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the tool). |
#If empty, all materials will show |
showOnlyToolMaterial = "iron" |
#If non-empty, only material will be shown on parts in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the part). |
#If empty, all materials will show |
showOnlyPartMaterial = "iron" |
#If true, tables such as the part builder and tinker station will show all variants. If false shows only a variant with a default texture. |
showAllTableVariants = false |
#If true, anvils will show all metal variants. If false, shows only a variant with the default texture |
showAllAnvilVariants = false |
#Options related to recipes, limited options as a datapack allows most recipes to be modified |
[recipes] |
#Add a recipe that allows you to craft a piece of flint using 3 gravel |
addGravelToFlintRecipe = true |
#Makes the recipe to alloy netherite in the smeltery only cost 2 gold per netherite ingot. If false uses the vanilla rate of 4 gold per ingot. Disable if there are crafting duplications. |
cheaperNetheriteAlloy = true |
#Makes wither skeletons drop necrotic bones |
witherBoneDrop = true |
#Allows converting wither bones to regular bones |
witherBoneConversion = true |
#Slimealls not being usable in vanilla recipes that require slimeballs. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod |
slimeRecipeFix = true |
#Fixes clear glass not being usable in vanilla recipes that require glass. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod |
glassRecipeFix = true |
[recipes.ore_rates] |
#Ore rates when melting in the melter |
[recipes.ore_rates.melter] |
#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot |
#Range: 1 ~ 45 |
nuggetsPerMetal = 12 |
#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
shardsPerGem = 8 |
#Ore rates when melting in the smeltery |
[recipes.ore_rates.smeltery] |
#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot |
#Range: 1 ~ 45 |
nuggetsPerMetal = 12 |
#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
shardsPerGem = 8 |
#Ore rates when melting in the foundry |
[recipes.ore_rates.foundry] |
#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot |
#Range: 1 ~ 45 |
nuggetsPerMetal = 9 |
#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
shardsPerGem = 4 |
#Byprouct rates when melting in the foundry |
[recipes.ore_rates.foundry_byproduct] |
#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot |
#Range: 1 ~ 45 |
nuggetsPerMetal = 3 |
#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem |
#Range: 1 ~ 20 |
shardsPerGem = 4 |
#Entity head drops when killed by a charged creeper |
[recipes.heads] |
blaze = true |
enderman = true |
stray = true |
husk = true |
drowned = true |
spider = true |
cave_spider = true |
piglin = true |
piglin_brute = true |
zombified_piglin = true |
#Options related to loot table injections. Note some of the changes are done via global loot managers, these only control injecting loot into loot pools |
#If your modpack makes extensive loot table changes, many of these may be automatically disabled. You can also manually set up tables for more control. |
[loot] |
#Adds slimy saplings and seeds into various loot chests. Helps for worlds without slime islands |
slimy_loot = true |
#Weight of blazing blood in the piglin bartering tables. Set to 0 to disable |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
barter_blazing_blood = 20 |
#Weight of tinker tools in the vanilla spawn bonus chest, randomly replacing the vanilla axe or shovel. Tool will have a random tier 1 head and binding, plus a wooden handle. Set to 0 to disable. |
#For comparison, vanilla wooden axes and pickaxes have a weight of 3, and stone axes/pickaxes have a weight of 1 |
#Range: 0 ~ 25 |
tinker_tool_bonus_chest = 2 |
#If true, ender dragons will drop scales when damaged by explosions |
drop_dragon_Scales = true |
#Everything to do with world generation |
[worldgen] |
#Generate Cobalt |
generateCobalt = true |
#Approx Ores per Chunk |
veinCountCobalt = 8 |
#Options related to slime geodes |
[worldgen.geodes] |
#If true, earthslime geodes generate deep in the world as another way to get slime |
earth = true |
#If true, skyslime geodes generate above amethyst as another way to get skyslime |
sky = true |
#If true, ichor geodes generate high in the nether. Strongly encouraged to keep enabled even if you disable the other geodes, as ichor crystals have some unique recipes and the fallbacks kinda suck for gameplay. |
ichor = true |
#If true, enderslime geodes generate as additional islands in the end |
ender = true |
#Features to use in debugging gameplay and mechanics, generally should not be enabled in packs |
[debug] |
#If true, forces integration materials to be enabled, even if the relevant metal is missing. Useful for testing material balance. |
#Does not provide recipes for any of them, they will only be available to cheat in creative. |
forceIntegrationMaterials = false |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
[World] |
[World.Ores] |
[World.Ores."Oil Sand"] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 2 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 24 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = 40 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 80 |
[World.Ores.Apatite] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 4 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 9 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -16 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 96 |
[World.Ores.Silver] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 4 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 8 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -60 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 40 |
[World.Ores.Lead] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 6 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 8 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -60 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 40 |
[World.Ores.Nickel] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 4 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 8 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -40 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 120 |
[World.Ores.Cinnabar] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 1 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 5 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -16 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 48 |
[World.Ores.Sulfur] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 2 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 7 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -16 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 32 |
[World.Ores.Tin] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 6 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 9 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -20 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 60 |
[World.Ores.Niter] |
#Max number of veins per chunk; set to 0 to disable. |
#Range: 0 ~ 64 |
"Vein Count" = 2 |
#Max size of the vein. |
#Range: 1 ~ 64 |
"Vein Size" = 7 |
#Minimum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Min Y" = -16 |
#Maximum Y spawn. |
#Range: -2032 ~ 2031 |
"Max Y" = 64 |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
#Should TF Compatibility load? Turn off if TF's Compatibility is causing crashes or if not desired. |
doCompat = true |
#The dimension you can always travel to the Twilight Forest from, as well as the dimension you will return to. Defaults to the overworld. (domain:regname). |
originDimension = "minecraft:overworld" |
#Allow portals to the Twilight Forest to be made outside of the 'origin' dimension. May be considered an exploit. |
allowPortalsInOtherDimensions = false |
#Allow portals only for admins (Operators). This severely reduces the range in which the mod usually scans for valid portal conditions, and it scans near ops only. |
adminOnlyPortals = false |
#Disable Twilight Forest portal creation entirely. Provided for server operators looking to restrict action to the dimension. |
disablePortalCreation = false |
#Determines if new portals should be pre-checked for safety. If enabled, portals will fail to form rather than redirect to a safe alternate destination. |
#Note that enabling this also reduces the rate at which portal formation checks are performed. |
checkPortalDestination = false |
#Set this true if you want the lightning that zaps the portal to not set things on fire. For those who don't like fun. |
portalLightning = false |
#If false, the return portal will require the activation item. |
shouldReturnPortalBeUsable = true |
#Use a valid advancement resource location as a string. For example, using the string "minecraft:story/mine_diamond" will lock the portal behind the "Diamonds!" advancement. Invalid/Empty Advancement resource IDs will leave the portal entirely unlocked. |
portalUnlockedByAdvancement = "" |
#If true, Keepsake Caskets that are spawned when a player dies will not be accessible by other players. Use this if you dont want people taking from other people's death caskets. NOTE: server operators will still be able to open locked caskets. |
uuid_locking = false |
#If true, disables the ability to make Skull Candles by right clicking a vanilla skull with a candle. Turn this on if you're having mod conflict issues for some reason. |
skull_candles = false |
#Settings that are not reversible without consequences. |
["Dimension Settings"] |
#If true, players spawning for the first time will spawn in the Twilight Forest. |
newPlayersSpawnInTF = false |
#If true, the return portal will spawn for new players that were sent to the TF if `spawn_in_tf` is true. |
portalForNewPlayer = true |
#If true, Twilight Forest will generate as a void except for Major Structures |
skylightForest = false |
#If true, giant Twilight Oaks will also spawn in void worlds |
skylightOaks = true |
#Defines custom stalactites generated in hollow hills. |
#Format is "modid:block size maxLength minHeight weight", where the properties are: |
#Size - the maximum length of the stalactite relative to the space between hill floor and ceiling, |
#Max length - maximum length of a stalactite in blocks, |
#Min height - minimum space between the hill floor and the stalactite to let it generate, |
#Weight - how often it generates. |
# |
#For example: "minecraft:iron_ore 0.7 8 1 24" would add a stalactite equal to the default iron ore stalactite. |
["Custom Hollow Hill Stalactites"] |
#Blocks generating as stalactites in large hills only |
largeHill = [] |
#Blocks generating as stalactites in medium and large hills |
mediumHill = [] |
#Blocks generating as stalactites in all hills |
smallHill = [] |
#If true, default stalactites and stalactites defined by other mods will not be used. |
useConfigOnly = false |
#Settings for all things related to the uncrafting table. |
["Uncrafting Table"] |
#If you don't want to disable uncrafting altogether, and would rather disable certain recipes, this is for you. |
#To add a recipe, add the mod id followed by the name of the recipe. You can check this in things like JEI. |
#Example: "twilightforest:moonworm_queen" will disable uncrafting the moonworm queen into itself and 3 torchberries. |
#If an item has multiple crafting recipes and you wish to disable them all, add the item to the "twilightforest:banned_uncraftables" item tag. |
#If you have a problematic ingredient, like infested towerwood for example, add the item to the "twilightforest:banned_uncrafting_ingredients" item tag. |
disableUncraftingRecipes = [] |
#Here, you can disable all items from certain mods from being uncrafted. |
#Input a valid mod id to disable all uncrafting recipes from that mod. |
#Example: "twilightforest" will disable all uncrafting recipes from this mod. |
blacklistedUncraftingModIds = [ "minecraft", "twilightforest" ] |
#If true, this will invert the above option from a blacklist to a whitelist. |
flipIdList = true |
#Disable the uncrafting function of the uncrafting table. Recommended as a last resort if there's too many things to change about its behavior. |
disableUncrafting = true |
#We recommend downloading the Shield Parry mod for parrying, but these controls remain for without. |
["Shield Parrying"] |
#Set to true to parry non-Twilight projectiles. |
parryNonTwilightAttacks = false |
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry an arrow. |
#Range: > 0 |
shieldParryTicksArrow = 40 |
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry a fireball. |
#Range: > 0 |
shieldParryTicksFireball = 40 |
#The amount of ticks after raising a shield that makes it OK to parry a thrown item. |
#Range: > 0 |
shieldParryTicksThrowable = 40 |
#Range: > 0 |
shieldParryTicksBeam = 10 |
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ |
[items] |
#List of cosmetic-only items. All items in this list will have their effects disabled |
#To blacklist all items, use "artifacts:*" |
#Note: blacklisting an item while it is equipped may have unintended side effects |
cosmetics = [ |
"artifacts:lucky_scarf" |
] |
[items.antidote_vessel] |
#Affects how many times a negative effect can be shortened before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The maximum duration (in ticks) a negative effect can last with the antidote vessel equipped |
#Range: > 0 |
max_effect_duration = 120 |
[items.aqua_dashers] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can run on fluids using the aqua dashers before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.bunny_hoppers] |
#Affects how many times the player can jump with the bunny hoppers before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Whether Bunny Hoppers should cancel fall damage |
#Fall damage will still be reduced by the jump boost effect |
should_cancel_fall_damage = true |
#The level of the jump boost effect applied by the bunny hoppers |
#0 to not apply a jump boost effect |
#Range: 0 ~ 128 |
jump_boost_level = 2 |
[items.charm_of_sinking] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can stay underwater using the charm of sinking before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.cloud_in_a_bottle] |
#Affects how many times the player can double jump before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Affects double jump height while sprinting |
#1 for no height bonus |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
sprint_jump_height_multiplier = 1.5 |
#Affects double jump distance while sprinting |
#0 for no distance bonus |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
sprint_jump_distance_multiplier = 0.5 |
[items.cross_necklace] |
#Affects how many times the player can take damage with the cross necklace before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount of additional ticks the wearer is invincible after being hit |
#Range: > 0 |
invincibility_bonus = 20 |
[items.crystal_heart] |
#Affects how much damage the player can take while wearing the crystal heart before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount additional health applied to the wearer |
#Range: > 0 |
health_bonus = 10 |
[items.digging_claws] |
#Affects how many blocks the player can break using the digging claws before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Mining speed bonus applied by digging claws |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
mining_speed_bonus = 3.2 |
#The tool tier of the digging claws |
#To modify mineable blocks, use the 'artifacts:mineable/digging_claws' block tag |
tool_tier = "minecraft:stone" |
[items.eternal_steak] |
#Affects how many times this item can be eaten before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Cooldown (in ticks) before the item can be eaten again |
#Range: > 0 |
cooldown = 300 |
#Time (in ticks) it takes to eat this item |
#Range: > 0 |
use_duration = 24 |
[items.everlasting_beef] |
#Affects how many times this item can be eaten before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Cooldown (in ticks) before the item can be eaten again |
#Range: > 0 |
cooldown = 300 |
#Time (in ticks) it takes to eat this item |
#Range: > 0 |
use_duration = 24 |
[items.feral_claws] |
#Affects how many enemies can be hit using the feral claws before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Attack speed bonus applied by feral claws |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
attack_speed_bonus = 0.75 |
[items.fire_gauntlet] |
#Affects how many enemies can be hit using the fire gauntlet before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Duration (equal to total fire damage) for which entities are set on fire |
#Range: > 0 |
fire_duration = 8 |
[items.flame_pendant] |
#Affects how many times the pendant's effect can be applied before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Chance for the pendant to strike an attacker when the wearer is attacked |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
strike_chance = 0.4 |
#Duration (equal to total fire damage) for which entities are set on fire |
#Range: > 0 |
fire_duration = 10 |
[items.flippers] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can swim using the flippers |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Swim speed bonus applied by flippers |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
swim_speed_bonus = 1.0 |
[items.golden_hook] |
#Affects how many enemies can be killed using the golden hook before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount of extra experience (multiplied with total xp) entities should drop when killed by a player wearing the golden hook |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
experience_bonus = 0.75 |
[items.helium_flamingo] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can fly using the helium flamingo before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The maximum amount of time (in ticks) a player can fly using the helium flamingo |
#Set to 0 to allow swimming indefinitely |
#Range: > 0 |
max_flight_time = 150 |
#The amount of time (in ticks) it takes for the helium flamingo to recharge |
#Range: > 0 |
recharge_time = 300 |
[items.kitty_slippers] |
#Affects how many creepers the player can attack using the kitty slippers before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.lucky_scarf] |
#Affects how many blocks can be broken using the lucky scarf |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Fortune bonus applied by the lucky scarf |
#Range: > 0 |
fortune_bonus = 1 |
[items.night_vision_goggles] |
#Affects how many seconds the night vision effect should apply before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.novelty_drinking_hat] |
#Affects how many items the player can drink or eat using the drinking hat before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Drinking duration multiplier applied by the drinking hat |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
drinking_duration_multiplier = 0.3 |
#Eating duration multiplier applied by the drinking hat |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
eating_duration_multiplier = 0.6 |
[items.obsidian_skull] |
#Affects how many times the fire resistance effect can be applied before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The cooldown (in ticks) on the obsidian skull after applying fire resistance |
#Range: > 0 |
cooldown = 1200 |
#The duration (in ticks) of the fire resistance effect applied by the obsidian skull after taking fire damage |
#Range: > 0 |
fire_resistance_duration = 600 |
[items.panic_necklace] |
#Affects how many times the necklace's effect can be applied |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The level of the speed effect applied by the panic necklace |
#Range: 0 ~ 128 |
speed_level = 1 |
#The duration (in ticks) of the speed effect applied by the panic necklace |
#Range: > 0 |
speed_duration = 160 |
[items.plastic_drinking_hat] |
#Affects how many items the player can drink or eat using the drinking hat before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Drinking duration multiplier applied by the drinking hat |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
drinking_duration_multiplier = 0.3 |
#Eating duration multiplier applied by the drinking hat |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
eating_duration_multiplier = 0.6 |
[items.pocket_piston] |
#Affects how many enemies can be hit using the pocket piston |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount of extra knockback applied by the pocket piston |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
knockback_bonus = 1.5 |
[items.power_glove] |
#Affects how many enemies can be hit using the power glove |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount of extra attack damage applied by the power glove |
#Range: > 0 |
attack_damage_bonus = 4 |
[items.running_shoes] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can sprint using the running shoes |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The amount of extra speed applied by the running shoes |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
speed_multiplier = 0.4 |
[items.scarf_of_invisibility] |
#Affects how many seconds the invisibility effect should apply before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.shock_pendant] |
#Affects how many times the pendant's effect can be applied before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Chance for the pendant to strike an attacker when the wearer is attacked |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
strike_chance = 0.25 |
[items.snorkel] |
#Affects how many seconds the player can stay underwater using the snorkel before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.steadfast_spikes] |
#Affects how many times the player can be hit while wearing steadfast spikes before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
[items.superstitious_hat] |
#Affects how many enemies can be killed using the superstitious hat |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Looting bonus applied by the superstitious hat |
#Range: > 0 |
looting_bonus = 1 |
[items.thorn_pendant] |
#Affects how many times the pendant's effect can be applied before breaking |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Chance for the pendant to strike an attacker when the wearer is attacked |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
strike_chance = 0.5 |
#Minimum damage dealt by thorn pendant |
#Damage dealt is a random number between min_damage and max_damage |
#Range: > 0 |
min_damage = 2 |
#Maximum damage dealt by thorn pendant |
#Range: > 0 |
max_damage = 6 |
[items.umbrella] |
#Affects how many attacks can be blocked using the umbrella |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Whether umbrellas can be used as a shield |
is_shield = true |
[items.universal_attractor] |
#Affects how many items can be picked up using the universal attractor |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The range (in blocks) of the universal attractor |
#Range: > 0 |
range = 5 |
#Affects how fast items are moved towards the player |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
motionMultiplier = 0.6 |
#The cooldown (in ticks) after throwing an item |
#Range: > 0 |
cooldown = 200 |
[items.vampiric_glove] |
#Affects how many enemies can be hit using the vampiric glove |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#The ratio of dealt damage absorbed by the wearer |
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity |
absorption_ratio = 0.2 |
#The maximum amount of health that can be healed in a single hit |
#Range: > 0 |
max_health_absorbed = 6 |
[items.villager_hat] |
#Affects how many trades can be completed using the villager hat |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Affects how much prices are reduced by the villager hat |
#Range: > 0 |
reputation_bonus = 100 |
[items.whoopee_cushion] |
#Affects how many farts can be farted using the whoopee cushion |
#Setting this to 0 will make this item unbreakable |
#Range: 0 ~ 32767 |
durability = 0 |
#Affects the amount of farts farted by players wearing the whoopee cushion |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
flatulence = 0.125 |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
#Settings |
[settings] |
#Maximum distance from where Blocks and Entities can be picked up |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
maxDistance = 2.5 |
#Max width of entities that can be picked up in survival mode |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 |
maxEntityWidth = 1.5 |
#Max height of entities that can be picked up in survival mode |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 |
maxEntityHeight = 2.0 |
#Slowness multiplier for blocks |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
blockSlownessMultiplier = 1.0 |
#Slowness multiplier for entities |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
entitySlownessMultiplier = 1.0 |
#Maximum stack limit for entities |
#Range: > 1 |
maxEntityStackLimit = 10 |
#More complex Tile Entities slow down the player more |
heavyTiles = true |
#Allow all blocks to be picked up, not just Tile Entites |
pickupAllBlocks = false |
#Whether Blocks and Entities slow the creative player down when carried |
slownessInCreative = true |
#Whether hostile mobs should be able to picked up in survival mode |
pickupHostileMobs = false |
#Larger Entities slow down the player more |
heavyEntities = true |
#Allow babies to be carried even when adult mob is blacklisted (or not whitelisted) |
allowBabies = false |
#Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Blocks |
useWhitelistBlocks = false |
#Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Entities |
useWhitelistEntities = false |
#Use Whitelist instead of Blacklist for Stacking |
useWhitelistStacking = false |
#Whether the player can hit blocks and entities while carrying or not |
hitWhileCarrying = false |
#Whether the player drops the carried object when hit or not |
dropCarriedWhenHit = false |
#Use custom Pickup Scripts. Having this set to false, will not allow you to run scripts, but will increase your performance |
useScripts = false |
#Whether entities' size matters when stacking or not |
stackableEntities = true |
[blacklist] |
#Blocks that cannot be picked up |
forbiddenTiles = [ |
"#forge:immovable", |
"#forge:relocation_not_supported", |
"minecraft:spawner", |
"minecraft:end_portal", |
"minecraft:end_gateway", |
"minecraft:nether_portal", |
"minecraft:*_bed", |
"minecraft:cake", |
"tconstruct:*", |
"botania:*", |
"quark:colored_bed_*", |
"immersiveengineering:*", |
"create:*" |
] |
#Entities that cannot be picked up |
forbiddenEntities = [ |
"minecraft:end_crystal", |
"minecraft:ender_dragon", |
"minecraft:ghast", |
"minecraft:shulker", |
"minecraft:leash_knot", |
"minecraft:armor_stand", |
"minecraft:item_frame", |
"minecraft:painting", |
"minecraft:shulker_bullet", |
"quark:totem" |
] |
#Entities that cannot have other entities stacked on top of them |
forbiddenStacking = ["minecraft:horse"] |
[whitelist] |
#Entities that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistEntities must be true) |
allowedEntities = [] |
#Blocks that CAN be picked up (useWhitelistBlocks must be true) |
allowedBlocks = [] |
#Entities that CAN have other entities stacked on top of them (useWhitelistStacking must be true) |
allowedStacking = [] |
[custom_pickup_conditions] |
#Custom Pickup Conditions for Blocks |
customPickupConditionsBlocks = [] |
#Custom Pickup Conditions for Entities |
customPickupConditionsEntities = [] |
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ |
[Enchantments] |
[Enchantments."Magic Protection"] |
#If TRUE, the Magic Protection Enchantment is available for Armor and Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Enchantments.Displacement] |
#If TRUE, the Displacement Enchantment is available for Armor, Shields, and Horse Armor. |
Enable = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance per level of the Enchantment firing (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 20 |
#If TRUE, mobs wearing armor with this Enchantment can teleport players. |
"Mobs Teleport Players" = false |
[Enchantments."Flaming Rebuke"] |
#If TRUE, the Flaming Rebuke Enchantment is available for Armor, Shields, and Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance per level of the Enchantment firing (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 20 |
#If TRUE, mobs wearing armor with this Enchantment can knockback players. |
"Mobs Knockback Players" = false |
[Enchantments."Chilling Rebuke"] |
#If TRUE, the Chilling Rebuke Enchantment is available for Armor, Shields, and Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance per level of the Enchantment firing (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 20 |
#If TRUE, mobs wearing armor with this Enchantment can knockback players. |
"Mobs Knockback Players" = false |
[Enchantments."Air Affinity"] |
#If TRUE, the Air Affinity Enchantment is available for Helmets. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
[Enchantments.Insight] |
#If TRUE, the Insight Enchantment is available for Helmets. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this to change the max experience awarded per level of the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 1000 |
"Experience Amount" = 4 |
[Enchantments.Gourmand] |
#If TRUE, the Gourmand Enchantment is available for Helmets. |
Enable = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Enchantments.Reach] |
#If TRUE, the Reach Enchantment is available for Chestplates. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
[Enchantments.Vitality] |
#If TRUE, the Vitality Enchantment is available for Chestplates. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this value to set the health granted per level of the Enchantment. (There are 2 health per heart icon.) |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Health / Level" = 4 |
[Enchantments."Ender Disruption"] |
#If TRUE, the Ender Disruption Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 5 |
[Enchantments.Vigilante] |
#If TRUE, the Vigilante Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 5 |
[Enchantments.Outlaw] |
#If TRUE, the Outlaw Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 5 |
#If TRUE, the Outlaw Enchantment causes Villagers (and Iron Golems) to drop Emeralds when killed. |
"Emerald Drops" = true |
[Enchantments.Cavalier] |
#If TRUE, the Cavalier Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
[Enchantments."Frost Aspect"] |
#If TRUE, the Frost Aspect Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Enchantments.Instigating] |
#If TRUE, the Instigating Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
[Enchantments.Leech] |
#If TRUE, the Leech Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Enchantments."Magic Edge"] |
#If TRUE, the Magic Edge Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
[Enchantments.Vorpal] |
#If TRUE, the Vorpal Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#Adjust this value to set the base critical hit chance of the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
"Base Critical Chance" = 5 |
#Adjust this value to set the additional critical hit chance per level of the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
"Critical Chance / Level" = 5 |
#Adjust this value to set the critical hit damage multiplier. |
#Range: 0 ~ 1000 |
"Critical Damage Multiplier" = 5 |
#Adjust this value to set the base head drop chance for the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
"Base Head Drop Chance" = 10 |
#Adjust this value to set the head drop chance per level of the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 0 ~ 100 |
"Head Drop Chance / Level" = 10 |
[Enchantments.Excavating] |
#If TRUE, the Excavating Enchantment is available for various Tools. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
[Enchantments."Hunter's Bounty"] |
#If TRUE, the Hunter's Bounty Enchantment is available for Bows. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance of an additional drop per level of the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 50 |
[Enchantments."Quick Draw"] |
#If TRUE, the Quick Draw Enchantment is available for various Bows. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
[Enchantments.Trueshot] |
#If TRUE, the Trueshot Enchantment is available for various Bows. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Enchantments.Volley] |
#If TRUE, the Volley Enchantment is available for various Bows. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
[Enchantments."Angler's Bounty"] |
#If TRUE, the Angler's Bounty Enchantment is available for Fishing Rods. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance of an additional drop per level of the Enchantment (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 50 |
[Enchantments.Pilfering] |
#If TRUE, the Pilfering Enchantment is available for Fishing Rods. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment works on Players. |
"Allow Player Stealing" = true |
[Enchantments.Bulwark] |
#If TRUE, the Bulwark Enchantment is available for Shields. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
[Enchantments.Phalanx] |
#If TRUE, the Phalanx Enchantment is available for Shields. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Enchantments.Soulbound] |
#If TRUE, the Soulbound Enchantment is available. |
Enable = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = false |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. If permanent, this setting is ignored. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
#If TRUE, the Soulbound Enchantment is permanent (and will remove excess levels when triggered). |
Permanent = false |
[Enchantments."Curse of Foolishness"] |
#If TRUE, the Curse of Foolishness Enchantment is available for Helmets. |
Enable = true |
[Enchantments."Curse of Mercy"] |
#If TRUE, the Curse of Mercy Enchantment is available for various Weapons. |
Enable = true |
[Overrides] |
[Overrides.Protection] |
#If TRUE, the Protection Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Overrides."Blast Protection"] |
#If TRUE, the Blast Protection Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Overrides."Feather Falling"] |
#If TRUE, the Feather Falling Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Overrides."Fire Protection"] |
#If TRUE, the Fire Protection Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Overrides."Projectile Protection"] |
#If TRUE, the Projectile Protection Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
[Overrides."Fire Aspect"] |
#If TRUE, the Fire Aspect Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Axes. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Overrides."Frost Walker"] |
#If TRUE, the Frost Walker Enchantment is replaced with an improved and more configurable version which works on more items, such as Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
#If TRUE, the Frost Walker Enchantment will also chill Lava into Glossed Magma. |
"Freeze Lava" = true |
[Overrides.Knockback] |
#If TRUE, the Knockback Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Axes. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 2 |
[Overrides.Looting] |
#If TRUE, the Looting Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Axes. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 3 |
[Overrides.Thorns] |
#If TRUE, the Thorns Enchantment is replaced with a more configurable version which works on more items, such as Shields and Horse Armor. |
Enable = true |
#This option adjusts the maximum allowable level for the Enchantment. |
#Range: 1 ~ 10 |
"Max Level" = 4 |
#Adjust this value to set the chance per level of the Enchantment firing (in percentage). |
#Range: 1 ~ 100 |
"Effect Chance" = 15 |
[Overrides.Mending] |
#If TRUE, the Mending Enchantment is replaced with a new Enchantment - Preservation. This enchantment allows you to repair items at an Anvil without paying an increasing XP cost for every time you repair it. Additionally, these repairs have a much lower chance of damaging the anvil. |
"Alternate Mending" = false |
#This sets whether or not the Enchantment is considered a 'treasure' enchantment. |
Treasure = true |
#Adjust this value to set the chance of an Anvil being damaged when used to repair an item with Preservation (in percentage). Only used if Alternate Mending (Preservation) is enabled. |
#Range: 0 ~ 12 |
"Anvil Damage Chance" = 3 |
@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ |
#Configuration related to Immersive Engineering wires |
[wires] |
#Attempts to make the internal data structures used for wires consistent with the connectors in the world.Use with care and backups and only when suspecting corrupted data. |
#This option will check and load all connection endpoints and may slow down the world loading process. |
sanitizeConnections = false |
#If this is enabled, wires connected to power sources will cause damage to entities touching them |
#This shouldn't cause significant lag but possibly will. If it does, please report it at https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/issues unless there is a report of it already. |
enableWireDamage = true |
#If this is enabled, placing a block in a wire will break it (drop the wire coil) |
blocksBreakWires = true |
[wires.copper] |
#The maximum length of copper wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 16 |
#The transfer rate of copper wire in IF/t |
#Range: > 0 |
transferRate = 2048 |
#The percentage of power lost every 16 blocks of distance in copper wire |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
loss = 0.05 |
#In- and output rates of copper wire connectors. This is independant of the transferrate of the wires. |
#Range: > 0 |
wireConnectorInput = 256 |
[wires.electrum] |
#The maximum length of electrum wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 16 |
#The transfer rate of electrum wire in IF/t |
#Range: > 0 |
transferRate = 8192 |
#The percentage of power lost every 16 blocks of distance in electrum wire |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
loss = 0.025 |
#In- and output rates of electrum wire connectors. This is independant of the transferrate of the wires. |
#Range: > 0 |
wireConnectorInput = 1024 |
[wires.hv] |
#The maximum length of hv wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 32 |
#The transfer rate of hv wire in IF/t |
#Range: > 0 |
transferRate = 32768 |
#The percentage of power lost every 16 blocks of distance in hv wire |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
loss = 0.025 |
#In- and output rates of hv wire connectors. This is independant of the transferrate of the wires. |
#Range: > 0 |
wireConnectorInput = 4096 |
[wires.rope] |
#The maximum length of rope wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 32 |
[wires.cable] |
#The maximum length of cable wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 32 |
[wires.redstone] |
#The maximum length of redstone wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 32 |
[wires.insulated_copper] |
#The maximum length of insulated_copper wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 16 |
[wires.insulated_electrum] |
#The maximum length of insulated_electrum wires |
#Range: > 0 |
maxLength = 16 |
[machines] |
#The base Flux that is output by the dynamo. This will be modified by the rotation modifier of the attached water- or windmill |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9 |
dynamo_output = 3.0 |
#Output modifier for the energy created by the Thermoelectric Generator |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9 |
thermoelectric_output = 1.0 |
#The Flux that will be output by the lightning rod when it is struck |
#Range: > 0 |
lightning_output = 16000000 |
#The Flux per tick that the Diesel Generator will output. The burn time of the fuel determines the total output |
#Range: > 0 |
dieselGen_output = 4096 |
#The Flux per tick the Blast Furnace Preheater will consume to speed up the Blast Furnace |
#Range: > 1 |
preheater_consumption = 32 |
#The Flux per tick the Charging Station can insert into an item |
#Range: > 1 |
charger_consumption = 256 |
#The amount of damage a sawblade in the sawmill takes for a single recipe. |
#Range: > 1 |
sawmill_bladeDamage = 5 |
#The Flux the Assembler will consume to craft an item from a recipe |
#Range: > 1 |
assembler_consumption = 80 |
[machines.capacitors] |
#Configuration for the low voltage capacitor |
[machines.capacitors.lv] |
#Maximum energy stored (Flux) |
#Range: > 1 |
storage = 100000 |
#Maximum energy input (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
input = 256 |
#Maximum energy output (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
output = 256 |
#Configuration for the medium voltage capacitor |
[machines.capacitors.mv] |
#Maximum energy stored (Flux) |
#Range: > 1 |
storage = 1000000 |
#Maximum energy input (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
input = 1024 |
#Maximum energy output (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
output = 1024 |
#Configuration for the high voltage capacitor |
[machines.capacitors.hv] |
#Maximum energy stored (Flux) |
#Range: > 1 |
storage = 4000000 |
#Maximum energy input (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
input = 4096 |
#Maximum energy output (Flux/tick) |
#Range: > 1 |
output = 4096 |
[machines.external_heater] |
#The Flux per tick consumed to add one heat to a furnace. Creates up to 4 heat in the startup time and then 1 heat per tick to keep it running |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 8 |
#The Flux per tick consumed to double the speed of the furnace. Only happens if furnace is at maximum heat. |
#Range: > 1 |
speedupConsumption = 24 |
[machines.coredrill] |
#The length in ticks it takes for the Core Sample Drill to figure out which mineral is found in a chunk |
#Range: > 1 |
time = 200 |
#The Flux per tick consumed by the Core Sample Drill |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 40 |
[machines.pump] |
#The Flux the Fluid Pump will consume to pick up a fluid block in the world |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 250 |
#The Flux the Fluid Pump will consume pressurize and accelerate fluids, increasing the transferrate |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption_accelerate = 5 |
#Set this to false to disable the fluid pump being able to draw infinite water from sources |
infiniteWater = true |
#If this is set to true (default) the pump will replace fluids it picks up with cobblestone in order to reduce lag caused by flowing fluids. |
placeCobble = true |
[machines.teslacoil] |
#The Flux per tick the Tesla Coil will consume, simply by being active |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 256 |
#The amount of Flux the Tesla Coil will consume when shocking an entity |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption_active = 512 |
#The amount of damage the Tesla Coil will do when shocking an entity |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9 |
damage = 6.0 |
[machines.turret] |
#The Flux per tick any turret consumes to monitor the area |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 64 |
#The Flux per tick the chemthrower turret consumes to shoot |
#Range: > 1 |
chem_consumption = 32 |
#The Flux per tick the gun turret consumes to shoot |
#Range: > 1 |
gun_consumption = 32 |
[machines.garden_cloche] |
#The Flux per tick the cloche consumes to grow plants |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 8 |
#The amount of ticks one dose of fertilizer lasts in the cloche |
#Range: > 1 |
fertilizer = 6000 |
#The amount of fluid the cloche uses per dose of fertilizer |
#Range: > 1 |
fluid = 250 |
#A modifier to apply to the cloches total growing speed |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
growth_modifier = 1.0 |
#A base-modifier for all solid fertilizers in the cloche |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
solid_fertilizer_mod = 1.0 |
#A base-modifier for all fluid fertilizers in the cloche |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
fluid_fertilizer_mod = 1.0 |
[machines.lantern] |
#Set this to false to disable the mob-spawn prevention of the Powered Lantern |
spawnPrevent = true |
#How much Flux the powered lantern draws per tick |
#Range: > 1 |
energyDraw = 1 |
#How much Flux the powered lantern can hold (should be greater than the power draw) |
#Range: > 1 |
maxStorage = 10 |
[machines.floodlight] |
#Set this to false to disable the mob-spawn prevention of the Floodlight |
spawnPrevent = true |
#How much Flux the floodlight draws per tick |
#Range: > 1 |
energyDraw = 5 |
#How much Flux the floodlight can hold (must be at least 10x the power draw) |
#Range: > 1 |
max_storage = 80 |
[machines.metal_press] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every metal press recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every metal press recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.crusher] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every crusher recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every crusher recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.squeezer] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every squeezer recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every squeezer recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.fermenter] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every fermenter recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every fermenter recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.refinery] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every refinery recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.auto_workbench] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every auto workbench recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every auto workbench recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.bottling_machine] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every bottling machine recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every bottling machine recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.mixer] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every mixer recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every mixer recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.sawmill] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every sawmill recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every sawmill recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
[machines.arc_furnace] |
#A modifier to apply to the energy costs of every arc furnace recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
energyModifier = 1.0 |
#A modifier to apply to the time of every arc furnace recipe |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
timeModifier = 1.0 |
#The maximum amount of damage Graphite Electrodes can take. While the furnace is working, electrodes sustain 1 damage per tick, so this is effectively the lifetime in ticks. The default value of 96000 makes them last for 8 consecutive ingame days |
#Range: > 1 |
electrodeDamage = 96000 |
#The recycling functionality of the arc furnace is no longer controlled by a config option. |
#Like all IE recipes, this is now controlled via a datapack, using the recipe file: |
#immersiveengineering/recipes/arc_recycling_list.json |
#To disable recycling, add that file to your datapack and fill it with the following content: |
#{ |
# "type": "immersiveengineering:generated_list", |
# "conditions": [ { "type": "forge:false" } ] |
#} |
recycle = "" |
[machines.excavator] |
#The Flux per tick the Excavator will consume to dig |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 4096 |
#The speed of the Excavator. Basically translates to how many degrees per tick it will turn. |
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0 |
speed = 1.0 |
#Set this to false to disable the ridiculous amounts of particles the Excavator spawns |
particles = true |
#The threshold the perlin noise has to cross for a mineral vein to be generated. Higher means less likely. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
chance = 0.9 |
#The maximum amount of yield one can get out of a chunk with the excavator. Set a number smaller than zero to make it infinite |
#Range: > -1 |
yield = 38400 |
#The maximum depletion a vein can start with, as a decimal value. When a vein generates, a random percentage up to this value is depleted from it |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
initial_depletion = 0.2 |
#List of dimensions that can't contain minerals. Default: The End. |
dimBlacklist = ["minecraft:the_end"] |
[ores] |
#The retrogeneration key. Basically IE checks if this key is saved in the chunks data. If it isn't, it will perform retrogen on all ores marked for retrogen. |
#Change this in combination with the retrogen booleans to regen only some of the ores. |
retrogen_key = "DEFAULT" |
#Set this to false to disable the logging of the chunks that were flagged for retrogen. |
retrogen_log_flagChunk = true |
#Set this to false to disable the logging of the chunks that are still left to retrogen. |
retrogen_log_remaining = true |
#Ore generation config - bauxite |
[ores.bauxite] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "TRAPEZOID" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.0 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 6 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = 32 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = 112 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 16 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of bauxite Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
#Ore generation config - lead |
[ores.lead] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "TRAPEZOID" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.0 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 0 # 8 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = -32 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = 80 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 8 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of lead Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
#Ore generation config - silver |
[ores.silver] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "TRAPEZOID" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.25 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 0 # 9 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = -48 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = 32 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 6 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of silver Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
#Ore generation config - nickel |
[ores.nickel] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "UNIFORM" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.0 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 0 # 5 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = -64 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = 24 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 7 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of nickel Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
#Ore generation config - deep_nickel |
[ores.deep_nickel] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "TRAPEZOID" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.0 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 0 # 6 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = -120 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = -8 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 8 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of deep_nickel Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
#Ore generation config - uranium |
[ores.uranium] |
#The distribution shape. UNIFORM is evenly distributed across the height range, TRAPEZOID favors the middle of the range. |
#Allowed Values: UNIFORM, TRAPEZOID |
distribution = "TRAPEZOID" |
#Chance for ores to not generate, if they are exposed to air. 0 means ignoring air exposure, 1 requires being burried. |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 |
air_exposure = 0.5 |
#The maximum size of a vein. Set to 0 to disable generation |
#Range: > 0 |
vein_size = 4 |
#The minimum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
min_y = -64 |
#The maximum Y coordinate this ore can spawn at |
#Range: > -2147483648 |
max_y = -16 |
#The number of veins attempted to be generated per chunk |
#Range: > 0 |
attempts_per_chunk = 9 |
#Set this to true to allow retro-generation of uranium Ore. |
retrogen_enable = false |
[tools] |
#The maximum durability of the Engineer's Hammer. Used up when hammering ingots into plates. |
#Range: > 1 |
hammer_durability = 100 |
#The maximum durability of the Wirecutter. Used up when cutting plates into wire. |
#Range: > 1 |
cutter_durability = 250 |
[tools.bullet_damage] |
#The amount of base damage a Casull Cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
casull = 10.0 |
#The amount of base damage a armor piercing Cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
ap = 10.0 |
#The amount of base damage a single part of buckshot inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
buck = 2.0 |
#The amount of base damage a dragon breath cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
dragon = 3.0 |
#The amount of base damage a homing cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
homing = 10.0 |
#The amount of base damage a wolfpack cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
wolfpack = 4.0 |
#The amount of base damage the sub-projectiles of a wolfpack cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
wolfpack_part = 8.0 |
#The amount of damage a silver bullet inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
silver = 10.0 |
#The amount of base damage a phial cartridge inflicts |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
phial = 1.0 |
[tools.chemthrower] |
#The mb of fluid the Chemical Thrower will consume per tick of usage |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 10 |
#Set this to false to disable the use of Sneak+Scroll to switch Chemthrower tanks. |
scroll = true |
[tools.railgun] |
#The base amount of Flux consumed per shot by the Railgun |
#Range: > 1 |
consumption = 800 |
#A modifier for the damage of all projectiles fired by the Railgun |
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 |
damage_modifier = 1.0 |
[tools.powerpack] |
#A whitelist of armor pieces to allow attaching the capacitor backpack, formatting: [mod id]:[item name] |
whitelist = [] |
#A blacklist of armor pieces to allow attaching the capacitor backpack, formatting: [mod id]:[item name]. Whitelist has priority over this |
blacklist = ["embers:ashen_cloak_chest", "ic2:batpack", "ic2:cf_pack", "ic2:energy_pack", "ic2:jetpack", "ic2:jetpack_electric", "ic2:lappack"] |
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ |
[Dynamos] |
[Dynamos.Stirling] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Stirling Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Compression] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Compression Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Magmatic] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Magmatic Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Numismatic] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Numismatic Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Lapidary] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Lapidary Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Disenchantment] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Disenchantment Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Dynamos.Gourmand] |
#This sets the base power generation (RF/t) for the Gourmand Dynamo. |
#Range: 10 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 40 |
[Machines] |
[Machines.Furnace] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Redstone Furnace. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Sawmill] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Sawmill. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Pulverizer] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Pulverizer. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Smelter] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Induction Smelter. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Insolator] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Phytogenic Insolator. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Centrifuge] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Centrifugal Separator. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Press] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Multiservo Press. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Crucible] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Magma Crucible. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 80 |
[Machines.Chiller] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Blast Chiller. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Refinery] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Fractionating Still. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Pyrolyzer] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Pyrolyzer. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 5 |
[Machines.Bottler] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Fluid Encapsulator. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Brewer] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Alchemical Imbuer. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
[Machines.Crafter] |
#This sets the base power consumption (RF/t) for the Sequential Fabricator. |
#Range: 1 ~ 200 |
"Base Power" = 20 |
["Global Options"] |
#If TRUE, Redstone Flux will act as its own energy system and will NOT be interoperable with 'Forge Energy' - only enable this if you absolutely know what you are doing and want the Thermal Series to use a unique energy system. |
"Standalone Redstone Flux" = false |
#If TRUE, most Thermal Blocks will retain Energy when dropped. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Blocks Retain Energy" = true |
#If TRUE, most Thermal Blocks will retain Inventory Contents when dropped. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Blocks Retain Inventory" = false |
#If TRUE, most Thermal Blocks will retain Tank Contents when dropped. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Blocks Retain Tank Contents" = false |
#If TRUE, Thermal Blocks will retain Augments when dropped. |
"Blocks Retain Augments" = true |
#If TRUE, Thermal Blocks will retain Redstone Control configuration when dropped. |
"Blocks Retain Redstone Control" = true |
#If TRUE, Thermal Blocks will retain Side configuration when dropped. |
"Blocks Retain Side Configuration" = true |
#If TRUE, Thermal Blocks will retain Transfer Control configuration when dropped. |
"Blocks Retain Transfer Control" = true |
[Features] |
#If TRUE, various 'Vanilla+' Blocks and Recipes are enabled. |
"Vanilla+" = true |
#If TRUE, Rockwool Blocks and Recipes are enabled. |
Rockwool = true |
[Features.Tools] |
#If TRUE, the Crescent Hammer is enabled. |
Wrench = true |
#If TRUE, the Redprint is enabled. |
Redprint = true |
#If TRUE, the Capacitato is enabled. |
"RF Potato" = true |
#If TRUE, the Insightful Crystal is enabled. |
"XP Crystal" = true |
#If TRUE, the Signalum Security Lock is enabled. |
Lock = true |
#If TRUE, the Remote Detonator is enabled. |
Detonator = true |
[Features.Tools.Satchel] |
#If TRUE, the Satchel is enabled. |
Satchel = true |
#A list of Items by Resource Location which are NOT allowed in Satchels. |
Denylist = ["thermal:satchel", "minecraft:shulker_box", "minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:black_shulker_box"] |
[Features.Mobs] |
#If TRUE, the Basalz Mob is enabled. |
Basalz = true |
#If TRUE, the Blitz Mob is enabled. |
Blitz = true |
#If TRUE, the Blizz Mob is enabled. |
Blizz = true |
#If TRUE, the Blitz can occasionally call down lightning bolts. |
"Blitz Lightning" = true |
[Augments] |
#If TRUE, Side Reconfiguration is enabled by default on most augmentable blocks which support it. |
#If FALSE, an augment is required. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Default Side Reconfiguration" = true |
#If TRUE, Redstone Control is enabled by default on most augmentable blocks which support it. |
#If FALSE, an augment is required. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Default Redstone Control" = true |
#If TRUE, XP Storage is enabled by default on most augmentable blocks which support it. |
#If FALSE, an augment is required. |
#This setting does not control ALL blocks. |
"Default XP Storage" = false |
[Villagers] |
#If TRUE, trades will be added to various Villagers. |
"Enable Villager Trades" = true |
#If TRUE, trades will be added to the Wandering Trader. |
"Enable Wandering Trader Trades" = true |
[Devices] |
[Devices.TreeExtractor] |
#This sets the base time constant (in ticks) for the Arboreal Extractor. |
#Range: 20 ~ 72000 |
"Time Constant" = 500 |
[Devices.Fisher] |
#This sets the base time constant (in ticks) for the Aquatic Entangler. |
#Range: 400 ~ 72000 |
"Time Constant" = 4800 |
#This sets the time constant reduction (in ticks) per nearby Water source block for the Aquatic Entangler. |
#Range: 1 ~ 1000 |
"Water Source Time Constant Reduction" = 20 |
[Crops] |
#If TRUE, Glimmercap Mushrooms produce light when fully grown. Disabling this may improve performance. |
"Glowstone Mushroom Light" = true |
#If TRUE, Fluxtooth Mushrooms produce light when fully grown. Disabling this may improve performance. |
"Redstone Mushroom Light" = true |
#If TRUE, Fluxtooth Mushrooms emit a redstone signal when fully grown. Disabling this may improve performance. |
"Redstone Mushroom Signal" = true |
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ |
## Common Mods |
### Optimization / Fixes |
-  [AI Improvements](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ai-improvements) - |
Optimizations related to mob AI |
-  [Alternate Current](https://modrinth.com/mod/alternate-current) - |
Redstone re-implementation that improves performance |
-  [Clumps](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/clumps) - |
Experience orbs merge to reduce lag and pickup time |
-  [FastSuite](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fastsuite) - |
Improves recipe performance |
-  [Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone](https://modrinth.com/mod/feature-nbt-deadlock-be-gone) - |
Fixes freeze during worlgen |
-  [FerriteCore](https://modrinth.com/mod/ferrite-core) - |
Reduces memory usage |
-  [LazyDFU](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lazy-dfu-forge) - |
Delays initialization of DataFixerUpper until needed |
-  [Radium Reforged](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/radium-reforged) - |
Various optimizations |
### Utility / Tweaks |
-  [Carry On](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on) - |
Allows picking up blocks (like chests) and entities to relocate them |
-  [GoProne](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/goprone) - |
Allows going prone / crawling using a keybind (default: `C`) |
-  [KubeJS](https://modrinth.com/mod/kubejs) - |
Programmatically adjust things (such as recipes) using JavaScript |
-  [KubeJS Botania](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kubejs-botania) |
-  [KubeJS Create](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kubejs-create) |
-  [KubeJS Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kubejs-immersive-engineering) |
-  [KubeJS Thermal](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kubejs-thermal) |
-  [LootJS](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lootjs-forge) |
-  [Multi Mine](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/multi-mine) - |
Block mining progress persists and can be shared between players |
-  [Universal Bone Meal](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/universal-bone-meal-forge) - |
Bonemeal works on additional blocks |
### Balance / Combat |
-  [OverpoweredMending](https://modrinth.com/mod/overpoweredmending) - |
Mending is applied to most damaged tool in inventory first |
-  [Tax Free Levels](https://modrinth.com/mod/tax-free-levels) - |
Fixes experience costs to not punish you when having more levels |
### Various Content |
-  [Bedspreads](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bedspreads) - |
Apply banners to beds |
-  [Comforts](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/comforts) - |
Sleeping bags that don't set your spawn and hammocks that skip day |
-  [Corail Woodcutter](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/corail-woodcutter) - |
Sawmill, a stonecutter equivalent, but for wood |
-  [Eccentric Tome](https://modrinth.com/mod/eccentric-tome) - |
Book for storing other guide books |
-  [Enhanced Celestials](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enhanced-celestials) - |
Nightly events such as blood moons |
-  [Farmer's Delight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farmers-delight) - |
More crops, cooking utensils, food and meals with effects |
-  [Copper's Delight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/coppers-delight) - |
Adds a copper knife |
-  [Steel's Delight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/steels-delight) - |
Adds a steel knife |
-  [Twilight Delight](https://modrinth.com/mod/twilightdelight) - |
Knives from Twilight Forest's materials and more meals |
-  [Quark](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark) - |
Various content and gameplay improvements |
-  [Quark Oddities](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark-oddities) |
Item pipes and totem of holding (captures items on death) |
-  [Supplementaries](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries) - |
Various content and decoration |
-  [Time in a bottle standalone](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/time-in-a-bottle-standalone) - |
Accumulate time, then use it to speed up blocks |
### Decoration |
-  [Adorn](https://modrinth.com/mod/adorn) - |
Decorative furniture blocks |
-  [Cooking for Blockheads](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cooking-for-blockheads) - |
Kitchen related storage blocks and quick food crafting |
-  [Decorative Blocks](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/decorative-blocks) - |
Various different decorative building blocks |
### Equipment |
-  [Air Hop](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/air-hop) - |
Boots enchantment for additional mid-air jumps |
-  [Archer's Paradox](https://modrinth.com/mod/archers-paradox) - |
Various new arrows with different effects |
-  [Artifacts](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts) - |
Rare equippable items with unique effects |
-  [Backpacked](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/backpacked) - |
Customizable, enchantable backpacks for carrying more items |
-  [Cosmetic Armor Reworked](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cosmetic-armor-reworked) - |
Wear a different set of armor that's purely cosmetic |
-  [Curio of Undying](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curio-of-undying) - |
Equip totem of undying in your charm slot |
-  [Curious Elytra](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curious-elytra) - |
Equip elytra in your back slot |
-  [Ensorcellation](https://modrinth.com/mod/ensorcellation) - |
Various additional enchantments |
-  [MrCrayfish's Gun Mod](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfishs-gun-mod) - |
Unique, customizable and enchantable weapons |
-  [Slimy Stuff](https://modrinth.com/mod/slimy-stuff) - |
More uses for slime such as tools and armor |
-  [Tetra](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tetra) - |
Craft modular weapons and tools, then improve them with use |
-  [Tetra Pak](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tetra-pak) - |
Makes more materials compatible with Tetra |
-  [Tinkers' Construct](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct) - |
Customizable tools, smeltery and unique items |
-  [Tool's Complement](https://modrinth.com/mod/tools-complement) - |
More tool types and tools made from more materials |
### Mobs |
-  [Creeper Overhaul](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creeper-overhaul) - |
Unique creepers for different biomes |
-  [Domestication Innovation](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/domestication-innovation) - |
Pet related items and enchantments |
-  [More Axolotl Variants Mod](https://modrinth.com/mod/mavm) - |
More flavors of axolotls, some gotten through breeding |
-  [Passive Endermen](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/passive-endermen) - |
Endermen don't grief nor attack when looked at |
-  [Villager Names](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villager-names) - |
Gives villagers random names |
### Technology |
-  [Applied Energistics 2](https://modrinth.com/mod/ae2) - |
Digital item / fluid storage and autocrafting |
-  [Applied Botanics](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/applied-botanics-addon) - |
Allows storing and supplying Botania's mana through AE2 |
-  [Create](https://modrinth.com/mod/create) - |
Tools and blocks for building, decoration and aesthetic automation |
-  [Create Chunkloading](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create-chunkloading) - |
Chunkloader that works on moving Create contraptions |
-  [Create Confectionery](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create-confectionery) - |
More Create style food items |
-  [Create Stuff Additions](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create-stuff-additions) |
Tools, armor and utility items from Create materials |
-  [Immersive Engineering](https://modrinth.com/mod/immersiveengineering) - |
Electricity based technology mod with nice aesthetics |
-  [Little Logistics](https://modrinth.com/mod/little-logistics) - |
Boats and locomotives that follow specific paths |
-  [Little Contraptions](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/little-contraptions) - |
Create contraption support for Little Logistics |
-  [More Minecarts and Rails](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-minecarts) - |
Adds additional rails (and Minecarts) |
-  [Thermal Expansion](https://modrinth.com/mod/thermal-expansion) - |
Dynamos and machines to process materials |
-  [Thermal Foundation](https://modrinth.com/mod/thermal-foundation) - |
Adds base materials and various items for the Thermal Series mods |
-  [Thermal Innovation](https://modrinth.com/mod/thermal-innovation) - |
Adds upgradable, powered tools |
-  [Thermal Integration](https://modrinth.com/mod/thermal-integration) - |
Integration with other mods |
-  [Thermal Locomotion](https://modrinth.com/mod/thermal-locomotion) - |
Additional types of rails and minecarts |
-  [TIS-3D](https://modrinth.com/mod/tis3d) - |
Program computer modules in ASM |
### Magic |
-  [Ars Nouveau](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ars-nouveau) - |
Craft custom spells and create magical artifacs |
-  [Ars Arsenal](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ars-arsenal) - |
Elemental robes and source steel armor |
-  [Ars Creo](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ars-creo) - |
Allows casting spells from Create contraptions |
-  [Ars Elemental](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ars-elemental-elemental-spell-foci) - |
Additions glyphs, tweaks, equipment and mobs |
-  [Ars Instrumentum](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ars-instrumentum) - |
More items and other utility functions |
-  [Too Many Glyphs](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/too-many-glyphs) - |
Adds additional spell glyphs |
-  [Botania](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/botania) - |
Tech and automation disguised as flowery magic mod, with lots of toys |
-  [Malum](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malum) - |
Dark magic mod centered around spirit magics |
-  [Reliquary Reincarnations](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/reliquary-v1.3) - |
Magical relics crafted from rare mob drops |
### World Generation |
-  [Awesome Dungeon](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/awesome-dungeon-forge) - |
Unique dungeons to explore, conquer and loot |
-  [Awesome Dungeon - Ocean Edition](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/awesome-dungeon-edition-ocean-forge) |
-  [Awesome Dungeon - Nether Edition](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/awesome-dungeon-nether-forge) |
-  [Awesome Dungeon - The End Edition](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/awesome-dungeon-the-end-forge) |
-  [Biomes O' Plenty](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty) - |
Expansive biome mod to add variety to the overworld and nether |
-  [Compat O' Plenty](https://modrinth.com/mod/compatoplenty) - |
Adds variants of various modded blocks made from BoP materials |
-  [Chunk-Pregenerator](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chunkpregenerator) - |
Pregenerates the world to avoid worldgen lag |
-  [Dungeon Crawl](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dungeon-crawl) - |
Tiered dungeons with loot that gets more difficult the deeper you go |
-  [Dungeons Enhanced](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dungeonsenhanced) - |
Many new structures and dungeons to explore |
-  [Enlightened End](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enlightened-end) - |
Adds much needed content to the end |
-  [Lootr](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lootr) - |
Per-player loot chests |
-  [Repurposed Structures](https://modrinth.com/mod/repurposed-structures-forge) - |
Vanilla structures, repurposed for other biomes |
-  [Stalwart Dungeons](https://modrinth.com/mod/stalwart-dungeons) - |
Special nether and end dungeons with unique loot |
-  [Terralith](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/terralith) - |
Overhauls world generation, new and improved Vanilla biomes |
-  [The Twilight Forest](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest) - |
A whole magical dimension to explore and progress within |
-  [When Dungeons Arise](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/when-dungeons-arise) - |
Massive, unique and potentially dangerous dungeons |
- YUNG's Mods - Improved and additional structures |
-  [YUNG's Better Desert Temples](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-desert-temples) |
-  [YUNG's Better Dungeons](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-dungeons) |
-  [YUNG's Better Mineshafts](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-mineshafts) |
-  [YUNG's Better Strongholds](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-strongholds) |
-  [YUNG's Better Witch Huts](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-witch-huts) |
-  [YUNG's Extras](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-extras) |
## Client-side Mods |
### Essential |
-  [Configured](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/configured) - |
Improved configuration menu |
-  [Controlling](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/controlling) - |
Improved controls menu |
-  [Just Enough Items](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei) - |
Look up recipes and uses for items |
### Optimization / Fixes |
-  [Rubidium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium) - |
Graphical performance improvements |
-  [Starlight](https://modrinth.com/mod/starlight-forge) - |
Rewritten lighting engine for improved performance |
### Utility |
-  [Better Mods Button](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-mods-button) - |
Better location for the "mods" button |
-  [Inventory Essentials](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-essentials) - |
Simple ways to move single / all items around |
-  [Inventory Hotswap](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-hotswap) - |
Switch out hotbar items for another from your inventory quickly |
### Information |
-  [AppleSkin](https://modrinth.com/mod/appleskin) - |
Display nutrition information of foods and player's hunger |
-  [Better Recipe Book](https://modrinth.com/mod/brb) - |
Usability improvements to the Vanilla recipe book |
-  [Chat Heads](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chat-heads) - |
Display player heads next to players' chat messages |
-  [Detail Armor Bar](https://modrinth.com/mod/detail-armor-bar) - |
Display more information about equipped armor in armor bar |
-  [Jade](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade) - |
Display information about blocks / entities looked add |
-  [Jade Addons](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade-addons) - |
More mod support for Jade |
-  [Light Overlay](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/light-overlay) - |
Toggle display for hostile mob spawns (default: `F7`) |
-  [Toast Control](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/toast-control) - |
Disables all tutorial and advancement toasts |
-  [Xaero's Minimap](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap) - |
Display minimap and supports creating waypoints |
-  [Xaero's World Map](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-world-map) - |
Stores and display a map of the whole world |
### Visual |
-  [Loot Beams](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/loot-beams) - |
Shows loot beams on dropped items |
-  [Neko's Enchanted Books](https://modrinth.com/mod/nekos-enchanted-books) - |
Unique textures for enchanted books |
-  [No More Night Vision Flashing!](https://modrinth.com/mod/no-nv-flash) - |
Removes flashing effect when night vision is running out |
-  [Pick Up Notifier](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pick-up-notifier) - |
Shows a log of items and experience picked up by the player |
### Sound |
-  [Presence Footsteps](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/presence-footsteps-forge) - |
Adds more immersive footstep sounds |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 285 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 552 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
{ |
"item.create.brass_sheet": "Brass Plate", |
"item.create.copper_sheet": "Copper Plate", |
"item.create.golden_sheet": "Golden Plate", |
"item.create.iron_sheet": "Iron Plate", |
"advancement.create.press.desc": "Power a Mechanical Press and use it to create some Plates.", |
"advancement.create.copper_casing.desc": "Use some Copper Plates and Wood to create some Copper Casings." |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
{ |
"biome.terralith.alpha_islands": "Alpha Islands", |
"biome.terralith.alpha_islands_winter": "Alpha Islands Winter", |
"biome.terralith.alpine_grove": "Alpine Grove", |
"biome.terralith.alpine_highlands": "Alpine Highlands", |
"biome.terralith.amethyst_canyon": "Amethyst Canyon", |
"biome.terralith.amethyst_rainforest": "Amethyst Rainforest", |
"biome.terralith.ancient_sands": "Ancient Sands", |
"biome.terralith.arid_highlands": "Arid Highlands", |
"biome.terralith.ashen_savanna": "Ashen Savanna", |
"biome.terralith.basalt_cliffs": "Basalt Cliffs", |
"biome.terralith.birch_taiga": "Birch Taiga", |
"biome.terralith.blooming_plateau": "Blooming Plateau", |
"biome.terralith.blooming_valley": "Blooming Valley", |
"biome.terralith.brushland": "Brushland", |
"biome.terralith.bryce_canyon": "Bryce Canyon", |
"biome.terralith.caldera": "Caldera", |
"biome.terralith.cloud_forest": "Cloud Forest", |
"biome.terralith.cold_shrubland": "Cold Shrubland", |
"biome.terralith.desert_canyon": "Desert Canyon", |
"biome.terralith.desert_oasis": "Desert Oasis", |
"biome.terralith.desert_spires": "Desert Spires", |
"biome.terralith.emerald_peaks": "Emerald Peaks", |
"biome.terralith.forested_highlands": "Forested Highlands", |
"biome.terralith.fractured_savanna": "Fractured Savanna", |
"biome.terralith.frozen_cliffs": "Frozen Cliffs", |
"biome.terralith.glacial_chasm": "Glacial Chasm", |
"biome.terralith.granite_cliffs": "Granite Cliffs", |
"biome.terralith.gravel_beach": "Gravel Beach", |
"biome.terralith.gravel_desert": "Gravel Desert", |
"biome.terralith.haze_mountain": "Haze Mountain", |
"biome.terralith.highlands": "Highlands", |
"biome.terralith.hot_shrubland": "Hot Shrubland", |
"biome.terralith.ice_marsh": "Ice Marsh", |
"biome.terralith.jungle_mountains": "Jungle Mountains", |
"biome.terralith.lavender_forest": "Lavender Forest", |
"biome.terralith.lavender_valley": "Lavender Valley", |
"biome.terralith.lush_valley": "Lush Valley", |
"biome.terralith.mirage_isles": "Mirage Isles", |
"biome.terralith.moonlight_grove": "Moonlight Grove", |
"biome.terralith.moonlight_valley": "Moonlight Valley", |
"biome.terralith.mountain_steppe": "Mountain Steppe", |
"biome.terralith.orchid_swamp": "Orchid Swamp", |
"biome.terralith.painted_mountains": "Painted Mountains", |
"biome.terralith.red_oasis": "Red Oasis", |
"biome.terralith.rocky_jungle": "Rocky Jungle", |
"biome.terralith.rocky_mountains": "Rocky Mountains", |
"biome.terralith.rocky_shrubland": "Rocky Shrubland", |
"biome.terralith.sakura_grove": "Sakura Grove", |
"biome.terralith.sakura_valley": "Sakura Valley", |
"biome.terralith.sandstone_valley": "Sandstone Valley", |
"biome.terralith.savanna_badlands": "Savanna Badlands", |
"biome.terralith.savanna_slopes": "Savanna Slopes", |
"biome.terralith.scarlet_mountains": "Scarlet Mountains", |
"biome.terralith.shield": "Shield", |
"biome.terralith.shield_clearing": "Shield Clearing", |
"biome.terralith.shrubland": "Shrubland", |
"biome.terralith.siberian_grove": "Siberian Grove", |
"biome.terralith.siberian_taiga": "Siberian Taiga", |
"biome.terralith.skylands": "Skylands", |
"biome.terralith.skylands_autumn": "Skylands Autumn", |
"biome.terralith.skylands_spring": "Skylands Spring", |
"biome.terralith.skylands_summer": "Skylands Summer", |
"biome.terralith.skylands_winter": "Skylands Winter", |
"biome.terralith.snowy_badlands": "Snowy Badlands", |
"biome.terralith.snowy_maple_forest": "Snowy Maple Forest", |
"biome.terralith.snowy_shield": "Snowy Shield", |
"biome.terralith.steppe": "Steppe", |
"biome.terralith.stony_spires": "Stony Spires", |
"biome.terralith.temperate_highlands": "Temperate Highlands", |
"biome.terralith.tropical_jungle": "Tropical Jungle", |
"biome.terralith.valley_clearing": "Valley Clearing", |
"biome.terralith.volcanic_crater": "Volcanic Crater", |
"biome.terralith.volcanic_peaks": "Volcanic Peaks", |
"biome.terralith.warm_river": "Warm River", |
"biome.terralith.warped_mesa": "Warped Mesa", |
"biome.terralith.white_cliffs": "White Cliffs", |
"biome.terralith.white_mesa": "White Mesa", |
"biome.terralith.windswept_spires": "Windswept Spires", |
"biome.terralith.wintry_forest": "Wintry Forest", |
"biome.terralith.wintry_lowlands": "Wintry Lowlands", |
"biome.terralith.yellowstone": "Yellowstone", |
"biome.terralith.yosemite_cliffs": "Yosemite Cliffs", |
"biome.terralith.yosemite_lowlands": "Yosemite Lowlands", |
"biome.terralith.cave/andesite_caves": "Andesite Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/crystal_caves": "Crystal Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/deep_caves": "Deep Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/desert_caves": "Desert Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/diorite_caves": "Diorite Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/frostfire_caves": "Frostfire Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/fungal_caves": "Fungal Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/granite_caves": "Granite Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/ice_caves": "Ice Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/infested_caves": "Infested Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/mantle_caves": "Mantle Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/thermal_caves": "Thermal Caves", |
"biome.terralith.cave/tuff_caves": "Tuff Caves" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/bronze_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/constantan_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/electrum_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/enderium_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/invar_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/lead_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/lumium_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/netherite_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/nickel_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/rose_gold_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/signalum_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/silver_plate_0" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"parent": "item/generated", |
"textures": { |
"layer0": "thermal:item/tin_plate_0" |
} |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.8 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_pickaxe"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_axe"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_sword"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_shovel"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_hoe"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_armor_helmet"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_armor_chestplate"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_armor_leggings"); |
event.hide("create_stuff_additions:copper_armor_boots"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide(/^immersiveengineering:slab_storage_/); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("farmersdelight:rope"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("immersiveengineering:dust_wood"); |
event.hide("immersiveengineering:sawdust"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
for (let material of Object.values(global.unification)) |
for (let items of Object.values(material)) |
for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i++) |
event.hide(items[i]); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("immersiveengineering:slag"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("thermal:apple_block"); |
event.hide("thermal:carrot_block"); |
event.hide("thermal:potato_block"); |
event.hide("thermal:beetroot_block"); |
event.hide("thermal:gunpowder_block"); |
event.hide("quark:carrot_crate"); |
event.hide("quark:potato_crate"); |
event.hide("quark:beetroot_crate"); |
event.hide("quark:sugar_cane_block"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
// priority: 0
onEvent("jei.hide.items", event => { |
event.hide("immersiveengineering:dust_sulfur"); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
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showTagNames=true |
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menuBackgroundScale=32.0 |
menuInnerBackgroundBrightness=32 |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
#KubeJS Common Properties |
#Sat May 14 13:33:43 CEST 2022 |
announceReload=true |
disableClassFilter=false |
serverOnly=false |
hideServerScriptErrors=false |
packmode=default |
printRemappedClasses=false |
debugInfo=false |